After "dismantling" my drum set, I went jogging with my mum. Muahaha! I can jog and run okay! Just need more warming up and more exercise before I can actually go ten rounds straight. My minds says I can, my heart and lungs say I can, but my back muscles say I can't. Naughty tissues!
After jogging, went for prayer meeting with my parents. My mum has been asking me to go for prayer meeting since the time I came back from NS but didn't go. Lazy xD Today the prophet from Nigeria who preached in the 08/08/08 prayer meeting last Friday night lead the congregation to prayer. Loads of miracles happened and visions came to past. Ps. Henry prayed for me as I'm leaving for Hawaii. He prayed that I will come back to Malaysia xD. Haha! Don't worry sir, confirm come back :P. Then towards the end of the service, the prophet (don't know his name, my mum told me just now but it wasn't clear) called everyone who is facing trouble in praying to come forward. I think all of us (the whole congregation) went forward. Then he laid hands on everyone and started praying, stopping at a few people to pray for them specifically. Then when it came to my turn, he told me that I won't disappoint my family, I'll make my family's name known in this world and that I will not die a premature death. Wow. Thank God for His word. Let His will be done. Really a life changing experience. Gonna spend loads of time praying. You be my witness to what I just posted.
My cymbal set.
16" Zildjian ZBT Crash.
14" Zildjian ZBT Hi-Hats.
20" Zildjian ZBT Ride.
14" Stagg Double Hammered China.
17" Sabian Signature Virgil Donati Saturation Crash.
16" Zildjian A Custom Crash.
18" Stagg Double Hammered Crash (my personal favourite!)
Bye bye cymbals. Daddy will come back and whip yo' booties in 2010...
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