I know we're one week ahead of celebrating Halloween, which is next Friday, but, the Youth Adult Ministry of Kaumana Drive Baptist Church threw a Halloween party yesterday evening at 6:30PM in the church itself. I tagged a ride with Paul and Davey to church along with Heather and Kim. I didn't dress up, I have no costume. Planning to get one for next Friday. Gonna go get one of those riot police helmet and glue 12-inch nails on it. Gosh, I feel so Slipknot.... Anyways, there were a few people who dressed up yesterday. Awesome costumes. Wish I had taken pictures of them 0.0 Stupid me... Not my fault, I'm shy...
We started the party off with some "icebreaking" games... We stepped on each others balloons, I ate chocolate out of a baby dipper (how do you spell that Pampers thing?) and jumped on Paul several times. Why did I jump on Paul several times? Because we were playing the Princess, Knight, Rider game and since I'm smaller than Paul (yes, laugh all you want, or maybe he's just stronger, I don't know), all of the actions require carrying (princess), piggy-back (rider) or whatever you call it and sitting on the thigh of your partner (knight)... So yeah, I jumped on him 0.0
After playing those awesome and tiring games,
Nick Knock (yes, that's his last name, don't laugh or giggle) had something in store for us... Something like a Halloween Treasure Hunt thingy. Gosh it was good.. The storyline and the set up was awesome. Kinda like the movie Quarantine... Woots! Everything was going fine till we reached a clue and some people messed up... Okay, not messed up, just some confusion. But we continued anyways but the ending kinda like,
potong steam-ed... Haha!
Well, had a great night and God bless all those people who attended this party and especially those who planned and executed this party... It was awesome! Glory to God, God bless.....
And happy birthday again to Mummy.
Some pictures:

Regretted not taking pictures of those in costumes... Sigh... I was shy, my badd...
There was a girl in an Alice in Wonderland costume, she looks hot.
There was a girl in a somehow scary Red Riding Hood costume, she looks pretty.
There was a girl in a scary costume, not sure what it is, she looks alright.
There was a guy dressed up as a zombie hula female dance, looks sick.
There was a guy dressed up as kinda like a modern yet vintage Dracula, looks awesome.
There was a small boy dressed up as a geek, looking cute. He's that hot looking Alice's brother, I think.
There was a baby boy dressed up as a fireman, with facial hair, looks uber cute.
There was a guy dressed up as a chewbacca zombie, looking real scary. He did the chewbacca sound too.
There were two ladies dressed up as a Christmas box, looks silly.
There was a lady dressed up like the wife/mum in the Adam's family, looks good.
There was a guy who dressed up as an ice hockey bride, looks disgusting but cool mask dude.
There was a girl who dressed up as the guy who dressed up as an ice hockey bride, looking cute.
Regret, regret.