Advertised in Malaysia Today newspaper issue 17th-23rd of July 2008.
I know, that newspaper isn't one of the most read newspapers in Malaysia. But still, wow, awesome, Glory to God. Designed that for Siyan =P.
Original design:

=). Not nice? I think it is *sticks out tongue*
Went to visit Q-Dees yesterday morning. Woke up at 8:30AM, read the Bible, prayed then left my house around 9:15AM. Half way through the journey, I made a U-Turn (I walked) back to my house. Why? Stomach ache. Grrr. Then I defaecate for like 30 minutes (dam you diarrhea!). Decided to borrow my neighbour's bicycle in the end since it was already like 10AM (school finishes at 11:30AM). So I sped with a BMX bike all the way to Q-Dees kindergarten. Took me only like 2 minutes. Shit! Why the heck did I sell off my bike in the first place?! Grr! Haha =P
I think most of them kiddies forgot me already. Maybe they need more time to remember who is this fat kid pinching their cheeks. Made a 5-year old girl cried some more. I used to call this girl teddy bear. Haha! I was like, "TEDDY BEAR!" Then she went like, "YERRR, I'm not TEDDY BEAR!!!" *tears* HAHAHAHAHAHAHHA!!! My bad =P. Feel so nice seeing them small people again. Muaks them! God bless them, always and forever!
Almost done with packing. Just few more pieces of clothing to enter the luggages, then I'm done! VOILA!
Went to visit my eldest uncle on my father's side just now. Dam, he's like OLD and he plays badminton. Never knew. Zlwin called me when I was in my uncle's house. He asked me whether I can play drums for this Sunday's Youth Service or not. xD.
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