Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Thank God

I received a call from Commander Desmond yesterday when I was having my nap. Didn't notice until I woke up and saw there was a miss call from him. So I decided to send to him a text message asking why he called. He called back and asked for my help about some Photoshop crap. I explained to him but I guess he got all blur and confused (Normal, I'm not a good teacher). So he told me something about giving my contact to his friend who's the one with the Photoshop trouble to call me. Right after I came out from the toilet, I think around 9:55PM, I received a call and yeah, it was Commander Desmond's friend (I was panicking). She introduced herself and she told me she is a teacher from SMK Seafield I think. So yeah she asked me how to get something done and all then she passed the phone over to her daughter (form 4 =P, should have asked for her MSN Messenger... Ish! Haha!) so that I can explain to her. So I explained everything about what she needs to do to solve her problem (she was confused, also) and yeah, she said she'll do it later at night.

After ending the call, I gave Poh Leong a call to confirmed my steps (I don't have Photoshop now), whether it works or not, so when there's a problem and I receive a new call, I can fix it. Poh Leong said that the steps are right. I was feeling happy because I got to help them (felt like a Photoshop hero... Haha!).

Half way through CSI:Miami last night, I received a call from the teacher. Thought she wanted to thank me or something then when she passed the line to her daughter (whose voice sounds like a hot girl) and the daughter said that my steps are wrong. Oh my goodness, you suck Jon! I confirmed with Poh Leong edi! I did like a trial and error thing with the daughter and then I couldn't take it anymore and asked her to start from scratch so I can guide her. I guided her and everything until a point where we needed to invert the dotted lines (selected area) (Photoshop talk), I asked her to press the hotkey, Ctrl+I. She said it didn't work. I thought what was the mistake and yeah, it was that simple, Shift+Ctrl+I, it solved the problem. After doing that, I remembered to Thank God. It was all good. Glory to Him.

Yeap, I'm feeling happy that I'm able to help somebody when it comes to Photoshop or anything to do with HTML. I might not be a professional in those field but I can do my best to help people. But I'm not saying I'll teach anybody. I'll get pissed off if you do not have a hot-girl-voice. Haha!

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