Yay yay! Lay Kuan's band got the highest prize (no standings, forgot the prize name) in her category. Kudos Lay Kuan!
Got up very late for the morning practice yesterday. I forgot to remind my mum so I told my dad to remind my mum in the morning since he'll be waking up early in the morning to go to work the night before. But he forgot. The greatest crap that can ever happen is, the alarm set on your phone isn't loud and distracting enough to wake a buffalo like me >.< So I only reached church like, an hour later and just few more minutes before 10AM. Grrr... Sorry guys! Second time this year already Jon.
Right after church, my mum sent me to the Telok Gadong KTM station. I think it's kinda like an omen on me when everytime I reach the station, there's a train waiting already, then when I run across the bridge, reach the platform, the train leaves. Grrr... Waited around 20-30 minutes after that for another train. Only reached KL Central like, 15-20 minutes before Yamaha Electone Festival starts (at 3PM). When I finally reached KLCC with like 5 minutes before the event, I just gotta make the wrong move and enter the shopping mall. Grrr... Always forget the way to the convention centre. xD. After finnding out the way to the convention centre, I ran (yeap, I RAN) to the place and met up with Cherylyn and Chiong Jee who was waiting for me outside thhe hall. Dam sweaty and smelly dei. Sheesh!
Met Brendan, KB and Wing Onn in the hall. The setting of the stage was alright. The lightings kinda suck for these type of performances. haha. Sorry Yamaha xD. I like the theatre. Very cozy, and cold xD. The whole competition was awesome! Left me in awe seeing those youngins playing like a pro. Seriously. 9 year olds are composing their own song!!! And electone is a pretty difficult instrument to master. Trust me. More difficult than the drums. Double bass pedal would be like drinking water if I ask Lay Kuan to try it xD. Haha! Awesome performances. The best was one of Lay Kuan's band member, Lily. She composed her own song, arranged it, and played like a MOFO pro. She was INSANE!!! Her piece is titled Cypher. My kind of music xD. Fusion jazz like. And she won like RM3000+RM200, and she gets to represent Malaysia for the Asia Yamaha Electone Festival. Haha. All the best to her even though both of us don't know each other. Haha! Well, another big Congratulations to Miss Lay Kuan. She can dance xD.
Sunday, June 29, 2008
Saturday, June 28, 2008
Alienware Theme!
Dam... I just love this awesome Alienware skin I'm using now for my laptop. It's just so pretty xD. Can't wait to get the matchning sking for my MSN Messenger... Muahahaha!!!!!! Love it!
I've been watching a few shows starring Owen Wilson (Drilbit Taylor, You, Me and Dupree, Shanghai Knight). Dam, he has the bum character in those movies. haha! He's really a bum...
I've been watching a few shows starring Owen Wilson (Drilbit Taylor, You, Me and Dupree, Shanghai Knight). Dam, he has the bum character in those movies. haha! He's really a bum...
Tiring but Awesome Day =)
Yesterday was absolutely awesome! Ignoring the bad connection though xD. Woke up and went for brunch with Cassie, my guitar partner for last year's rally. There were like a few more people eating with us though. Cassie can eat. He small sister didn't even try the Nasi Goreng Pataya. haha! After that I took Cassie and her sister, Cheryl (or Chero?) to Giant to get prawns (yes, fresh ones) for their mum >.< Haha! Funny looking at them choosing for big and fresh prawns. They even got a malay lady to teach them xD. After that their dad picked them up.
Went for Zhi Yuan's birthday dinner just now. It was awesome. Met up with my old schoolmates (Bernie, Kavi, Visha, Yee Thien, Dhaarshinee, Jacklyn, Jason, KB, Jeffrey, Seng Aun and others). Miss them. Happy 18th birthday to Mr. Bruce Lee Zi Yuan and God bless and all the best in your studies! Gonna meet you in Russia some day!

There were more pictures actually. But all were blur. Dam camera.
Went for Zhi Yuan's birthday dinner just now. It was awesome. Met up with my old schoolmates (Bernie, Kavi, Visha, Yee Thien, Dhaarshinee, Jacklyn, Jason, KB, Jeffrey, Seng Aun and others). Miss them. Happy 18th birthday to Mr. Bruce Lee Zi Yuan and God bless and all the best in your studies! Gonna meet you in Russia some day!
There were more pictures actually. But all were blur. Dam camera.
Friday, June 27, 2008
Pre Rally
Went for the Pre Rally just now held in Glad Tidings. I drove there. Muahaha! I captured some footages. Could've done better if I asked Adrian for permission to capture some footages from the stage itself. Haha. So no crowd shouting at the camera and stuff, sorry. xD. Gonna burn a copy for Adrian and pass it to him on Sunday, hopefully.
Can't wait for Zhi Yuan's birthday dinner later tonight. Yay yay!
Can't wait for Zhi Yuan's birthday dinner later tonight. Yay yay!
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
Screw you, Streamyx!
Grrrr............... Curses!!!! I don't know what's wrong with my internet connection. Is the problem on my side or TM's side? Sheesh...
Anyways, I'm finally driving alone xD. Yeap, means peace and quiet in the car (except the occasional blasting of the radio when a nice song's up). I do drive carefully. To be honest, I'm afraid of driving alone. Lonely too xD. Haha!
Went to Aeon with Fong Hei two day's ago. Watched two movies! HAR! Get Smart and Made Of Honour. Not bad. Get Smart PWNS Johny English big time. Haha! Should have gone over to FOS while I was at Aeon to get the pants and t-shirts I like. Sheesh. Never mind, gonna go shopping with my mum again.
Went for practice just now. Playing drums for Youth Sunday this sunday. then after church, I'm gonna head on down to KLCC to go watch Lay Kuan and her team perform in some competition her college organised. Hope she wins xD. The ticket costs me RM10! xD.
Gonna send my desktop computer to the computer shop this Saturday. Gonna get Windows Vista for it, gonna re-partition the whole hard disk. Woohooo!!! Gonna be so nice... xD. Gonna get a webcam with a built-in mic for it too, for my parents to communicate with me when I'm in Hawaii. Muahahhahaha!!!
Watching Snakes On A Plane on HBO. My dad finally agreed to get me the movie package. Woohoo!! Goodbye boredom, I think. I missed Norbit =(. But no worries, gonna catch the re-run some other time. Yay yay!
Anyways, I'm finally driving alone xD. Yeap, means peace and quiet in the car (except the occasional blasting of the radio when a nice song's up). I do drive carefully. To be honest, I'm afraid of driving alone. Lonely too xD. Haha!
Went to Aeon with Fong Hei two day's ago. Watched two movies! HAR! Get Smart and Made Of Honour. Not bad. Get Smart PWNS Johny English big time. Haha! Should have gone over to FOS while I was at Aeon to get the pants and t-shirts I like. Sheesh. Never mind, gonna go shopping with my mum again.
Went for practice just now. Playing drums for Youth Sunday this sunday. then after church, I'm gonna head on down to KLCC to go watch Lay Kuan and her team perform in some competition her college organised. Hope she wins xD. The ticket costs me RM10! xD.
Gonna send my desktop computer to the computer shop this Saturday. Gonna get Windows Vista for it, gonna re-partition the whole hard disk. Woohooo!!! Gonna be so nice... xD. Gonna get a webcam with a built-in mic for it too, for my parents to communicate with me when I'm in Hawaii. Muahahhahaha!!!
Watching Snakes On A Plane on HBO. My dad finally agreed to get me the movie package. Woohoo!! Goodbye boredom, I think. I missed Norbit =(. But no worries, gonna catch the re-run some other time. Yay yay!
Monday, June 23, 2008
Here You Go, Jaron...
I love my Momma, yes I do =). Water too... I'm gonna open a can of whoop ass... Yummy xD HAha! Love that show. Finished downloading it already. Watched it, and it was good. Argh... So the nice.
Grrrr.... Lubo broke out "date".... Sheesh! Never mind, I shall swim alone then!!!! Har! More laps!!!
Some pictures:

Took this from QDees like 3-4 months ago. Haha! It's a rice cooker box. Beware! Those stuff are hazardous, and we're using it to cook our rice... HAHA!

Took this during my pee break during my driving test. "All Driving Teachers Are Suck!" Haha! Bastard who wrote this, least the driving instructors know what are they doing, they drive well, but you? Haha! Bet you failed your test and just want to vent out the anger using a foreign language xD.

My bed sheet.

Those Big Mac chant free coupons thingy. This was during my outing with three other "danglers"; Wei Loong, Adrian, and Jaron.

Same outing as well. This picture was on a shirt. Hmmmmm.... Too much Animal Planet for the designer xD.

Yeap, my dad balded his head xD.

The Birthday cakes last Saturday night.

My grandparents. My grandmomma's b'day.

My cousins, the elder one is Helisa, the younger one (her small sister) is Hazeline. Hope I got her spelling right.

Me in singlet. Sexy? No....
I donwloaded Coldplay's X&Y album. Oh crap, it's nice. I've only listened to the singles but not the whole album. They're good. Just two songs almost bore me to sleep, but it was nice. Unlike other bands, like Incubus, only a few songs are nice. For example, Morning View album, I only liked like three songs, others are just way too boring. Now, I'm gonna go get Coldplay's latest album, Aisha, what's the name again? xD. Coldplay reminds me of Hillsong United. Don't know, United sounds and look (designs, covers, colours) like Coldplay >.<
Grrrr.... Lubo broke out "date".... Sheesh! Never mind, I shall swim alone then!!!! Har! More laps!!!
Some pictures:
Took this from QDees like 3-4 months ago. Haha! It's a rice cooker box. Beware! Those stuff are hazardous, and we're using it to cook our rice... HAHA!
Took this during my pee break during my driving test. "All Driving Teachers Are Suck!" Haha! Bastard who wrote this, least the driving instructors know what are they doing, they drive well, but you? Haha! Bet you failed your test and just want to vent out the anger using a foreign language xD.
My bed sheet.
Those Big Mac chant free coupons thingy. This was during my outing with three other "danglers"; Wei Loong, Adrian, and Jaron.
Same outing as well. This picture was on a shirt. Hmmmmm.... Too much Animal Planet for the designer xD.
Yeap, my dad balded his head xD.
The Birthday cakes last Saturday night.
My grandparents. My grandmomma's b'day.
My cousins, the elder one is Helisa, the younger one (her small sister) is Hazeline. Hope I got her spelling right.
Me in singlet. Sexy? No....
I donwloaded Coldplay's X&Y album. Oh crap, it's nice. I've only listened to the singles but not the whole album. They're good. Just two songs almost bore me to sleep, but it was nice. Unlike other bands, like Incubus, only a few songs are nice. For example, Morning View album, I only liked like three songs, others are just way too boring. Now, I'm gonna go get Coldplay's latest album, Aisha, what's the name again? xD. Coldplay reminds me of Hillsong United. Don't know, United sounds and look (designs, covers, colours) like Coldplay >.<
Sunday, June 22, 2008
Yay yay! Got back my telephone line and my Streamyx connection. After the workmen finished doing their stuff, I tried the modem, to check on whether the DSL light in lighted up, blinking, or blank. And yeah, it was blank. I quickly ran to my front gate and (almost) yelled to the workmen that my Streamyx wasn't working. I opened my automatic gate to let him in hoping that he could fix it. But he just told me to call 100 (TM line) to report about faulty Streamyx because he repairs phone line only (=O). I went "Grrrrr" in my heart, closed the gates and door, went to the modem again. Guess what? One of the workmen accidentally plugged in the wrong telephone wire into the wrong port in the DSL splitter. Phewwww.... Thank God it's fine now xD!
Went to my grandparents house last Saturday for a Birthday medley celebration. It was my grandma's birthday so one of my aunt decided to cook and stuff, and she wanted to celebrate my her daughters (my cousins of course) birthdays as well, which is like, NEXT MONTH! HAHAHA! No sense at all. I understand throwing a party for the June babies, but July? Nuh uh. Refused to go and blow the candle. HAR! Anyways, of all the food that night, the satay was the most yummy of them all. Killer marinate, killer sauce. MMMMMM!!!!
Yesterday's Youth service was alright. One call leader shared with us yesterday. Of all people, a cell leader >.< Not as lively as a Youth leader or pastor, but his sharing was alright. I enjoyed it, because I can relate to almost everything he said. Was blessed yesterday =)
Grrr.... Holland lost to a bunch of youngins... Idiots...
PS: Oh yeah, nothing to celebrate about my internet connection. It ain't stable. GAH!
Edit: Wow, the ISCF Rally flyers are awesome. Kudos to whoever the designer is. And he/she is smart enough to make it a bookmark/namecard like flyers. I TOLD YOU PEOPLE TO DO THAT LAST YEAR *CENSORED*(sp?)! Can't wait for the T-shirt!!! Also, this year's ISCF Rally official song (Named Legacy of course >.<) isn't as energetic or youthful nor radical as last year's What If.... The start and verse and pre chorus sounded like NOT a Praise song. xD
Went to my grandparents house last Saturday for a Birthday medley celebration. It was my grandma's birthday so one of my aunt decided to cook and stuff, and she wanted to celebrate my her daughters (my cousins of course) birthdays as well, which is like, NEXT MONTH! HAHAHA! No sense at all. I understand throwing a party for the June babies, but July? Nuh uh. Refused to go and blow the candle. HAR! Anyways, of all the food that night, the satay was the most yummy of them all. Killer marinate, killer sauce. MMMMMM!!!!
Yesterday's Youth service was alright. One call leader shared with us yesterday. Of all people, a cell leader >.< Not as lively as a Youth leader or pastor, but his sharing was alright. I enjoyed it, because I can relate to almost everything he said. Was blessed yesterday =)
Grrr.... Holland lost to a bunch of youngins... Idiots...
PS: Oh yeah, nothing to celebrate about my internet connection. It ain't stable. GAH!
Edit: Wow, the ISCF Rally flyers are awesome. Kudos to whoever the designer is. And he/she is smart enough to make it a bookmark/namecard like flyers. I TOLD YOU PEOPLE TO DO THAT LAST YEAR *CENSORED*(sp?)! Can't wait for the T-shirt!!! Also, this year's ISCF Rally official song (Named Legacy of course >.<) isn't as energetic or youthful nor radical as last year's What If.... The start and verse and pre chorus sounded like NOT a Praise song. xD
Friday, June 20, 2008
Not Your Average Super Hero
Read an email from Nuffnang; they're giving away 200 free tickets to go watch Hancock (or also known as ONEcock to Brian, inside joke, hehe) to those who would write a post themed "Not Your Average Super Hero". Initially, I wanted to just try to blog about this but curse my shallow vocabulary and bad grammar! Haha! I chose Mr. Hulk (Bruce Banner) to mock. So I went over to Wikipedia and searched for Incredible Hulk. Haha! Reading it just makes me laugh. A brilliant professor, invented a gamma bomb, and it explodes? Gah... Ahha! Clumsy professor. Not only that, Incredible Hulk does not come in only one colour (green), but it has another variance of skin colour, Hulk has grey skin too xD. Bet the inker working with Stan Lee that time had no green ink xD. It's all crap lerr... Dumb Hulk... He destroys most of the environment or his surroundings to save a person. Sheesh. Dumb hero.
Anyways, TNB is saving fuel. Around 4AM this early morning, the power supply got cut off and only came back around 2 hours later. GRRRR!!! This happened few days ago but thank God that time the power supply came back around 30-45 minutes later. But what the heck, thought we had this National Grid Network crap which ensures if not continuous, a SHORT cut of flow of power supply that would last only a few seconds if not a few minutes to areas which are blackout? Yerrr... TNB TNB...
Headlines: Gold Rush in Malaysia! Haha! The pass few days, I think around 2-3 jewelery shops got robbed. Yeap, GOLD RUSH! xD
Anyways, TNB is saving fuel. Around 4AM this early morning, the power supply got cut off and only came back around 2 hours later. GRRRR!!! This happened few days ago but thank God that time the power supply came back around 30-45 minutes later. But what the heck, thought we had this National Grid Network crap which ensures if not continuous, a SHORT cut of flow of power supply that would last only a few seconds if not a few minutes to areas which are blackout? Yerrr... TNB TNB...
Headlines: Gold Rush in Malaysia! Haha! The pass few days, I think around 2-3 jewelery shops got robbed. Yeap, GOLD RUSH! xD
Thursday, June 19, 2008
Drums Drums Drums!
Ooooo.... I just love waking up from my nap, make my way to the drum set (half awake), stuff them ear plugs into my ears, pick up my plastic PVC sticks, and start playing the drums... Never felt better xD. Haha! Don't know, it's like, the passion to play the drums, has just blossomed again, it's like, it just exploded inside of me... Argh! I want to go play more drums... So many more beats and rolls to experiment. And now I have my double bass pedal to work on. Grr... Need to be more consistent. Gonna miss my drums when I'm at Hawaii.
Need to start practicing my guitar too. It's been a long time since I picked upthat woodmy guitar and start strumming like a mad arse after midnight. Gah! haha! Not a good guitarist, but I (think) I know what I'm capable of doing with the guitar.
Must learn how to cook. I do know how to cook a bit but I wanna learn how to prepare the rice for Nasi Lemak... Yummy................
Crap, my desktop is still not working. So Jon, you'll need to improvise to get the video done.... Lazy boy...
I wanna play Yahoo! Pool =(.
Need to start practicing my guitar too. It's been a long time since I picked up
Must learn how to cook. I do know how to cook a bit but I wanna learn how to prepare the rice for Nasi Lemak... Yummy................
Crap, my desktop is still not working. So Jon, you'll need to improvise to get the video done.... Lazy boy...
I wanna play Yahoo! Pool =(.
Wednesday, June 18, 2008
Just Keep Swimming Swimming Swimming
First time using my laptop webcam to take pictures. Grrr. I wanna go get a seperate webcam and a wireless keyboard. Har! Also another laptop battery.

New specs.
Wheee... Chatting with Lubendran online now. After such a long time... haha! He's doing A Levels in Taylors... Dammit... haha! Miss him...
I wanna go swimming again =(.

New specs.
Wheee... Chatting with Lubendran online now. After such a long time... haha! He's doing A Levels in Taylors... Dammit... haha! Miss him...
I wanna go swimming again =(.
Yeap, defecating least 4 times today/yesterday. Gah! Bad day for my stomach. Woke up kinda early yesterday but lazed on the bed like a dugong. xD. My desktop computer can't boot. Grrr... My only video editing software that can edit MPG and MPEG files is on my desktop. Grrr... Sorry Ps. Gurmit, need to delay the video. My bad.
Went swimming yesterday. Har! I did 16 laps of breast stroke/frog style! Not bad for a fatty huh? Didn't rest as much as the last time I went swimming with Jaron (he couldn't keep up, shhhh) xD. Tried one lap of freestyle and stopped around 30 centimetres before I reached the end. Dam crappy. AHah! Fatty me.
Collected my new spectacles after swimming. Dam, I look, nice xD. Ooopppsss... Personal comment... xD. After that, went to night market to get some food... Yummy! Had pohpiah(sp?), that Taiwanese spicy hotdog, pearl milk drink(?) and chee cheong fun(sp?). Haha! Dam, I want more of them hotdogs.... Ish! Had three, but not enough =(. haha! Feel like swimming again later today.
The sports complex in Pandamaran, the location of the ISCF Rally this year, is kinda scary at night. Loads of prayer to do... I saw the flyers, it looks awesome! Read iSha's blog last night and saw her comment and statement about the flyers and how would the t-shirt look like since the flyers look so awesome. I'm having the same thought too. Haha! Bet it'll be better, wait, 10000000000000000000000000000 times better than last year's design. Last year's was yucky!!!!! YUCKY!!!! Oh yeah, ISCF has this video promotion to promote the rally this year. Not bad. Just can't stand how much attention it's drawing. I did 2 videos last year, and I gained minimum hits. Arrr... How motivating. Bullcrap!
I love Sony advertisements, love the soundtrack they use, very the awesomest.
Exercise fatty!
Oh yeah, gonna take my laptop back to the shop. Gonna complain why the boot up is taking such a long MOFO time. Hmmmm...
Went swimming yesterday. Har! I did 16 laps of breast stroke/frog style! Not bad for a fatty huh? Didn't rest as much as the last time I went swimming with Jaron (he couldn't keep up, shhhh) xD. Tried one lap of freestyle and stopped around 30 centimetres before I reached the end. Dam crappy. AHah! Fatty me.
Collected my new spectacles after swimming. Dam, I look, nice xD. Ooopppsss... Personal comment... xD. After that, went to night market to get some food... Yummy! Had pohpiah(sp?), that Taiwanese spicy hotdog, pearl milk drink(?) and chee cheong fun(sp?). Haha! Dam, I want more of them hotdogs.... Ish! Had three, but not enough =(. haha! Feel like swimming again later today.
The sports complex in Pandamaran, the location of the ISCF Rally this year, is kinda scary at night. Loads of prayer to do... I saw the flyers, it looks awesome! Read iSha's blog last night and saw her comment and statement about the flyers and how would the t-shirt look like since the flyers look so awesome. I'm having the same thought too. Haha! Bet it'll be better, wait, 10000000000000000000000000000 times better than last year's design. Last year's was yucky!!!!! YUCKY!!!! Oh yeah, ISCF has this video promotion to promote the rally this year. Not bad. Just can't stand how much attention it's drawing. I did 2 videos last year, and I gained minimum hits. Arrr... How motivating. Bullcrap!
I love Sony advertisements, love the soundtrack they use, very the awesomest.
Exercise fatty!
Oh yeah, gonna take my laptop back to the shop. Gonna complain why the boot up is taking such a long MOFO time. Hmmmm...
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
301st Post....
I passed my 3rd century milestone post... Just realised. Anyways, HIEEEE! I'm back! TM finally came and fixed my phone line. The reason for bad internet connection, crowded phone line or port or whatever it is. Sheesh... They're telling me that now.. Haha... Anyways, thank God... I finally downloaded the Gunbound setup file on my desktop computer... Unfortunately, the computer can't boot... Sheesh. I don't know why... I played a few games in the afternoon, dam I suck... Haha!
Vacuumed and mopped the WHOLE house today. Feel happy =).
Need to edit YA promo video ASAP! Lazy boy... Sheesh...
Vacuumed and mopped the WHOLE house today. Feel happy =).
Need to edit YA promo video ASAP! Lazy boy... Sheesh...
Wednesday, June 11, 2008
Orientation - Day One.
Not bad... It was actually quite fun xD. Haha! Makes me wanna stay for Form 6, but no thank you xD. Haha! Can't believe it, but, I'm going to school tomorrow. Haha. I'm in the same group as Kavi and Reinchez. So it's alright, least I have some friends, but even if I don't, I can fit in well? I think >.< Made a fool out of myself, but it's all alright; leaving to US, that's why =P. My group's name and group's yell is kinda, sucky. Wait, VERY sucky. Gonna ask her to change it to something better tomorrow morning, short, sweet and awesome yell. I got so into this orientation thing till I'm discussing with another group member about the skit that we're supposed to perform this Friday, Jon you suck xD.
After school, I went out with Kavi and Andrew, then Boon Kiat tagged along. I finally got the chance to indulge on the awesomest fried rice ever - Nasi Goreng USA. Muahahahhahaha!!! After such a long time (2-3 months actually xD), I finally gotten the chance to taste it's spiciness, it's delicious-ness, it's yummy-ness. Arrrr!!! Yummy. Worth every cent of my RM4:50. I think the portion is much more bigger than the last time I ate it.
Then after lunch, we went for a bit of cyber cafe-game-playing-fellowship. Played Half Life, then Counter Strike, then DoTA. Finally. Haha! But I just can't seem to get my mind calmed down when playing Andrew. He's fast :o. haha! Dammit! Kavi was like, "Andrew cheating dei, Andrew cheating" Haha! It was all good. After two hours of game playing and shouting (literally), I went to visit Mrs. Sunita; she was my Chemistry tutor for Form 4 & 5. Awesome teacher. Then I went to visit Mr. Jason but he wasn't in (as usual xD). Then I went to meet Mr. Prasad, my Add Maths tutor. Awesomest teacher ever! Muaks him! xD. God bless him, all the time, two folds.
Designing the Youth Alive! bookmark now. Will be done by tonight, then gonna email it to Ps. Gurmit. Will start editing my video tomorrow I think. Hopefully it'll be done by this weekend, so I can show it to Ps. Gurmit. I wanna persuade Kenneth to help me with the flash animation. Argh... That'll be a better promo, seriously... It's dam short, but it totally throws the message with an impact to te viewers. Grrr... Hate your laziness, Jon.... Should'd picked up Flash two years ago... Sucker..
TM Net Streamyx, please stop PMS-ing me. I need a new house phone =(.
After school, I went out with Kavi and Andrew, then Boon Kiat tagged along. I finally got the chance to indulge on the awesomest fried rice ever - Nasi Goreng USA. Muahahahhahaha!!! After such a long time (2-3 months actually xD), I finally gotten the chance to taste it's spiciness, it's delicious-ness, it's yummy-ness. Arrrr!!! Yummy. Worth every cent of my RM4:50. I think the portion is much more bigger than the last time I ate it.
Then after lunch, we went for a bit of cyber cafe-game-playing-fellowship. Played Half Life, then Counter Strike, then DoTA. Finally. Haha! But I just can't seem to get my mind calmed down when playing Andrew. He's fast :o. haha! Dammit! Kavi was like, "Andrew cheating dei, Andrew cheating" Haha! It was all good. After two hours of game playing and shouting (literally), I went to visit Mrs. Sunita; she was my Chemistry tutor for Form 4 & 5. Awesome teacher. Then I went to visit Mr. Jason but he wasn't in (as usual xD). Then I went to meet Mr. Prasad, my Add Maths tutor. Awesomest teacher ever! Muaks him! xD. God bless him, all the time, two folds.
Designing the Youth Alive! bookmark now. Will be done by tonight, then gonna email it to Ps. Gurmit. Will start editing my video tomorrow I think. Hopefully it'll be done by this weekend, so I can show it to Ps. Gurmit. I wanna persuade Kenneth to help me with the flash animation. Argh... That'll be a better promo, seriously... It's dam short, but it totally throws the message with an impact to te viewers. Grrr... Hate your laziness, Jon.... Should'd picked up Flash two years ago... Sucker..
TM Net Streamyx, please stop PMS-ing me. I need a new house phone =(.
Tuesday, June 10, 2008
Reported the annoying connection to TM Net already. Hopefully they can find out the problem as soon as possible. This is getting so irritating. One moment you're online, the next it's dead. Argh!
I'm going to school tomorrow. I don't want to sleep early? But I need to. Speaking about going to school, I need to iron my white pants... WAIT! Don't need to xD! I get to wear my new tracksuit. Nyek nyek nyek >.<
Called Mrs. Yu Yok just now. Nice lady. Thank God for this blessing =).
My saved games in Championship Manager has been deleted :o! WHAT THE HECK?!
I'm going to school tomorrow. I don't want to sleep early? But I need to. Speaking about going to school, I need to iron my white pants... WAIT! Don't need to xD! I get to wear my new tracksuit. Nyek nyek nyek >.<
Called Mrs. Yu Yok just now. Nice lady. Thank God for this blessing =).
My saved games in Championship Manager has been deleted :o! WHAT THE HECK?!
Monday, June 9, 2008
5 More Minutes? xD
I set my phone alarm to ring at 8:30AM rang agaiin at 9:30AM but t 9:30AM... Then it rang agaiin at 9:30AM but t 9:30AM... Then it rang again at 9:30am but I woke up and did the same thing, reset it to 10:30AM. Gah! Haha! This monring's weather was nice xD. My dad called me few minutes after I woke up at 8:30AM. He reminded me to give a call to Mrs. Yu Yok, the person who helped my dad in the university applications and stuff. She's like the head of international student affairs I think, in University of Hawaii at Hilo. Just wanted to call and thank her and ask her some other questions. So, got up from bed, feeling very moody and heavy (not my physical weight xD), drank some water, picked up the phone, guess what? No dialing tone. Sheesh. Then I told my dad, the house phone has some problem, can't use it... He said, try another telephone line, so I tried two different telephone line ports, but it wasn't working. So, the dam phone is broken, spoilt, useless (bullshit). Grrr! Get a new one please!!!!!
Couldn't connect to the internet this morning, after doing my chores and stuff. Gah! Watched television, nothing to watch. No more cartoon channels, and the DVD player is dead. Argh!!!!!! Chill Jon, don't fret =).
Smile, cause, TOMORROW I'M MEETING UP WITH KAVI AND ANDREW! Tomorrow's also the first day of the Lower Form 6 orientation. It's a three days thing. So I'll be attending school for the rest of the week. Haha! Hopefully, after orientation, I can stop school xP. Yes, I attend school just for the "fun" part of it >.<
My laptop needs a bigger cooling pad. Curses, 17 inche. Never mind, I still love you, Muaks. Dam Vista though xD.
Got the NS pictures from Tat Yang.

Registration time. AHha! Just few minutes after reaching the camp on the first day. Look at Jun xD.

This was a catastrophe. They asked me to explain the meaning of the design of my company's logo/flag; IN BM! Sheesh!

In line. Forgot for what. haha.
Couldn't connect to the internet this morning, after doing my chores and stuff. Gah! Watched television, nothing to watch. No more cartoon channels, and the DVD player is dead. Argh!!!!!! Chill Jon, don't fret =).
Smile, cause, TOMORROW I'M MEETING UP WITH KAVI AND ANDREW! Tomorrow's also the first day of the Lower Form 6 orientation. It's a three days thing. So I'll be attending school for the rest of the week. Haha! Hopefully, after orientation, I can stop school xP. Yes, I attend school just for the "fun" part of it >.<
My laptop needs a bigger cooling pad. Curses, 17 inche. Never mind, I still love you, Muaks. Dam Vista though xD.
Got the NS pictures from Tat Yang.
Registration time. AHha! Just few minutes after reaching the camp on the first day. Look at Jun xD.
This was a catastrophe. They asked me to explain the meaning of the design of my company's logo/flag; IN BM! Sheesh!
In line. Forgot for what. haha.
This is Annoying.
You know what's worse than bad internet connection? Dishonest renovations. Eff you MOFO Chinese contractors/engineers/electricians who renovated my house 8 years ago, EFF you... If I find you and somehow recognize you, yo' dead, biotch... >.<
PS: Not being racist. I used Chinese etc. is because, they were Chinese. Not being racist.
PS: Not being racist. I used Chinese etc. is because, they were Chinese. Not being racist.
I have some NS pictures in my laptop, will upload them later in the day. Got them from Tat Yang =).
Found these in My Received Files document:

Some editing done by Poh Leong long time ago. He screwed me. This wasn't supposed to be the outcome. Sheesh!

Ian and I during the cycling trip.

Group pictures during the cycling trip. I love Ashok's camera's manual settings =). So lovable.
TM Net is making me dislike them more; it's taking, minutes... minutes... Just to transfer a 900+KB picture file....
Found these in My Received Files document:

Some editing done by Poh Leong long time ago. He screwed me. This wasn't supposed to be the outcome. Sheesh!
Ian and I during the cycling trip.
Group pictures during the cycling trip. I love Ashok's camera's manual settings =). So lovable.
TM Net is making me dislike them more; it's taking, minutes... minutes... Just to transfer a 900+KB picture file....
TM Net....
Why do you disappoint me almost ALL the time?! Just few weeks (or is it days? 0.o) I blogged about you (TM Net) being such a good ISP. Gah! Till today! Wait, till this week! You suck Mr. Streamyx =(. Only 20 minutes left to complete that MOFO GunBound setup file download, and the DSL light blinks... MEANIE!!!!!! Hmph!!!!
Today (typing on the 9th of June) has been quite a tiring day. Dilion, Andrew and Jaron came over to my house for video shooting. I'm all out of ideas. I need you, Kenneth Gan.... After all the shooting, after three of them went back home... I forgot to shoot another scene. Argh! Jon, you're in deep trouble. You suck =(.
Other than that, ummmm, I seem to be doing very well in Championship Manager. xD
Ummm, nothing else to say, can't wait for Wednesday. Gonna meet up with Andrew and Kavi. It seems that Kavi got "chased" out from school today for not wearing uniform. xD! Haha! He asked me to go to school tomorrow, arrrr... No mood... Going on Wednesday only. Means, need to shave >.< Ish...
Can't wait for Friday too. Going out with Han Ern, hopefully Brian can join us. I'm getting my cousin to tag along too. Nyek nyek nyek. AND ALSO SATURDAY! Gonna meet up with Yee Thien and other people >.< I hope. Haha! I wanna go out! I wanna go out!
Today (typing on the 9th of June) has been quite a tiring day. Dilion, Andrew and Jaron came over to my house for video shooting. I'm all out of ideas. I need you, Kenneth Gan.... After all the shooting, after three of them went back home... I forgot to shoot another scene. Argh! Jon, you're in deep trouble. You suck =(.
Other than that, ummmm, I seem to be doing very well in Championship Manager. xD
Ummm, nothing else to say, can't wait for Wednesday. Gonna meet up with Andrew and Kavi. It seems that Kavi got "chased" out from school today for not wearing uniform. xD! Haha! He asked me to go to school tomorrow, arrrr... No mood... Going on Wednesday only. Means, need to shave >.< Ish...
Can't wait for Friday too. Going out with Han Ern, hopefully Brian can join us. I'm getting my cousin to tag along too. Nyek nyek nyek. AND ALSO SATURDAY! Gonna meet up with Yee Thien and other people >.< I hope. Haha! I wanna go out! I wanna go out!
Sunday, June 8, 2008
Feeling Crappy!
Feeling so crappy now. Grrrrrrr!!! This sucks...
Anyways, went to church today. Sat with Poh Leong downstairs in the Main Hall instead of the balcony. Kinda weird. Haha. Kinda difficult to start a conversation there xD Haha! Supposed to go out with Brian and Su Ling after church but Su Ling didn't drive. Argh! Couldn't find anybody who drove to church to go out with us. So I went back with my parents. Don't know about both of them, whether they went out or not. Sorry arr! xD! Never mind Brian, this Friday we go Sunway Pyramid xD! Haha!
Jun's back! Muahahaha! Miss him! And I miss Shaun too!!!! ARGH! I wanna go back to Kuching to meet my Kuching buddies!
Went to my grandparents' house just now. I know that the bah chang (or however you spell it) festival was yesterday (right?), but we had the dinner just now. Yummy dinner. Haha! I'm in love with Chinese curry xD! Haha!
Video shooting tomorrow. Nyek Nyek Nyek. Andrew, Dilion and Jaron.... XD
I miss you =(.
Anyways, went to church today. Sat with Poh Leong downstairs in the Main Hall instead of the balcony. Kinda weird. Haha. Kinda difficult to start a conversation there xD Haha! Supposed to go out with Brian and Su Ling after church but Su Ling didn't drive. Argh! Couldn't find anybody who drove to church to go out with us. So I went back with my parents. Don't know about both of them, whether they went out or not. Sorry arr! xD! Never mind Brian, this Friday we go Sunway Pyramid xD! Haha!
Jun's back! Muahahaha! Miss him! And I miss Shaun too!!!! ARGH! I wanna go back to Kuching to meet my Kuching buddies!
Went to my grandparents' house just now. I know that the bah chang (or however you spell it) festival was yesterday (right?), but we had the dinner just now. Yummy dinner. Haha! I'm in love with Chinese curry xD! Haha!
Video shooting tomorrow. Nyek Nyek Nyek. Andrew, Dilion and Jaron.... XD
I miss you =(.
Saturday, June 7, 2008
Psalm 43:5
5 Why are you downcast, O my soul?
Why so disturbed within me?
Put your hope in God,
for I will yet praise him,
my Savior and my God.
I read the Bible this morning, finally, after a long time. I have all the time in the world but I just didn't feel like reading the Bible. I told myself this morning that enough is enough! Jon, you gotta start devoting some time with God. I prayed to God to speak to me, a sinner, through His word (Bible), and while I was reading Psalms 43, verse 5 kinda related to the state I'm in. I'm the phase, where I wanna try out loads of stuff, one of it, sad to say, getting a girlfriend xD! HAhah! Well, Why are you downcast, O my Soul? no matter how downcasted I am, I must and will praise the Lord, help me, Christ.
Hate This.
Dam, hate the way Streamyx is treating me =(. It's being a meanie. Why can't it be stabled and fast like the way TM.net describes Streamyx to be? Is it worth every single cent we (parents) pay for this service? I've been trying to download the setup file for GunBound for like, over a week now, and the connection just can't stay stable enough for the download to complete. That sucks right? Grrrr! I hate you now, Streamyx. You were being such a nice pussy ISP(?) till now, till this freaking week. You meanie, you Streamyx! I'LL TAKE THE "M" OUT OF TMNET, SUCKA!
Guess what? Mr. Kavi came back LAST Saturday instead of TODAY! What the heck is that guy doing back home a week earlier? Dumb ass didn't even tell me he's back! Hahah! Never mind, we'll be going out this Wednesday. Muahahah! He won't be doing Form 6 in the end. Anyways, I chatted with Yee Thien just now in the afternoon. It seems that she has like a month and a half of holidays, so I asked whether she wanna meet up or something, maybe next Friday or Saturday. She said alright and guess what? I might be meeting up with my former classmates SOON. Yay yay! Haha! Can't wait...
Lets put that aside, because tomorrow, I'll be going out with Mr. Brian Chow and Miss Su Ling for BBQ Plaza. Adrian can't make it cause he'll be having practices for ISCF Rally.
Wonder why am I talking so much about outings? Well, I don't go out often and this is my only chance to go out with my buddies before I leave for Hawaii. Can't wait, can't wait, both the outings and Hawaii....
Guess what? Mr. Kavi came back LAST Saturday instead of TODAY! What the heck is that guy doing back home a week earlier? Dumb ass didn't even tell me he's back! Hahah! Never mind, we'll be going out this Wednesday. Muahahah! He won't be doing Form 6 in the end. Anyways, I chatted with Yee Thien just now in the afternoon. It seems that she has like a month and a half of holidays, so I asked whether she wanna meet up or something, maybe next Friday or Saturday. She said alright and guess what? I might be meeting up with my former classmates SOON. Yay yay! Haha! Can't wait...
Lets put that aside, because tomorrow, I'll be going out with Mr. Brian Chow and Miss Su Ling for BBQ Plaza. Adrian can't make it cause he'll be having practices for ISCF Rally.
Wonder why am I talking so much about outings? Well, I don't go out often and this is my only chance to go out with my buddies before I leave for Hawaii. Can't wait, can't wait, both the outings and Hawaii....
Friday, June 6, 2008
6th of June =O!
Mamamia! 7th of June is tomorrow! Yay yay! I get to meet up with my NS friends. Muahaha! must start planning. Don't worry, will be using public transport xD! Oh yeah, I'm saving the usage of petrol too, by not going to school xD! HAHAHA! I think I'll be only going to school on Wednesday, not to study, but to go out with Mr. Andrew Lee after school. Muhahahaha! Kavi's coming home tomorrow. yay yay!
Since Han Ern canceled our plan for today, I practically did nothing at home, except surfing the net, playing Championship Manager, sleeping, and Archies comics. Oh yeah, I exercised too xD! But it ain't working. I still have flabs. Grrrrrr!!!
Petrol price increases, other stuff also increase. Sigh. I say, abolish National Service, use the money used in that program to subsidise the petrol price. Har! You know why? Because National Service is killing so many youths. In just five years, I think around 16 participants died already. And it's a waste of time xD! haha!
I know another way on how to counter the increase of petrol prices, INCREASE GAJI. HAHA! Bullcrap lerr. I need a new pair of spectacles.
Anyways, when I was taking my nap just now, I was like, half-awake. Because I was so excited to leave for Hawaii! Dam, I can't wait to study! xD!
Since Han Ern canceled our plan for today, I practically did nothing at home, except surfing the net, playing Championship Manager, sleeping, and Archies comics. Oh yeah, I exercised too xD! But it ain't working. I still have flabs. Grrrrrr!!!
Petrol price increases, other stuff also increase. Sigh. I say, abolish National Service, use the money used in that program to subsidise the petrol price. Har! You know why? Because National Service is killing so many youths. In just five years, I think around 16 participants died already. And it's a waste of time xD! haha!
I know another way on how to counter the increase of petrol prices, INCREASE GAJI. HAHA! Bullcrap lerr. I need a new pair of spectacles.
Anyways, when I was taking my nap just now, I was like, half-awake. Because I was so excited to leave for Hawaii! Dam, I can't wait to study! xD!
Thursday, June 5, 2008
Grrr... Dam petrol price went up. Means less outings. But the bright part of it, exercise! Yeap. Gonna walk, walk and walk. But not too far distance lerr.
I have this sudden urge to play Warcraft's DoTA. Sheesh! Well, I will be playing it, next Wednesday with Mr. Andrew Lee. Gonna call Kavi, who'll be back from NS next week to tag along. Maybe play a bit of Counter-Strike. Alright, I'm not a gamer, I just play for fun =).
Anyways, Han Ern canceled tomorrow's trip. GAH! Thought I could get out from my house and enjoy a bit. Was planning to buy another surf pants. Curses!
Nothing much happened. Woke up late again. Wait, no. Woke up early but lazed on the bed xD haha! Played my favourite game, Championship Manager 01-02 for like, 4 hours? Read 4 Archies comics, and ummm, eat >.< Sheesh! Need to get out.
I have this sudden urge to play Warcraft's DoTA. Sheesh! Well, I will be playing it, next Wednesday with Mr. Andrew Lee. Gonna call Kavi, who'll be back from NS next week to tag along. Maybe play a bit of Counter-Strike. Alright, I'm not a gamer, I just play for fun =).
Anyways, Han Ern canceled tomorrow's trip. GAH! Thought I could get out from my house and enjoy a bit. Was planning to buy another surf pants. Curses!
Nothing much happened. Woke up late again. Wait, no. Woke up early but lazed on the bed xD haha! Played my favourite game, Championship Manager 01-02 for like, 4 hours? Read 4 Archies comics, and ummm, eat >.< Sheesh! Need to get out.
Wednesday, June 4, 2008
Sleepy, Sleepier Everyday.
Don't know why, but, I'm getting sleepier everyday. I wake up late, but still I nap. Hmmm.. Lazy boy.
Didn't do much yesterday. Supposed to be shooting for Youth promotion video but no news from Ps. Gurmit about the video camera. Looks like I have to delay the shooting, means, less people who can get involved. Argh! God help me =(.
I feel like playing DoTA. Don't know why.
Didn't do much yesterday. Supposed to be shooting for Youth promotion video but no news from Ps. Gurmit about the video camera. Looks like I have to delay the shooting, means, less people who can get involved. Argh! God help me =(.
I feel like playing DoTA. Don't know why.
Tuesday, June 3, 2008
Pictures, Random
Some random pictures I found on my mum's (was mine) thumbdrive. Very looonggg time ago, 2 years ago to be exact (very long indeed xP).
These pictures were taken during VBS 2005:

Han on bass.
Me on drums.
Adrian, Zlwin, Han and I.
Us again in red. Crap, I look different >.<
See what do I mean by different?!
Alex Yong's birthday "gift" xD

Poh Leong and I.
School magazine design for frontpage, for year 2005. Not a good designer, just did my best, with Kenneth's tweaks here and there, it looked better than the original one.

First attempt to design the cover. Haha! Thought of using that but people didn't like the word DUMMIES and the image of the guy in the cover is copyrighted, so it was a NO NO to use this design.

This was supposed to be the final design. The principal back then rejected this design because of the first picture in the first circle; she wanted a picture of students which their faces can't be seen that clearly, I mean she wanted an assembly picture or something like that. Sheesh! xD

This was the final design. Not that good but nice to me xD. It was supposed to look more vectorish and more teen-ish but, it's a school magazine, teacher doesn't want it to look like that >.<
These pictures were taken during VBS 2005:

Han on bass.
Me on drums.
Adrian, Zlwin, Han and I.
Us again in red. Crap, I look different >.<
See what do I mean by different?!
Alex Yong's birthday "gift" xD
Poh Leong and I.
School magazine design for frontpage, for year 2005. Not a good designer, just did my best, with Kenneth's tweaks here and there, it looked better than the original one.

First attempt to design the cover. Haha! Thought of using that but people didn't like the word DUMMIES and the image of the guy in the cover is copyrighted, so it was a NO NO to use this design.

This was supposed to be the final design. The principal back then rejected this design because of the first picture in the first circle; she wanted a picture of students which their faces can't be seen that clearly, I mean she wanted an assembly picture or something like that. Sheesh! xD

This was the final design. Not that good but nice to me xD. It was supposed to look more vectorish and more teen-ish but, it's a school magazine, teacher doesn't want it to look like that >.<
Monday, June 2, 2008
Shoppppiiiiiiiinnnnggggg!!!! Yummeh!
Yay yay! I finally did some shopping todayyesterday. My parents took me to 1 Utama and crap, I love shopping (provided that there's money to spend xD). I bought loads of stuff; two T-shirts, one collar shirt, one pair of surf pants, one pair of weird coloured three-quarter pants, three pairs of briefs xD, three pairs of fitted boxers (yummy), a pair of flip-flops and a brand new tracksuit. Sheesh! Would have gotten more stuff if only guilt didn't overcome my mind, thinking that I was depleting too much of my dad's money xD. Haha! I want one more surf pants, not because I'm going to Hawaii, but because it's sooooo comfortable! Anyways, thanks to my parents for bringing me out and buying me stuff and thank God for His blessings. I need to be a better son. Hmmm.
Despite of this feeling of content I have after getting those stuff, I have this weird feeling in me. Shiat. Don't know what's going through in my mind. I keep thinking and thinking and thinking about the same person. This is torture =(. Everynight, and everytime when I'm not busy with something. OR, if I'm busy, the thought will just pop out from nowhere. =(.
Let God decide.
I had this dream last night, that I was in the airport, in Taipei, and I got arrested by police officers, for carrying drugs. ARGH!!!! That ruined my excitement of going to Hawaii. =(. Am scared now. Lord, help me, PLEASE! I need You =(.
Despite of this feeling of content I have after getting those stuff, I have this weird feeling in me. Shiat. Don't know what's going through in my mind. I keep thinking and thinking and thinking about the same person. This is torture =(. Everynight, and everytime when I'm not busy with something. OR, if I'm busy, the thought will just pop out from nowhere. =(.
Let God decide.
I had this dream last night, that I was in the airport, in Taipei, and I got arrested by police officers, for carrying drugs. ARGH!!!! That ruined my excitement of going to Hawaii. =(. Am scared now. Lord, help me, PLEASE! I need You =(.
Sunday, June 1, 2008
Youth was AWESOME!!!!
Those who missed the Youth service today in church, crap, you DID miss a very good service. Haha! It was fun and the sermon was awesome. David Ng shared about Purpose, Aim, leaving a life of Leagcy. Wow, it was a very good sharing. Enjoyed it =). It's good to be back on the Worship team again. Wait, not exactly sure whether I'm acutally IN the Worship team or not but, it was awesome playing drums again for Youth. Wei Loong said I somehow am playing differently, something about not being myself. I don't know what he meant but, I was very much myself just now. Haha. Maybe I followed and kept a consistent tempo throughout the first Praise song? Haha! Don't know. Whatever I did, or any difference I have from the last time I played in Youth, everything's for God's glory. All glory goes to Him. Amen.
Video shooting tomorrow has been canceled. I'm not sure whether I will be able to do it these holidays or not. Gonna be busy preparing for America. Ideas in the head, just need to excecute it properly. Grrrr!!!!!!
No more credit. ARGH!
Video shooting tomorrow has been canceled. I'm not sure whether I will be able to do it these holidays or not. Gonna be busy preparing for America. Ideas in the head, just need to excecute it properly. Grrrr!!!!!!
No more credit. ARGH!
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