Monday, August 13, 2007

I Miss Designing

I can't believe it, for the first time in my life, I miss designing. Not designing had never bothered me before but this time, it seems that there are just so many things to do. It's like my mind is just so itchy and anxious to be creative (I doubt I am). Sigh. I have this error on my Photoshop CS2 saying that they couldn't find my registration name and serial number. Weird. Never came across that error before.

Anyways, I'm enjoying every single minute when I practice my drums.

Other than that, I revamped my WHOLE study timetable. I believe now I have ample time for each and every subject I'm taking for SPM. Darn, I feel the heat but part of me just don't care. Need to throw that part away. Muahahah!

Come on Jon, do it for God. No one else.

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