I set my phone alarm to ring at 8:30AM rang agaiin at 9:30AM but t 9:30AM... Then it rang agaiin at 9:30AM but t 9:30AM... Then it rang again at 9:30am but I woke up and did the same thing, reset it to 10:30AM. Gah! Haha! This monring's weather was nice xD. My dad called me few minutes after I woke up at 8:30AM. He reminded me to give a call to Mrs. Yu Yok, the person who helped my dad in the university applications and stuff. She's like the head of international student affairs I think, in University of Hawaii at Hilo. Just wanted to call and thank her and ask her some other questions. So, got up from bed, feeling very moody and heavy (not my physical weight xD), drank some water, picked up the phone, guess what? No dialing tone. Sheesh. Then I told my dad, the house phone has some problem, can't use it... He said, try another telephone line, so I tried two different telephone line ports, but it wasn't working. So, the dam phone is broken, spoilt, useless (bullshit). Grrr! Get a new one please!!!!!
Couldn't connect to the internet this morning, after doing my chores and stuff. Gah! Watched television, nothing to watch. No more cartoon channels, and the DVD player is dead. Argh!!!!!! Chill Jon, don't fret =).
Smile, cause, TOMORROW I'M MEETING UP WITH KAVI AND ANDREW! Tomorrow's also the first day of the Lower Form 6 orientation. It's a three days thing. So I'll be attending school for the rest of the week. Haha! Hopefully, after orientation, I can stop school xP. Yes, I attend school just for the "fun" part of it >.<
My laptop needs a bigger cooling pad. Curses, 17 inche. Never mind, I still love you, Muaks. Dam Vista though xD.
Got the NS pictures from Tat Yang.

Registration time. AHha! Just few minutes after reaching the camp on the first day. Look at Jun xD.

This was a catastrophe. They asked me to explain the meaning of the design of my company's logo/flag; IN BM! Sheesh!

In line. Forgot for what. haha.
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