Thursday, August 23, 2007


Arrr.... This week has gotta be the best week this year, other than the week where I went for Camp Meta, that's better! Haha! Can't believe I actually went out to play football with me friends. I'm always so reluctant and lazy to get out of my bed early in the morning after studying till around 2:00AM. But thank God for the determination and discipline to get out of my bed, and to go exercise! Haha!

Not many people turned out today. Andrew, who was so freaking excited last night (he text messaged everybody to remind us about today's football session), couldn't wake up this morning. Haha! What the crap! Guna didn't come because I think he's outstation now. Bernie didn't have transport home. Other than that, I think they're all too lazy to wake up. Haha! Thank God for Han Ern and his cousin whose name I do not know how to spell. Haha! They came and played with us. Awesome people. I had fun, don't about others. Hamdan was with us too. Awesome stuff!

Gonna go study Biology soon. Need to finish at least one chapter of the Form 5 syllabus today, if not, I won't be ready for SPM. Gah! Dam I'm worried =(. But never mind, all I need to do is study and pray.

Change yourself Jon. Forgive me Lord =(.

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