Saturday, October 11, 2008

Peer Pressure

No, I'm not being pressured to consume alcohol or to smoke weed, but I'm being pressured to go out and hang out with my friends. It's not like I don't want to, but I need to decline the invitation because I REALLY NEED TO STUDY! No matter how little I'm progressing, still I know that I'm in the room, with books in front of me, reading constantly. So sorry Jaymen and JenBer. I really need to study. I know my exams are like the end of this week but I need an early start.

Not sure whether they're disappointed with me or not but hey, I really do need to study. I'll go out with you guys after the mid terms, I'll spend 5-10 hours with you on the weekends! But not now please.

Never thought I would be pressured by my peers like this 0.0

I gave in to peer pressure, I went out with my friends just now >.<

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