Wednesday, October 8, 2008



Gosh! the underwater videography fever has started. Well, actually it's just me who's having this fever >.<

I think I've made it clear to some of the Marine Science lecturers in my school that I want to do something with underwater videography. Unlike my fellow Marine Science mates who are hunting down DSLRs and underwater housing for them, I'm hunting down a more expensive set of equipments; video camera, underwater housing, and lighting.

This, my fellow blog readers, is another expensive hobby/dream/ambition. Why do I keep getting myself into these kind of money-flowing-out-of-pocket-interests? First drums then now this?

I told my dad something, that I think I would regret in one point of my life: I'll be selling away some cymbals to get this video camera, IF my dad agrees to let me get it through the net.... And gosh... That U$D3k+ doesn't include the lights 0.0

*slaps self* anybody needs a drum set?

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