Friday, October 12, 2007

Mat Rempits - Future of Malaysia or Criminals?


If I'm not mistaken, I think that the government was saying something about building a racing track for them Mat Rempits. I know the government didn't do it but what on earth made the government think this way? Mat Rempits DON'T and NEVER WILL contribute to the country, unless they join the police force or something, but still, I do not want Mat Rempits to be the people in charge of the safety of the citizens.

The government MUST take serious and heavy action on these road bullies. I wanna see policemen catching these people and putting them in jail. I don't want Mat Rempits to be the road "police". DOWN YOU GO, REMPITS!

Same goes to EVERY GANGSTERS OUT THERE. We're in Malaysia, stop acting like them ghettos. We don't need any of this crap in Malaysia. Stop blaming the west for influencing the youngsters in this country, start doing some crap to make these gangsters scared. And I think everyone should know that, teenagers play a small part in this bully cases, the adults are the ones who are influencing teenagers. I just can't believe it how "mature" adults have the heart to "recruit" teenagers to join their gang. Sigh. And I just can't believe how youngsters are so dumb to follow their footsteps. I don't see any good outcome from fights. All I see is filthy people, making a fool out of themselves and how stupid they can be to spoil the name of their own races. Arr, losers, not heroes.

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