Wednesday, December 31, 2008


You just gotta love Kona! Haha! I went back to Kona yesterday with Nick and #-moto to go pick Tess (#-moto's girlfriend) up from the airport there. Yes, she's HERE in Hilo! Colourful character.....

Anyways, we (me, Nick and #-moto) left Hilo for Kona around 1PM-ish. It was like a 2 hours drive I think. We went to several places. I finally got to taste Subway's meatball sandwich. Awesome stuff! To kill time, we watched Yes Man! starring Jim Carey in a theater. It's a good movie. A typical Jim Carey movie.

Tess' plane arrived around 9PM-ish... #-moto was super excited when he saw her... They hugged like right beside of the arrival gate with some distance from me and Nick. They Both of them were talking and talking and hugging and more hugging till Nick and I felt left out. Haha! It was an awesome day!

Welcome Tess. Thank God for awesome friends. Glory to Him.

Oh, good news... I got that online webmaster job for the school's newspaper board.... WOOTS! THANK GOD!!! Time to get my geeky game face on 0.0 Woots! Glory to God!

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