Sunday, October 26, 2008


Hey loyal readers (I think I have a few, will hump all of you when I have the chance to thank you for reading my blog)...

Are the Nuffnang Ads slowing down the loading time for my blog? If yes, please do rant about it the tagboard. Thank you. Will remove it if it's too troublesome.

I'm currently looking at some Indian girl's Facebook profile now. Gosh, she and her friends are pretty.... Okkkkaaayyy.... Ignore that....

Anyways, I went to feed the homeless yesterday (Saturday) in the Salvation Army church. It's a new activity/program that just started in the Kamauna Drive Baptist Church (wooots, I remembered the name, hope I got the spelling right though xD) where every last Saturday of the month, we'll be cooking and serving food to homeless. It's awesome. I was the cookie person yesterday.

Was supposed to finish this post like 3 hours ago but I forgot about it and left for a Halloween party in church. Gosh, it's so frigging nice. Will post later... Now, Chemistry...

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