Monday, August 27, 2007


...... My syburns are not balanced. One's high, another's low. Next time: let dad shave my face. HAHAHAHA!

And oh yeah, them Ghetto gangsta' rappers speaks rubbish. I watched a video about Jay-Z Exposed or something, and crap, I didn't grasp fully what the crap he was trying to tell his viewers >.< He spoke somewhat like a Chinese guy greeting his friends in Hokkien, it'll be like, greeting your mum instead of you. Come on, it's a fact. And I just don't get it why the heck them Ghetto gangsta' rappers get so pissed when other people calls them n*gro or n*gga while they're alright with their community to call them those N words. People actually get arrested for saying those words to them African Americans, they call it discrimination. From my point of view, African Americans calling each other using them N words are also discrimination - discriminating their race. They themselves should be punished for saying them racial words. Contradicting.

Okay, now I'll go study =P.

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