Wow! Yesterday was a very blessed but tiring day. Thank God for that! I kinda like missed a very important session of the orientation program. That is the STEM thing. I think it's Science something something. Forgot the full name but yeah, it's specially for the science students where we can meet with all the science teachers and stuff. Sigh. Missed the whole thing because the International Student Affairs (ISA xD) had a gathering for all the international students for some special orientation for us. We had like talks about our visa and such. Very informative but at the same time, boring >.< On the other hand, I met loads of new friends though. Haha! It's fun =) to meet like new people. So yeah, that was like the highlight of the day that lead to an awesome evening with my new friends. Not all of them though. Met a Brazilian dude, people from canada, loads of japanese and more. Haha! I finally got out from my campus over to my friend's apartment. It's near the campus. Very nice walk. Cooling too. haha! Thank God! Love them.
Will take pictures with them, soon xD. Hung out with Amanda and Katelyn from Canada, Jacob from Vermont, I think... Ummm, Stephan from Brazil and Rob from Boston I think. Met Nigen (Katelyn's brother) and Kimiko and Grace from the International Student Affairs thing. Thank God. I did make friends with some Japanese people too. Ummm, Yoshi was sitting with me. And there's like this other Japanese dude, forgot his name. Will ask him again xD. haha!

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