Saturday, August 9, 2008

Family Party

Played drums yesterday for the Youth slot in the 08/08/08 24 hours prayer meeting in church. Wasn't very happy with the playlist/choices of songs. Why? Come on, it's the Youth slot, we want more youthful music. I know I know, worship is beyond the music and song. BUT! COME ON!!! Why are we still so afraid of playing "louder" songs? Sigh. And sadly, we'll be recycling the songs we played yesterday for Youth service later today. Gone case lerr! Grr!

After the prayer meeting, rushed home to pick my mum. Then went to PJ to give a farewell dinner to my relatives on my mum's side. They're very much closer to me than my dad's side. Why? His family is frigging big! And, I don't feel comfortable with them... Some of them... Okay okay, MOST of them, happy? xD.

The food was awesome. Thank you mummy for preparing/buying/planning the menu for last night :P. Thanks to papa also for the cash *ka-ching* XD HAHAH!

Not all of my cousins came. Well, hope we meet again, somehow, somewhere ;). God bless. Gonna miss you people.

Joslyn's my teddy bear. Gonna miss you, chubby girl! She's the one in the centre. She's tall, big and dam flexible. A gymnast. Standard 6 only. Crap, you're an inspiration to all the fat people in the world.

PS: Lose them fats, you'll be hawt.. Woot! >.< I'll be pinching you when I come back. Woot!

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