Tuesday, October 14, 2008


I scored a 100.5 (it's 103, full marks, but lecturer mark me down 2.5 marks for answering one question extra 0.0) in my last mid term in my Marine Biology Cellular Processes class (wth, I've been spelling processes as processors, shit, dumb me). I'm not sure how much I'll be getting in that class now. There's so many things to study. Just one day before class, my lecturer (who is really a very good person) gave more notes that will be coming out for the exam this Thursday. Gosh!

Well, am chilling. Gonna go study my butt off tonight. Before I go grab dinner, I'm gonna finish my Chemistry Pre Lab shit and need to read through the procedures before tomorrow's lab class. The professor is good and everything but lab makes my Wednesdays so screwed up. Grrr!

Alright, got to go now. I'm going Shark Tagging/Fishing and Monk Seal Count this weekend (Friday and Saturday respectively). This is gonna be so the fun =). Loads of hiking to do for the Monk Seal Count event though. Gosh, putting a fat guy with them is not a good idea. And I think I'll be getting a new sport shoes after this trip. Gosh!

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