Tuesday, December 2, 2008


No, the British isn't the culprit this time... Just a memorandum from my Psychology teacher.

December 2, 2008
Survey of Psychology, Psy 100
Each student who completes all required research participation
and/or study reports for your class will receive
5 additional points added to their final examination score.
Professor Paul W. Dixon

5 points?! Yes, be grateful, I get it. But why only 5 points? =(. Sorry sir, you're a darn good psychologist, but teaching? Maybe you were good but, I don't learn much from you. Please continue being a kickass psychologist and please give retirement a thought, good deep thought.

I'm not emo I'm not emo I'm not emo. pL's emo pL's emo pL's emo.

Okay, I'm glad that the semester is almost done =).

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