Thursday, November 20, 2008

Racism in Malaysia

I think the government are targeting the wrong group of people to settle this problem. It's NOT the teenagers or the youth of Malaysia who are racist. In fact, students of different races in a school mix quite well (excluding some exceptions, there are always a few nuts out there).

It is the ADULTS who are the root of this problem. We, the youth of Malaysia, rarely go around saying, "That bloody Malay" "Itu cinapek..." "Kongsi Raya - Kongsi Gelap". I mean, sometimes teenagers can't tolerate each other but the adults are the one who bad mouths people using racist remarks. And according to my observations, most of them are the well to do people. They're the ones who are complaining non-stop, cursing each races, not the youth. The weaker teenagers are the ones who get influenced. But other than the, we're doing fine.

So, who should be the one attending National Service instead? Wake up, "wiser" citizens of Malaysia!

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