Saturday, November 22, 2008


Dodge, duck, dip, dive, and dodge... That's what I did like 6 hours ago? 0.o Haha! I finally got to play dodgeball... And gosh, I suck at it... Seriously, I'm like a scape goat in my team, or maybe worse than an animal who's just waiting to get sacrificed... Wait, I didn't even sacrifice anything... I just, suck 0.0

Before D-ball, I went for praise and worship practice in Kaumana Drive Baptist church... I'll be playing drums for the combined service this Sunday (which is tomorrow 0.0). Means, I need to sleep early because the service starts at around 9AM and the Young Adults will be joining the main service (Yes, I'm considered a young adult here, I think). Most of the songs are new to me (Gosh, where are the Planetshakers and Hillsong stuff?!) and I kinda like forgot special parts to some songs and stuff... Ouch, sorry David Hashimoto (#-moto)!

We; John the Baptist Collegiate Ministry, Timothy Paul Chatham, David #-moto and I; made our way to the New Gym on campus for the D-ball tourney. I had to take a crap first so I was late. But thank God that I needed to take a crap at that time... Because Paul ditched me to go join some team with a sissy name (Ummm)... What kind of name is that? Gosh... Anyways, I got drafted to be in the Flying Pigs team (not my idea...) which consist of; the MVP - Ms. Erinn Walsh, the Chinese - Aja Lee (not her last name, she's Chinese so I guessed), the Burp Lady - Jessica Beck, the Starting Sweeper Soccer Guy Who Can Play All Types Of Sports Guy - Trebor W (something) and me, the Running Chicken... To be honest, I think I let down the team. It's always that *censored* Malaysian who gets kicked out first, what a pussy.

It's alright to get kicked out from the game if you get hit by the ball but, getting kick out from the game because you throw the ball like a sissy? Neh, not a good way to help your team. Dam that was embarrassing... I wanna play again though... This time I'm gonna fully flex my arms, get sore , get laid and wake up in the morning not feeling your shoulders... Yeaps...

After D-ball, we hung out outside Taco HellBell. A few of us were waiting for other people to come so that we can have supper together and stuff, but other than the few people waiting, none came. So we (Erinn, #-moto and I) ditched that satan-created joint and went to Ken's, where you can get awesome shitfood, and good chocolate... Woots! Spent loads of time there fellowship-ing...

Then I went down to Erinn's place around 1AM. Her place is so nice, I wanna stay there too. It's kinda like those cheap hotels back in Malaysia, but a little bit better. I mean, it might suck for a hotel, but it certainly is an awesome kick ass condo to live in when you're in college... And she has that super big surf board... Gosh.... Awesome stuff. Played some music, talked more, then she sent me home.

Thanks a lot Rachel for that D-ball tourney, thanks Paul for making me join this event (no thanks to you though that I got ditched...), good job to the Flying Pigs (I was probably their mascot >.<), thanks #-moto and Erinn for taking me out and making me sleep deprived... It's all good. Glory to God for all these wonderful people... When's kickball?

PS: Yeap, long and wordy entry. Will post pictures though, when Erinn finds the time xD. She brought along her D80, she got some awesome pictures (I look uber sexy in them, ask Paul, he got high seeing my pictures) from that D-ball event.

Now, sleep! Later, research and term paper...

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