Started this year with my first job ever. I worked in a Q-Dees kindergarten (pre-school) from the beginning of January to early March. I've always loved kids but kids don't necessarily love me like how I love them 0.o Kids cried and avoided me most of the time during my first few weeks in work. But thank God they kinda grew comfortable with me. Gosh, the amount of cheeks I had to pinch was so
Shu Pei with that small little kid whose name I can't remember.
I only remember the middle girl's name (Evelyn)... The other two I can't really remember.
Shirlyn in black, Shu Pei in that dark blue Punjabi suit (I think), and me in orange with some cute kiddies.
Sally is the far left girl, I'm hugging Bryan(sp?), Shirlyn is carrying Evelyn's sister whose name I can't remember. Gosh... I'm bad with names...
Me and Shirlyn with that girl again.
Yee Xin!
Shirlyn with Alice and Joey =).
Thilaga(sp?) and the worse cry baby ever 0.0
Shu Pei and Shirlyn.
Me and that girl's name I can't remember... Gosh!! Grrr...
My working period ended a few days before getting my SPM results. I scored 10A1's (A+) and 1A2 (A-). Screw that A2, thank God =). Haha! Then one week after receiving this good news, I left for Kuching, Sarawak for my National Service. Never liked the whole program and the trip at all. Never liked any activities. The only thing I enjoyed was the company God has blessed me with. I made loads of awesome friends there. But there were only a few of them who were really close to me in camp. One of them was Jun, my first NS friend. Then I met Martin Tan, who later became the Senior Guide of the whole camp, made an awesome friendship with Ng Ian Shaun, Jin How kinda blended in with us, then Tat Yang (who was the Bravo Company's Patrol Guide) also kinda blended in with us... Not forgetting some local Sarawakian boys like that soccer player whose name isn't popping up in my mind right now. I was in the National Service for only 2 months, but that was enough. Couldn't stand it at all.
Me and Bob.
The dorm I stayed in with a bunch of colourful people.
Me and Jun.
Shaun, Me and Jin How.
Martin and I.
One of those slacking moments in National Service.
I attended Form 6 one week after coming back from National Service. I'm considered done and gotten my certificate for National Service already. I attended Form 6 as a backup plan if my application to study in University of Hawaii at Hilo is rejected. I kinda like found out that I already gotten a place in the University like two weeks into Form 6, but I decided to stay since I've nothing better to do at home and just join the orientation program 0.0 Yeap, I'm weird. But I enjoyed it. Mainly because I bonded so much with Reinchez for the first time since knowing him and being in the same class as him since 2003 till 2007 (2008 actually, since we were classmates for a few weeks in Form 6 xD).
I kinda bummed at home and went out with a few people during my free time after getting out of Form 6. I can't really remember much about the outings except going out with Amelia Tee, Fong Hei and of course, with Kaviraj, Guna and Bernie. Good times, good times.
I got to drove on my own as well. See, when the time is right, your parents will surely let you drive alone. And they did let me drive alone. Muahahhaa! Had fun driving alone for at least two months 0.0 Haha! Can't remember much about stuff I did after my short spell of Form 6. I remember attending a Zhi Yuan's farewell/birthday party. It was awesome.
I remember driving one night when I was sending Brendan back home and my eyes started to itch and later tear for no reason. This almost made me clip a motorcyclist. Missed that guy by a few centimetres. Thank God nothing bad happened! Wait, I think it was after that ISCF 2008 rally. Yeaps. Haha! Lay Kuan spent a group of us some awesome mamak food! Woots! The nasi lemak wasn't really tasty though. Grr...
Then the next thing that I would have remembered was the farewell/birthday party my parents threw for me. Thank God for awesome parents. Fat Indian and Short Chinese xD Wooots! FTW! It was a night to remember. Seeing my school friends and church friends come together... Just so awesome. Not sure whether you guys enjoyed it or not, but I enjoyed it. I remember you guys trying to make me cry. That was so awesome. I remember Bernie and the rest of my former classmates singing our secondary school anthem to me. I remember p(imp)L[ank], Samantha Ong, Su Ling, Bawanie, Melody Teo and Jessica Soo plus Joel on the piano serenading me with two very emo songs that would've made me cry. Love all of you! I don't think I have any pictures with me here but I'll import the album from Facebook. Thank God for awesome people He has blessed me with.
Last but not least, coming to Hawaii to study. Woots! Thank God for allowing me to come here to study and to know more about His creations. I turned down a full scholarship offer just to come here to Hilo to get my Degree in Marine Science. Dumb move? I don't think so. I think He had all these planned out from the beginning. Thank GOD! I remember meeting Yu Yok in the airport, I remember moving in to my first room (C108, Hale Kauanoe) and meeting my first ever roommate, Andrew Hardy, who later moved out to Hale Kehau (the resident hall I'm in now) and getting a new and awesome roommate, Mr. Matthew Surerus! Meeting new people like Baby Picon, Jaymen and Jenny Junko Nakano xD! Awesome people! Joined (not officially, YET) Kaumana Drive Baptist church and the Baptist Collegiate Ministry. Grew closer to these people and enjoyed every second with them. Met awesome teachers that taught me well in my first semester (except Psychology 0.0). Got awesome grades and enjoyed my first semester here in UHH! Thank You, GOD! Thank You for everything You've done for me. Since the beginning of the year 2008, till this very time as I'm typing this post.
I would list down the names of my friends here in Hawaii but I'm afraid I might miss someone's name in the process. So it's best that I don't do that. All you need to know is that, I feel very blessed and happy that I got to meet all of you =). All of you have been a blessing to me, I hope I am the same to you. Everybody, whether you're from Malaysia or from Hawaii, a light coloured skin person or a dark coloured skin person, a Christian or a Muslim, a blonde or a brunette (or red haired people), clever or not so bright, short or tall, thin or fat like me, handsome (or pretty) or not so attractive like me, nice to be with or annoying, I thank God for every soul He has blessed me with.
Cheers to all of you as time passes by quickly in the last hours of 2008. Don't worry, 2009 will be awesome for you and me. I know it. I love all of you, and I love YOU, God...
Happy New Year to everyone in the earlier timezones and Happy Early New Year to everyone in the later timezones.
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