Sunday, August 26, 2007

I'm Being Harassed!

tr.v. ha·rassed, ha·rass·ing, ha·rass·es

1. To irritate or torment persistently.
2. To wear out; exhaust.
3. To impede and exhaust (an enemy) by repeated attacks or raids.

Crap, I'm being harassed daily, by smokers! It's irritating and very tormenting to tolerate with smokers today. It seems that the air we're breathing in now is so intoxicated that I think the 20% of oxygen has decreased to a smaller percentage because of the substitution with the cancerous smoke from the cigarettes. I would like to suggest to the government to catch them smokers who constantly harassed the non-smoking citizens of Malaysia. I hate people when they smoke. Seriously, what's the positive side of smoking? I know drinking alcohol has a positive side of it, it gives you warmth. But smoking? Are there any good outcomes? They give you cancers and other health problems, they're kinda one of the main contributors to the thinning of the ozone layers, they kill the people around them, wait, THAT'S MURDER!

It would be awesome if the government bans smoking in public places. Come on, it's harassing the people around them! And crap, if sexual harassment is wrong, then why not ummm, smoking harassment is wrong too? I didn't choose to be born a smoker, and yes, I don't smoke and I've never and WILL NEVER smoke at all. But these days, I think the first breath a new-born baby takes is already a breath full of nicotine and such from cigarettes. What really grinds my gears (Family Guy =P) is the fact that there are some parents who smoke in front of their children. Not only that, asking their children to go buy them cigarettes. What are these parents becoming?! Crap! Don't tell me now these smoking parents are murderous also? Suicide not enough arr? Wanna kill other people?!

And how the heck can girls stand their boyfriends smoking?! Come on, you're gonna kiss a smoker, whose mouth is more smelly than mine. Haha! And why the heck are women smoking these days? Mothers smoking! OH CRAP! What is in these women's mind?!

You know what should them smokers do? Lock themselves up in a room, seal every hole, and smoke. That'll be awesome. Banning cigarettes in Malaysia sounds stingy, but the whole locking up in the room thing is ummm, very tolerating. And if you wanna put some rational thinking into my brains, tell you what, is smoking in public rational anyways? Hmmmmm. Banning them adverts on the television isn't enough to curb this crap ummm, "crime". Come on, smokers in Malaysia are like walking advertisements.

Seriously, SAY TAK NAK to SMOKING! Go spend your money on something better, books, food, new apparels, ummmm, some FHMs maybe... Haha!

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