Thursday, October 23, 2008


Muahahahahah! Glory to God! I got 98 for my Marine Biology Cellular Processes class. Wooots! Thank God! All glory goes to Him! And I also thank God for Davey for driving me to DHL to pick up my package. Thank GOD! Now I can parade in my new Baju Melayu (with songkok some more xD) for tomorrow's Parade of the Nations, UN Day Celebration! Wooots!

Seriously, Davey was such a big help, and all I can say is that, it's all God's planning. I've not been getting any mail lately. Usually I don't care if I'm not getting any (sad), but I'm expecting some really important mails. I'm expecting, my Social Security Card, my Insurance Card and my Bank ATM card (with the Pin 0.0). And before this morning, I was freaking out about not being able to get my package. I blamed DHL (it's human nature to blame, my bad) after reading bad reviews on the internet and my roommate's condemnation (xD). But I found out this morning, when I called DHL again, that they did drop by my place, went to the allocated area to drop off packages, but some celaka punya orang told the DHL guy that there's no such Jonathan Chandrasakaran living on campus 0.0

I think that's why I've not been getting any mails. So, in an hour and half time, I'll go back to that allocated area (Hale Ikena, a different residence hall), speak to the mailing clerk and complain like a Chinese woman back home in Malaysia.

Will take pictures of tomorrow's UN Day Celebration.

My results for this mid terms:
o Calculus: 92(A)
o Chemistry: 45/45; Overall percentage (includes mid terms, quizzes and homework) so far: 100.2%(A)
o Marine Science Diversity: 99.5(A)
o Marine Science Cellular Processes: 98(A)

Wooots! Glory to God!

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