Tuesday, September 11, 2007

September 11


"The difference between us and you - O cowards - is that you fear death and are frightened by it, whereas we hope for it and seek it in God's path."

Osama bin Laden

When I was aboard Star Cruise Virgo, I ran into my aunt's room and I heard a news, that America was being attack, a building was in flames and one collapse due to two aeroplanes flying through it. I didn't understand how sad this incident is till I grew older. Thinking back on all the deaths and people suffering, I finally understood why people are so affected by this incident.

I went to Ground Zero last year in my visit and US. When I was there, all my emotions, all excitement and happiness was just drained out, all because of this incident. I almost cried.

I read the article (the link above) just now and it made me angry. Islam is a religion and as we all know, Muslims are peace lovers. I have Islam friends and I love hanging out with this particular guy. But, some people just misinterpret the Al-Quran.... Either that, or whatever they say in our History book is fake. One thing I can say, people are not afraid of dying, everybody knows that whether we like it or not, we're gonna die anyway. People are afraid, of people like Osama, going around and KILLING people. KILLING, being KILLED, that's the fear of most of the people. Suicide to kill others is not an honour, it's a crappy thing to show loyalty. Why focus on killing others and not love?

Skipping the September 11 incident, read THIS.

Malaysians, spoilt Malaysians. They are lazy and they do nothing but cause trouble. They had some crap gathering and it turned into a riot. They kill and they disrespected the Jalur Gemilang. I say, kill them rioters. I understand that opposing the government to get votes is very stressful. Having debates and pointing our the government mistakes, now that's a good thing to do to win over people's votes. But rioting and burning our country's flag?! All I can say is that, those people don't deserve to live in Malaysia. They should be punished heavily. You wanna win votes to govern Malaysia, why cause so much trouble? Why disrespect the symbols of Malaysia? Crap people.

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