Thursday, September 6, 2007


I'm not sure what's going on with Astro's services. I get bad reception on both bad weather and good weather. It's alright if the reception is bad during cloudy weathers but on a clear day/night? Arrr. It's just so annoying. Astro should go cable like the in the US. They have cable TV which is more reliable and have good reception every time, unless someone cuts the cable then different story. Wait, I think that's why Malaysia is not using cable TV. I think the authority is afraid that some morons will go and cut it for fun. If it's so, I agree with the authorities =P. Haha!

Anyways, I was watching the TV series, Shield on AXN just now. Tonight's (I mean last night's) episode was about a racial war between the African Americans and the Latinos in that particular area. It's really sad seeing them fighting and killing each other. This episode really made me realise how blessed I am to live in a peaceful multiracial country. Though sometimes we (different races) do not agree with each other but my multiracial friends really change my perspective about all these misunderstandings. I love my friends. Thank God for them.

Studying Add Maths now. I hope I can finish revising Add Maths form 4 Chapter 7 before I sleep. Can't wait to study Biology tomorrow - the REAL Biology, not porno...

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