Yesterday was absolutely awesome! Ignoring the bad connection though xD. Woke up and went for brunch with Cassie, my guitar partner for last year's rally. There were like a few more people eating with us though. Cassie can eat. He small sister didn't even try the Nasi Goreng Pataya. haha! After that I took Cassie and her sister, Cheryl (or Chero?) to Giant to get prawns (yes, fresh ones) for their mum >.< Haha! Funny looking at them choosing for big and fresh prawns. They even got a malay lady to teach them xD. After that their dad picked them up.
Went for Zhi Yuan's birthday dinner just now. It was awesome. Met up with my old schoolmates (Bernie, Kavi, Visha, Yee Thien, Dhaarshinee, Jacklyn, Jason, KB, Jeffrey, Seng Aun and others). Miss them. Happy 18th birthday to Mr. Bruce Lee Zi Yuan and God bless and all the best in your studies! Gonna meet you in Russia some day!

There were more pictures actually. But all were blur. Dam camera.
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