Argh... My eyes are hurting, my head is aching and I'm sleepy. But I need to finish this chapter I'm reading now, Biology Form 5 Chapter 3. Darn, should have finish reading this chapter before I came online. Anyways, gonna finish it anyways.
Today was alright. Merdeka was quite quiet in my area. I think the only noisy person in my housing area is me. Daniel didn't come to change my skin. Sigh. Gonna try it tomorrow I think (today I mean).
Friday, August 31, 2007
Thursday, August 30, 2007
Jonathan - The Mosquito Slayer
Yeap. I slay them with my bare hands and sometimes with the help oh my textbooks and pillows. Curses!
Videos Section
Hey fellow (imaginary? hope not.) readers! I added some video links at the side bar on your left. The first section is just some of my drumming videos. I might not be good but His name is glorified. I didn't do it for my own glory (sincerely) and I don't expect any. Then the second section is the MADtel For GOD Productions section. The videos linked under this section is kinda some of my works. Thanks to God for them ideas He has given me during my sleepless nights trying to figure out what should I have on my videos. Glory to Him! Some videos were edited/directed fully by me and some was with my ever so ummm, loyal(?) partner - Kenneth Gan. The third section is the GY Media section. The videos under this section are videos related to Grace Youth. Thank God once again for them ideas and for the cooperation of my fellow friends.
It's awesome making these videos. I hope I can do more for God. I'm new to this video editing. I've not yet reached the 1 year mark for my video editing.
I kinda lost interest in editing videos after the ISCF Rally. I think it's because of the constant filtering and checking done by the bosses of the ISCF committee. For some reason, that annoys me a lot. Don't know why. Haha!
The best ever period of making videos is during the Camp Meta period. Oh crap, it was freaking awesome! Seriously, I never felt so hyped up before. Haha!
Glory to God for everything He has done in me. I hope you're thanking Him everyday for what He has done for you. Life's awesome, because of God. I might have shed His blood plenty of times today, but I pray that I will repent. I ask for forgiveness, Lord. I humble myself, so that you WILL be GLORIFIED.
It's awesome making these videos. I hope I can do more for God. I'm new to this video editing. I've not yet reached the 1 year mark for my video editing.
I kinda lost interest in editing videos after the ISCF Rally. I think it's because of the constant filtering and checking done by the bosses of the ISCF committee. For some reason, that annoys me a lot. Don't know why. Haha!
The best ever period of making videos is during the Camp Meta period. Oh crap, it was freaking awesome! Seriously, I never felt so hyped up before. Haha!
Glory to God for everything He has done in me. I hope you're thanking Him everyday for what He has done for you. Life's awesome, because of God. I might have shed His blood plenty of times today, but I pray that I will repent. I ask for forgiveness, Lord. I humble myself, so that you WILL be GLORIFIED.
I'll make sure I'll click "post" exactly at 12 midnight.....
Awesome stuff to all Malaysians, lets keep this peace we once fought for.
Christians, keep this nation in prayer.
I love Malaysia.
Awesome stuff to all Malaysians, lets keep this peace we once fought for.
Christians, keep this nation in prayer.
I love Malaysia.
Drum Skins!
My new drum skins just arrived! Woohoo! Thank God!

I have 12", 13", 16" and 22" Remo Pinstripe skins. I have a 14" Remo Ambassador skins.
I text messaged my former drums teacher, Daniel Lee, to ask him when he's free to come help me tune my new drum skin. If he doesn't reply, then I'm gonna do it myself, I think. Haha!
Glory to God.
I have 12", 13", 16" and 22" Remo Pinstripe skins. I have a 14" Remo Ambassador skins.
I text messaged my former drums teacher, Daniel Lee, to ask him when he's free to come help me tune my new drum skin. If he doesn't reply, then I'm gonna do it myself, I think. Haha!
Glory to God.
Wednesday, August 29, 2007
School? What School?
Went to school today just to finish filling up some information form. Can't believe how pathetic my reason for going to school today. Haha. School sucked today. I spent my whole time standing up and walking up and down. The Merdeka celebrations in my school was alright. Due to the rain, we were forced indoors into our ever so faithful, Dewan Makan. Haha. The number was small today so everybody kinda fitted in the hall. There was some singing and acting and all was good. But the crap thing is, I went for my recess at 10:30AM. They stopped the whole celebration at around 11:15AM I think. I wasted ample time to study. Sigh. Gonna ask for leave next week so I can study.
Am freaking sleepy now. I switch off my cellphone most of the time. I think I only switch it on when I'm gonna use it as my alarm clock. Don't wanna receive an expensive bill at the end of this month.
Can't wait for independence day tomorrow. It'll be awesome. 50 years done, 50 years to come.
Am freaking sleepy now. I switch off my cellphone most of the time. I think I only switch it on when I'm gonna use it as my alarm clock. Don't wanna receive an expensive bill at the end of this month.
Can't wait for independence day tomorrow. It'll be awesome. 50 years done, 50 years to come.
Tuesday, August 28, 2007
Argh. I can't stand the weather these days. I like these sort of cool weather but darn, I can't stand it on a long run. The weather has been the same for days and darn, it makes my body weak and sleepy. I spent 2 hours revising English Literature and only finished 2 short stories. Darn. Hate myself. This weather makes me sleepy. Wanna sleep but can't, study! Need to study!
Went to school with my Jalur Gemilang-ed floor tom. Haha! I spent like 15 minutes to wrap my floor tom last night. It was kinda a last minute planning with my classmates. Just brought to school for fun. The original-last-minute plan was to let me play like a mad cow, then they bow. But in the end, Cherylyn, the conductor, misunderstood my "last beat", counted down for my classmates to bow before my "goreng" session. I was like, "potong".... Haha! I didn't even had the opportunity to pull down my mask before the song started. Haha! Well, it was all good. People cheered because of the wackiness and our Merdeka yell! It was awesome. Loved the energy. A bit embarrassed though.
School was boring. Wanted to study but, what the heck, no mood, friends around in a noisy class room. My moral teacher just can't get her facts and points out properly when she's arguing with us with some sensitive issues. It was fun "discussing" with her all them topics. Haha!
Mr. Jason's classes are getting ever so much interesting. The way he's guiding and teaching us is so clear these days, or maybe from the start, I might not have been as attentive as before though. Haha!
I'm MeiYen-philic and I'm not enjoying one bit of it.
Went to school with my Jalur Gemilang-ed floor tom. Haha! I spent like 15 minutes to wrap my floor tom last night. It was kinda a last minute planning with my classmates. Just brought to school for fun. The original-last-minute plan was to let me play like a mad cow, then they bow. But in the end, Cherylyn, the conductor, misunderstood my "last beat", counted down for my classmates to bow before my "goreng" session. I was like, "potong".... Haha! I didn't even had the opportunity to pull down my mask before the song started. Haha! Well, it was all good. People cheered because of the wackiness and our Merdeka yell! It was awesome. Loved the energy. A bit embarrassed though.
School was boring. Wanted to study but, what the heck, no mood, friends around in a noisy class room. My moral teacher just can't get her facts and points out properly when she's arguing with us with some sensitive issues. It was fun "discussing" with her all them topics. Haha!
Mr. Jason's classes are getting ever so much interesting. The way he's guiding and teaching us is so clear these days, or maybe from the start, I might not have been as attentive as before though. Haha!
I'm MeiYen-philic and I'm not enjoying one bit of it.
Monday, August 27, 2007
...... My syburns are not balanced. One's high, another's low. Next time: let dad shave my face. HAHAHAHA!
And oh yeah, them Ghetto gangsta' rappers speaks rubbish. I watched a video about Jay-Z Exposed or something, and crap, I didn't grasp fully what the crap he was trying to tell his viewers >.< He spoke somewhat like a Chinese guy greeting his friends in Hokkien, it'll be like, greeting your mum instead of you. Come on, it's a fact. And I just don't get it why the heck them Ghetto gangsta' rappers get so pissed when other people calls them n*gro or n*gga while they're alright with their community to call them those N words. People actually get arrested for saying those words to them African Americans, they call it discrimination. From my point of view, African Americans calling each other using them N words are also discrimination - discriminating their race. They themselves should be punished for saying them racial words. Contradicting.
Okay, now I'll go study =P.
And oh yeah, them Ghetto gangsta' rappers speaks rubbish. I watched a video about Jay-Z Exposed or something, and crap, I didn't grasp fully what the crap he was trying to tell his viewers >.< He spoke somewhat like a Chinese guy greeting his friends in Hokkien, it'll be like, greeting your mum instead of you. Come on, it's a fact. And I just don't get it why the heck them Ghetto gangsta' rappers get so pissed when other people calls them n*gro or n*gga while they're alright with their community to call them those N words. People actually get arrested for saying those words to them African Americans, they call it discrimination. From my point of view, African Americans calling each other using them N words are also discrimination - discriminating their race. They themselves should be punished for saying them racial words. Contradicting.
Okay, now I'll go study =P.
Drum Skin
Muahahaha! My mum banked in the money already. Gonna get them skins soon. I hope it'll be by this week. Gonna ask me drum teacher (former) - Daniel Lee, to come tune my drums. I hope that my snare will sound much more better with my new skins.
Gotta go start my Chapter 3 Chemistry of the Form 5 syllabus, wanna save time. Haha!
Glory to God.
Gotta go start my Chapter 3 Chemistry of the Form 5 syllabus, wanna save time. Haha!
Glory to God.
Sunday, August 26, 2007
Oh Yeah....
.... I came up with a new song. All it needs now is lyrics. ahahah! Gonna do that later...
I'm Being Harassed!
tr.v. ha·rassed, ha·rass·ing, ha·rass·es
1. To irritate or torment persistently.
2. To wear out; exhaust.
3. To impede and exhaust (an enemy) by repeated attacks or raids.
Crap, I'm being harassed daily, by smokers! It's irritating and very tormenting to tolerate with smokers today. It seems that the air we're breathing in now is so intoxicated that I think the 20% of oxygen has decreased to a smaller percentage because of the substitution with the cancerous smoke from the cigarettes. I would like to suggest to the government to catch them smokers who constantly harassed the non-smoking citizens of Malaysia. I hate people when they smoke. Seriously, what's the positive side of smoking? I know drinking alcohol has a positive side of it, it gives you warmth. But smoking? Are there any good outcomes? They give you cancers and other health problems, they're kinda one of the main contributors to the thinning of the ozone layers, they kill the people around them, wait, THAT'S MURDER!
It would be awesome if the government bans smoking in public places. Come on, it's harassing the people around them! And crap, if sexual harassment is wrong, then why not ummm, smoking harassment is wrong too? I didn't choose to be born a smoker, and yes, I don't smoke and I've never and WILL NEVER smoke at all. But these days, I think the first breath a new-born baby takes is already a breath full of nicotine and such from cigarettes. What really grinds my gears (Family Guy =P) is the fact that there are some parents who smoke in front of their children. Not only that, asking their children to go buy them cigarettes. What are these parents becoming?! Crap! Don't tell me now these smoking parents are murderous also? Suicide not enough arr? Wanna kill other people?!
And how the heck can girls stand their boyfriends smoking?! Come on, you're gonna kiss a smoker, whose mouth is more smelly than mine. Haha! And why the heck are women smoking these days? Mothers smoking! OH CRAP! What is in these women's mind?!
You know what should them smokers do? Lock themselves up in a room, seal every hole, and smoke. That'll be awesome. Banning cigarettes in Malaysia sounds stingy, but the whole locking up in the room thing is ummm, very tolerating. And if you wanna put some rational thinking into my brains, tell you what, is smoking in public rational anyways? Hmmmmm. Banning them adverts on the television isn't enough to curb this crap ummm, "crime". Come on, smokers in Malaysia are like walking advertisements.
Seriously, SAY TAK NAK to SMOKING! Go spend your money on something better, books, food, new apparels, ummmm, some FHMs maybe... Haha!
Praise and Worship
I played in the Praise and Worship team today for the main service. After Thursday's practice, I was kinda felt reluctant to play today, the energy wasn't there. But thank God He rejuvenated me. I enjoyed today's session. And seriously, other than the time I played with the PJ team, today was kinda like the awesomest Praise and Worship session for me. Woohoo! Glory to God!
I'm wasting a lot of time. Wait, I wasted a lot of time today. I just don't feel like, studying. Ish! I need agirlfriendfriend to encourage me to continue studying.
Forgive me Lord =(.
I'm wasting a lot of time. Wait, I wasted a lot of time today. I just don't feel like, studying. Ish! I need a
Forgive me Lord =(.
Saturday, August 25, 2007
Friday, August 24, 2007
Dunnett Drums....
I want them snare drums........ Hahaha! Expensive and not available in Malaysia. Bummer. Haha!
I want them snare drums........ Hahaha! Expensive and not available in Malaysia. Bummer. Haha!
Hang On...
Hang on Jon... Few more months then you're done. Haha!
Why count down for the start of SPM when you can count down for the END of SPM? Hahaha!
Why count down for the start of SPM when you can count down for the END of SPM? Hahaha!
Lesson Learned...
... Never eat more than you can take in, unless it's a buffet. Haha! Went out for dinner just now with my relatives. I ate too much and dam, now my stomach is bloated - bigger than before. Hahah! Gonna exercise later.... Woohoo!! Haha!
I'm still slow in my studies. I'm only in the second chapter for Biology for the Form 5 syllabus. Darn, I'm gonna die =(. I'm trying my best to remember every single thing I've studied and lets hope that I do. Haha! Glory to God.
And another lesson learned, shut the crap up, Jon.
I'm still slow in my studies. I'm only in the second chapter for Biology for the Form 5 syllabus. Darn, I'm gonna die =(. I'm trying my best to remember every single thing I've studied and lets hope that I do. Haha! Glory to God.
And another lesson learned, shut the crap up, Jon.
Thursday, August 23, 2007
Arrr.... This week has gotta be the best week this year, other than the week where I went for Camp Meta, that's better! Haha! Can't believe I actually went out to play football with me friends. I'm always so reluctant and lazy to get out of my bed early in the morning after studying till around 2:00AM. But thank God for the determination and discipline to get out of my bed, and to go exercise! Haha!
Not many people turned out today. Andrew, who was so freaking excited last night (he text messaged everybody to remind us about today's football session), couldn't wake up this morning. Haha! What the crap! Guna didn't come because I think he's outstation now. Bernie didn't have transport home. Other than that, I think they're all too lazy to wake up. Haha! Thank God for Han Ern and his cousin whose name I do not know how to spell. Haha! They came and played with us. Awesome people. I had fun, don't about others. Hamdan was with us too. Awesome stuff!
Gonna go study Biology soon. Need to finish at least one chapter of the Form 5 syllabus today, if not, I won't be ready for SPM. Gah! Dam I'm worried =(. But never mind, all I need to do is study and pray.
Change yourself Jon. Forgive me Lord =(.
Not many people turned out today. Andrew, who was so freaking excited last night (he text messaged everybody to remind us about today's football session), couldn't wake up this morning. Haha! What the crap! Guna didn't come because I think he's outstation now. Bernie didn't have transport home. Other than that, I think they're all too lazy to wake up. Haha! Thank God for Han Ern and his cousin whose name I do not know how to spell. Haha! They came and played with us. Awesome people. I had fun, don't about others. Hamdan was with us too. Awesome stuff!
Gonna go study Biology soon. Need to finish at least one chapter of the Form 5 syllabus today, if not, I won't be ready for SPM. Gah! Dam I'm worried =(. But never mind, all I need to do is study and pray.
Change yourself Jon. Forgive me Lord =(.
Wednesday, August 22, 2007
Alright, maybe last night's post on the bad connection was a bit too harsh. They were having they're server upgradings last night. But what the crap? Upgrade upgrade upgrade, still not what I paid for....
I Feel Cheated, Do You?
How many of you all are finding that the Streamyx (or any TM Net connection) connection is getting worse and worse everyday?
Thinking back at the first day I was using Streamyx, seriously, it was much better then (not that good anyways). But what the crap, it sucks now. Sorry for being frank and honest but, I've been trying to connect to the internet for like an hour already. And crap, the 100.0Mbps they (TM Net) promised us is kinda like a scam now. Surfing the net is kinda as difficult as registering what I've studied into my brains. I feel cheated - I, okay, my dad, pays RM88 every month, for this internet connection that promises us 100.0Mbps, but what do I get? Barely 50.0Mbps. I feel like I'm using Dial-Up all over again. Loading a plain page with one picture is already killing the connection. Ish.
And shiat, I feel ever so cheated when I found out that my original Windows copy is fake. I don't know what the crap is going on. I gave an original software to the computer shop to reformat my computer for me, and the computer returns with a fake copy installed on it. Bet is the fake software that's screwing all my applications on my computer. I can't even remove softwares installed on my computer through the Control Panel. Screw piracy. Money wasted.
This made me lose my mood to study. I'm studying reluctantly now. Ish! Hate this.
Thinking back at the first day I was using Streamyx, seriously, it was much better then (not that good anyways). But what the crap, it sucks now. Sorry for being frank and honest but, I've been trying to connect to the internet for like an hour already. And crap, the 100.0Mbps they (TM Net) promised us is kinda like a scam now. Surfing the net is kinda as difficult as registering what I've studied into my brains. I feel cheated - I, okay, my dad, pays RM88 every month, for this internet connection that promises us 100.0Mbps, but what do I get? Barely 50.0Mbps. I feel like I'm using Dial-Up all over again. Loading a plain page with one picture is already killing the connection. Ish.
And shiat, I feel ever so cheated when I found out that my original Windows copy is fake. I don't know what the crap is going on. I gave an original software to the computer shop to reformat my computer for me, and the computer returns with a fake copy installed on it. Bet is the fake software that's screwing all my applications on my computer. I can't even remove softwares installed on my computer through the Control Panel. Screw piracy. Money wasted.
This made me lose my mood to study. I'm studying reluctantly now. Ish! Hate this.
Tuesday, August 21, 2007
Argh, now I know why I seldom revise Physics, it's boring. Darn, worse than Biology. Haha! Spent the whole morning revising Physics and I'm not done yet. Planning to finish the Form 4 syllabus today. Then next week, I can start with the Form 5 ones.
I'm studying now for the SPM. For my Trials, ummm, I'm just gonna do my best =). Haha. I'm just gonna study till what I can for my Trials, pray, and let His will take over. I dislike memorising all them experiments for Paper 3s. I just don't get it why we have to memorise all these experiments. Sigh.
Practicing piano is so fun =). Darn, sometimes I just feel bored but when I think about Jordan Rudess, it's like I'm rejuvenated to practice the piano. I can't believe I'm practicing the piano >.< Haha!
Was just thinking about what I'm gonna do after my SPM. I'm planning to just sit for the SAT examinations, it's kinda like the passport to any university in the States. Not sure what I'm gonna do yet, but I've set my mind to study in the States. Darn, I wanna go back there. So right after my SPM examinations, I'm gonna use my savings to buy them SAT books to study. I'm determined to study in the States! Haha!
Alright, got to go now, wanna continue studying Physics. BORING!!!!
I'm studying now for the SPM. For my Trials, ummm, I'm just gonna do my best =). Haha. I'm just gonna study till what I can for my Trials, pray, and let His will take over. I dislike memorising all them experiments for Paper 3s. I just don't get it why we have to memorise all these experiments. Sigh.
Practicing piano is so fun =). Darn, sometimes I just feel bored but when I think about Jordan Rudess, it's like I'm rejuvenated to practice the piano. I can't believe I'm practicing the piano >.< Haha!
Was just thinking about what I'm gonna do after my SPM. I'm planning to just sit for the SAT examinations, it's kinda like the passport to any university in the States. Not sure what I'm gonna do yet, but I've set my mind to study in the States. Darn, I wanna go back there. So right after my SPM examinations, I'm gonna use my savings to buy them SAT books to study. I'm determined to study in the States! Haha!
Alright, got to go now, wanna continue studying Physics. BORING!!!!
Monday, August 20, 2007
Jon, you're...
... Pathetic...
FORGET IT. FORGET FORGET FORGET. Nothing will work now. Jon, forget please.
FORGET IT. FORGET FORGET FORGET. Nothing will work now. Jon, forget please.
Signal Lamps? What's That?!
There's another group of Malaysians. The first one I discovered was people hating public toilet, now, a group of Malaysians who HATE signal lamps/lights of their cars. Okay, not hate, just ignorant about the usage of them signal lights.
I wonder how these Malaysians pass their driving test all the time I see them NOT using the signal lights for its proper usage. Some people are just so dumb, that they would change the colours of the signal lights, add some accessories to it, and etc. Oh my goodness, people standardised the light to be yellow (or orange?) in colour for a reason. I think the only time these people use them signal lights when they're in an emergency. But wait, putting on the emergency lights on doesn't mean you're in emergency, these people use it to warn others that they're driving at high speed and signaling others, to get out of the way. Crap, how selfish can people be?
What's more surprising is that, people use them emergency lights, to speed with their funeral car (or whatever you call it). I saw this funeral car with the emergency lights on and some other thugs in their own cars behind the funeral car, speeding at approx. 90kmph, in a housing area. What the crap. My mum even told me that some of them go to the extent where they stop traffic so that they can pass red lights. Who's that dead person? Someone important to the community? NO. It's just some ordinary guy who passed away. Seriously, I know we need to respect the dead but come on, be reasonable, stopping the traffic for this? What the crap.
Stop accepting bribes in driving examinations. Bloody corrupted people! Because of you corrupted people, others are dying! CRAP!
I wonder how these Malaysians pass their driving test all the time I see them NOT using the signal lights for its proper usage. Some people are just so dumb, that they would change the colours of the signal lights, add some accessories to it, and etc. Oh my goodness, people standardised the light to be yellow (or orange?) in colour for a reason. I think the only time these people use them signal lights when they're in an emergency. But wait, putting on the emergency lights on doesn't mean you're in emergency, these people use it to warn others that they're driving at high speed and signaling others, to get out of the way. Crap, how selfish can people be?
What's more surprising is that, people use them emergency lights, to speed with their funeral car (or whatever you call it). I saw this funeral car with the emergency lights on and some other thugs in their own cars behind the funeral car, speeding at approx. 90kmph, in a housing area. What the crap. My mum even told me that some of them go to the extent where they stop traffic so that they can pass red lights. Who's that dead person? Someone important to the community? NO. It's just some ordinary guy who passed away. Seriously, I know we need to respect the dead but come on, be reasonable, stopping the traffic for this? What the crap.
Stop accepting bribes in driving examinations. Bloody corrupted people! Because of you corrupted people, others are dying! CRAP!
I'm not a sports person or anything, I suck in sports and everybody knows it. But that doesn't stop me from having fun with my fellow friends =). Haha. Went out for futsal today with my friends. The pack: Bernie, Kavi, Guna, Seng Aun, Seng Aun's brother (whose name I can't remember), Hong Kim, Fang Yi, Jian Jie, Nicko, Boon Kiat, Andrew, Boon Hau, Bruce, Zhi Chong and me. Really had fun today. It was a good exercise. Then after the playing, we went to eat. Not all of us though. It was fun fellowshipping with each other during our ummm, branch. Haha.
I was kinda disappointed though that my dad came to fetch me almost 45 minutes after I contacted him. Wasted A LOT of time in the shop doing nothing.
Anyways, thank God I had time for a short nap before my Chemistry tuition with Pn. Sunita. Was sleepy though during her classes.
Today was awesome. Spending time with your friends is awesome. Well, depends who your friends are =).
I was kinda disappointed though that my dad came to fetch me almost 45 minutes after I contacted him. Wasted A LOT of time in the shop doing nothing.
Anyways, thank God I had time for a short nap before my Chemistry tuition with Pn. Sunita. Was sleepy though during her classes.
Today was awesome. Spending time with your friends is awesome. Well, depends who your friends are =).
Sunday, August 19, 2007
Almost True...
Your Birthdate: July 20 |
![]() You are a virtual roller coaster of emotions, and most people enjoy the ride. Your mood tends to set the tone of the room, and when you're happy, this is a good thing. When you get in a dark mood, watch out - it's very hard to get you out of it. It's sometimes hard for you to cheer up, and your gloom can be contagious. Your strength: Your warm heart Your weakness: Trouble controlling your emotions Your power color: Black Your power symbol: Musical note Your power month: February |
Seriously, I dislike playing the piano. I dislike spending time just trying to perfect a crappy classical piece and to figure out some sight reading. But after I started listening to Jordan Rudess, darn, I was inspired to continue playing the piano - I've started practicing already =P. Even though I still suck and I'm stuck at the beginner level (I have Grade 5, but I threw all my piano knowledge away) for now. But no worries, I'll try my best to perfect my fingering with scales and Cherzny, or however you spell it. Got to go play the piano now! Bye!
For God, I Will.
For God, I Will.
Saturday, August 18, 2007
I'll Stop....
I'll stop spending money on instruments after I get:
- Another bass drum
- A Pearl Eliminator Single Pedal
- 10" and 11" toms
- 18" and 20" toms
- Super Hoops II for ALL my tom rims
- An 18" China (Z-Custom preferably)
- A 16" Crash (Z-Custom preferably)
- Remo Pinstripe skins for all
- A Korg Synthesizer (after I master my scales)
- Two turntables
- A set of percussions (16" floor tom, 18" floor tom, 20" floor tom, 22" bass drum and a thrash can)
- Ahead drumsticks
- Baseball bat
- Gibson SG guitar
Eyeliners and Black Nail Polish Please........
I miss eyeliners and black nail polish =(.
I'm gonna blog about yesterday. Studied History the WHOLE day. The only time I wasn't studying history was when I went for Mr. Prasad's class. It was a very disappointing class because the class was uber crowded and I can't understand immediately what Mr. Prasad was teaching. Sigh. Well, gonna revise later though.
Gonna play guitar in Second Hall later. Glory to God.
Thanks Poh Leong for your guitar.
I'm gonna blog about yesterday. Studied History the WHOLE day. The only time I wasn't studying history was when I went for Mr. Prasad's class. It was a very disappointing class because the class was uber crowded and I can't understand immediately what Mr. Prasad was teaching. Sigh. Well, gonna revise later though.
Gonna play guitar in Second Hall later. Glory to God.
Thanks Poh Leong for your guitar.
Friday, August 17, 2007
Rush Hour 3
Yesterday, Bernie, Guna, Kavi and I planned to watch Rush Hour 3 today. I told my dad about it and since he's on leave today, he decided to come pick us up from school and tag along on this movie trip. Went to school today and didn't feel like going out for the movie (I exercised 12:30am till 2am I think) because I don't wanna miss my afternoon nap. Haha. So I told Kavi that I didn't wanna go then he started complaining about how difficult her took the public bus to school and stuff like. I felt sorry and yeah, guilty, so I changed my mind and decided to watch the movie with them.
We had PJ today and it was awesome. I can't believe my teacher actually allowed us to play football in a muddy field. Haha. It was awesome. Sliding here and there like nobody's business. It was fun but kinda unfair because the other class team had fewer members than my class' team. Well, least everybody played and enjoyed today. Returned to class all muddy and stinky, darn, even though we smelt like rubbish, bet that every single one of us (guys) enjoyed today's PJ. Woohoo! Glory to God =).
That's the only fun part in school. After school, I went for CF meeting. We had Prayer Walk today. It was awesome. I shared a bit on Prayer - What's Prayer and Why are we Praying. It was simple and I can't believe I shared that well today. It's gotta be the Holy Spirit. Glory to God. After sharing and a simple worship, we were divided into a team of six except my group, only three guys. We prayed on some prayer points, mostly for the CF. I enjoyed praying with Jairam and Benjamin. They were great. I hope to have more of these activities in CF. I hope we can carry out our prayer meetings like this. It'll be uber cool. Haha!
After CF, dad came and took us (Bernie, Kavi, Guna and I) to Shaw Centrepoint (sp?). Bought tickets - four of us bought the tickets at student rate and my dad got the Senior citizen rate (even though he's not). Haha! The time of screening of Rush Hour 3 was Three O'clock, but guess what? They only started showing the advertisements at 3:15. Haha! What the crap. Anyways, the movie was awesome. It's my type of movie - comedy. Love it, and enjoyed it. Thank God for the good time with my dad and friends. The movie was short though - an hour and 25 minutes. Short for an awesome movie.
Nothing else interesting happened today.
I'm gonna buy spray paints to spray my ultraman mask. Gonna improvise it to give that Patriotic look. Muahahah! Gonna buy new strap for it. Will post final result here. God bless. Glory to God.
PS: Thinking of bringing floor tom to school on the day where my class' suppose to sing during the assembly. Muahahaha!
We had PJ today and it was awesome. I can't believe my teacher actually allowed us to play football in a muddy field. Haha. It was awesome. Sliding here and there like nobody's business. It was fun but kinda unfair because the other class team had fewer members than my class' team. Well, least everybody played and enjoyed today. Returned to class all muddy and stinky, darn, even though we smelt like rubbish, bet that every single one of us (guys) enjoyed today's PJ. Woohoo! Glory to God =).
That's the only fun part in school. After school, I went for CF meeting. We had Prayer Walk today. It was awesome. I shared a bit on Prayer - What's Prayer and Why are we Praying. It was simple and I can't believe I shared that well today. It's gotta be the Holy Spirit. Glory to God. After sharing and a simple worship, we were divided into a team of six except my group, only three guys. We prayed on some prayer points, mostly for the CF. I enjoyed praying with Jairam and Benjamin. They were great. I hope to have more of these activities in CF. I hope we can carry out our prayer meetings like this. It'll be uber cool. Haha!
After CF, dad came and took us (Bernie, Kavi, Guna and I) to Shaw Centrepoint (sp?). Bought tickets - four of us bought the tickets at student rate and my dad got the Senior citizen rate (even though he's not). Haha! The time of screening of Rush Hour 3 was Three O'clock, but guess what? They only started showing the advertisements at 3:15. Haha! What the crap. Anyways, the movie was awesome. It's my type of movie - comedy. Love it, and enjoyed it. Thank God for the good time with my dad and friends. The movie was short though - an hour and 25 minutes. Short for an awesome movie.
Nothing else interesting happened today.
I'm gonna buy spray paints to spray my ultraman mask. Gonna improvise it to give that Patriotic look. Muahahah! Gonna buy new strap for it. Will post final result here. God bless. Glory to God.
PS: Thinking of bringing floor tom to school on the day where my class' suppose to sing during the assembly. Muahahaha!
Thursday, August 16, 2007
Worn Out
I jump 1000+ times;
I sit-up 200 times;
I push-up 20 times;
I carry weights 50 times (each hand);
at 12:30AM......
I sit-up 200 times;
I push-up 20 times;
I carry weights 50 times (each hand);
at 12:30AM......
Public Toilet - Malaysians' Arch Nemesis
I just don't get it why Malaysians can't use the public toilets with care like how they do in their house. Seriously, it's like public toilets are Malaysians' worst enemy. Whenever a person is not charged for any amount of fee to enter the toilet, they just, mess it up. No matter where you can use the toilet for free - supermarkets, tuition centres, schools, hospitals and etc etc. When I went for my medical check up, I went into the hospital toilet - both Klang and Bangsar; oh my goodness, I can't believe it how can the hospital toilets are in such a mess. First I blamed the hospital maintenance. But it was unfair to blame them workers, I mean, they do carry out their jobs properly. Who else to blame? The users - Malaysians. Well, not everybody though. I use public toilets with care and I'm sure there are many others who also uses the toilets properly. But for those people, who have a grudge with public toilets, dam, that's just immature! Haha! I see adults peeing and not flushing. What the heck. Most people blame vandalisers, but I blame adults for setting a wrong example when it comes to toilet hygiene. Some parents just, don't give a dam about public cleanliness. And when something happens to their health because of the dirty stuff they left behind, the government takes the blame (though sometimes the government is at fault). Rational thinking people, what happened to rational?
So we've seen Malaysians who hate public toilets so much and do not "respect" the facilities. Now lets shift our perspective to the Malaysians who HATE public toilet so much, till they pee EVERYWHERE. Funny? Yeah, kinda. But seriously, some people are just being plain idiots, they pee on sidewalks, lifts, elevators, and etc. Come on, least pee on a tree when nobody's watching. Some parents don't even care about their kids peeing everywhere. Why don't take them to some place more private? I wouldn't wanna commit adultery seeing child porn. Haha!
Anyways, just use them public facilities properly alright? Sometimes you think it's fun not taking care of them facilities, but remember this, other people might need to use them, and YOU might need to use them. So, be grateful and stop complaining about the toilets being dirty and smelly, it's all YOUR FAULT. One person can practice this but not succeed, why don't everybody help make public toilets, a better place to pee in.
Forgive me Lord for the sins I've committed. You're faithful and just to forgive me Lord, now let the Holy Spirit help me to repent. Forgive me Lord. Glory to Your Name.
So we've seen Malaysians who hate public toilets so much and do not "respect" the facilities. Now lets shift our perspective to the Malaysians who HATE public toilet so much, till they pee EVERYWHERE. Funny? Yeah, kinda. But seriously, some people are just being plain idiots, they pee on sidewalks, lifts, elevators, and etc. Come on, least pee on a tree when nobody's watching. Some parents don't even care about their kids peeing everywhere. Why don't take them to some place more private? I wouldn't wanna commit adultery seeing child porn. Haha!
Anyways, just use them public facilities properly alright? Sometimes you think it's fun not taking care of them facilities, but remember this, other people might need to use them, and YOU might need to use them. So, be grateful and stop complaining about the toilets being dirty and smelly, it's all YOUR FAULT. One person can practice this but not succeed, why don't everybody help make public toilets, a better place to pee in.
Forgive me Lord for the sins I've committed. You're faithful and just to forgive me Lord, now let the Holy Spirit help me to repent. Forgive me Lord. Glory to Your Name.
Wednesday, August 15, 2007
Some Random Pictures
Was in Pn. Sunita's class one day and darn, how low can people get to show that their a "hardcore" fan of Harry Potter? Haha. (Next stop, Slipknot masks in tuition class for me =P)
Looks disgusting eh? Don't judge the book by its cover. It's actually Vanilla ice cream with Cadbury's Bites. Muahahaha. Darn, now you know why I'm putting on weight =P. Haha.
I was just going through Pn. Sunita's notes two days ago and guess what, Ivan is so good in vandalising and getting away with it till he did this art without me knowing it. Wow. Haha.
This is a cut on my leg. I took a better picture of it but I don't know where's it. It's actually a long cut. I was walking out from the stationary shop near my tuition centre and I didn't notice some pen holder or whatever you call it outside of the shop. It's transparent also and darn, how to have noticed it?! Haha. The sharp edge cut me and darn, I can see them white colour tissues after my skin was peeled off.
Just testing the picture uploading for this skin. Gonna study Modern Maths. God bless.
Glory to God.
Romans 1:16
16I am not ashamed of the gospel, because it is the power of God for the salvation of everyone who believes...
Thank You.
Thank You God for the awesome results. As all of you know that I suck badly in my Malay Language paper. I never can execute a fine A for my exams. But in tuition, it's the other way round. I find myself achieving in tuition instead of achieving in school. My essays seem to be top notch when I write it during tuition period but suck all the time I write in school for any examinations. The best part is, I attend tuition, not knowing when my teacher is gonna give me an essay to write, unprepared, yet, earning a result I myself can't believe I got it. During examination period, I study, I memorise, I go through some points for some spotted questions, but I still can't get good marks for my essay. Well, I just hope that I can continue to strive for the best.
Glory to God for the results He has given to me. Thanks.
God gives us opportunities to change, so grasp it, Jon.
Time to exercise now, yeap, it's late, but still gonna do it. Then I'm gonna finish Mr. Prasad's homework.
Get out of my mind, enough is enough please.
Glory to God for the results He has given to me. Thanks.
God gives us opportunities to change, so grasp it, Jon.
Time to exercise now, yeap, it's late, but still gonna do it. Then I'm gonna finish Mr. Prasad's homework.
Get out of my mind, enough is enough please.
It's Negaraku, Not NegaraKUKU.
Think it's cool "improvising" our National Anthem? Seriously, I think it's awesome. I don't mind rapping a few lines, adding some riffs to the original piece. But adding racial lines, cussing in your "improvised" National Anthem, come on, get a life. If you're playing or joking among your ring of friends, hey, it's alright. But going public? What the crap?! Don't you know that your "opus" brings embarrassment to Malaysia? How patriotic.
The National Anthem is not for you to dance or for you to ignore. Respect the National Anthem. I see students talking during the National Anthem, some don't sing. When asked why they're not singing, they say it's a waste of time. Got no time just to show a bit of patriotism? Then I think that you're not worthy to stay in this country. I just don't understand why people just dislike Malaysia. Why do people think that the grass is always greener on the other side? Look at the Americans, you think that they hate their country? Come on, they love their country. Malaysia not good enough for you? Ungrateful citizens.
The laws of this country is too tight? Would you like a robber to sue you when he/she trips at your front yard while robbing your house? Eh, think again. Our laws are alright - good enough for this multi-racial society. Tolerate please.
Please stop thinking how great your race is. Because, your insults wouldn't help you get the better of the problem.
Malaysia is better off without people who are ungrateful.
I confess I do joke around a bit with my friends, but seriously speaking, darn I love my country. I love Malaysia, I love Malaysians.
The National Anthem is not for you to dance or for you to ignore. Respect the National Anthem. I see students talking during the National Anthem, some don't sing. When asked why they're not singing, they say it's a waste of time. Got no time just to show a bit of patriotism? Then I think that you're not worthy to stay in this country. I just don't understand why people just dislike Malaysia. Why do people think that the grass is always greener on the other side? Look at the Americans, you think that they hate their country? Come on, they love their country. Malaysia not good enough for you? Ungrateful citizens.
The laws of this country is too tight? Would you like a robber to sue you when he/she trips at your front yard while robbing your house? Eh, think again. Our laws are alright - good enough for this multi-racial society. Tolerate please.
Please stop thinking how great your race is. Because, your insults wouldn't help you get the better of the problem.
Malaysia is better off without people who are ungrateful.
I confess I do joke around a bit with my friends, but seriously speaking, darn I love my country. I love Malaysia, I love Malaysians.
Malaysians' Loyalty?
Where does the Malaysians' loyalty stands? Malaysia, or Money? Corruption - a very common word, now a common practice among Malaysians, no matter how rich or poor you are, what race you are or what colour skin you have. It's happening everyday and we know it. Even though the newspapers some people deny carrying out this practice, but report shows that corruption is being carried out - the result is there; proof to show people that one has committed this serious crime. It's already sad to see that Malaysians are practicing corruption for an easier way to earn money, it's even more saddening to see some of our leaders of Malaysia carrying out corruption indirectly (it's in the newspaper, they show how much one has in their bank account and poof, we got proof =P). Kinda ironic when the people who talks about the next generation (our generation) being rebellious and not following rules, is committing such a serious crime that not only jeapordises the name of Malaysia, but also jeapordising the trust of the Malaysians towards the government.
Nowadays we can see police officers receiving bribes from law offenders just to add more income to their salary. Since when corruption acts as a bonus? Am I accusing or pointing fingers? If I am, then arrest every sane adult in country, they think the same also. Law officers getting extra tips by receiving bribes. I learned about symbiosis in Biology, how animals interact with the environment and stuff like that - it seems that corruption is one of the ways people interact with each other, carrying out symbiosis - you pay me, I don't disturb you.
But I don't blame the people in authority only, I also blame those people who offers corruption. The traditional work hard gain more system is being extinct as people these days wanna get things done quickly and easier. So what do they do? They corrupt each other, bringing in over-limit goods, illegal goods and etc. Malaysians these days are smart/good in practicing negative acts. Come on Malaysians, wake up. 50th Anniversary of Independence of Malaysia - not 50 years of corruption. It's time to change. Stop blaming kids and teenagers only, look at yourself.
Do what's right and stop what's wrong. Stand at the correct spot - Malaysia, or Money?
What the heck did I just posted? I'm semi-conscious now.
Nowadays we can see police officers receiving bribes from law offenders just to add more income to their salary. Since when corruption acts as a bonus? Am I accusing or pointing fingers? If I am, then arrest every sane adult in country, they think the same also. Law officers getting extra tips by receiving bribes. I learned about symbiosis in Biology, how animals interact with the environment and stuff like that - it seems that corruption is one of the ways people interact with each other, carrying out symbiosis - you pay me, I don't disturb you.
But I don't blame the people in authority only, I also blame those people who offers corruption. The traditional work hard gain more system is being extinct as people these days wanna get things done quickly and easier. So what do they do? They corrupt each other, bringing in over-limit goods, illegal goods and etc. Malaysians these days are smart/good in practicing negative acts. Come on Malaysians, wake up. 50th Anniversary of Independence of Malaysia - not 50 years of corruption. It's time to change. Stop blaming kids and teenagers only, look at yourself.
Do what's right and stop what's wrong. Stand at the correct spot - Malaysia, or Money?
What the heck did I just posted? I'm semi-conscious now.
Tuesday, August 14, 2007
Any DJs out there? I would like to learn a few skills from you people. And if possible (God's WILL), can someone loan me a turntable set? I have some ideas....
Gonna practice piano!!! WHEEEE!!
Gonna practice piano!!! WHEEEE!!
Did I Get Chosen or Not?
Did I get chosen for NS or not?! Today Bernie checked for me again using his 012 number. Guess what? They say that I didn't get chosen for NS >.
Went to school today. School's getting very boring. Quite a number of teachers are out for some stuff. So nowadays, Form 5 students usually get at least 5 periods of free time. Hahah. So I decided - not to attend school tomorrow. But not sure whether my parents let or not. Gonna ask them later.
PS: AC/DC rocks. HAha. Well, maybe just their lead vocalist - Angus Young. I love his outfit. Gonna buy them. Haha!
Went to school today. School's getting very boring. Quite a number of teachers are out for some stuff. So nowadays, Form 5 students usually get at least 5 periods of free time. Hahah. So I decided - not to attend school tomorrow. But not sure whether my parents let or not. Gonna ask them later.
PS: AC/DC rocks. HAha. Well, maybe just their lead vocalist - Angus Young. I love his outfit. Gonna buy them. Haha!
Cellphone - Locked Up
My cellphone bill has went over my father's limit again. So now, I'm just gonna keep my cellphone just to listen to music. No more texting like a mad ass and calling people. Wanna call, use public phone.
Tuition was alright. Gonna go revise Add Maths then continue studying Moral.
PS: Stone Sour is really good. Muderdolls too. Muahahah! Can't wait for Slipknot's next album next year.
Tuition was alright. Gonna go revise Add Maths then continue studying Moral.
PS: Stone Sour is really good. Muderdolls too. Muahahah! Can't wait for Slipknot's next album next year.
Monday, August 13, 2007
The Worshipers Anthem
I think I still remember the chords. Hahah.
For God I Will,
For God I Will,
I Will Die,
For God I Will;
For God I Will,
I Bow Down on my knees,
Worship His name,
For God I Will;
For God I Will.
Devil Go Away
I think this is my first ever song I'd written. There's a bass riff, slow and suits the singing.
Devil go away,
You've lead my mind astray,
Now I know your thoughts about me,
So Devil go away.
Devil go away,
You've ruined my life again,
I see my future down the drain,
So Devil go away.
In this dark time,
I'm lost,
With no one,
Down and cry,
But this,
This light,
The light from the other side,
That light,
Is growing brighter,
Then I realised...
Devil go away,
You've no chance when He's in me,
I stand up on my feet and scream,
Devil go away!
Christ has come to stay,
He broke all of my chains,
I lift my hands and worship Him,
Christ has come to stay.
So Devil go,
His Love To Us
A song I wrote quite some time back. I'm not a good singer, so whoever thinks that they can bear my tone-deaf-ness and would like to sing this song for me for a simple recording, please tell me =). God bless. Glory to Him.
Truth beats lies,
Light kills darkness,
To bring signs and wonders;
Truth beats lies,
Light kills darkness,
is God the Father.
Pre Chorus
Sent His Son,
To die for us [You and Me],
Held my sins,
All the greed;
Live to Die,
Life for Pain,
Grace to Save,
Salvation to all.
Close your eyes,
Let it die,
Lay down your life,
to God of might;
Kiss goodbye,
Death has fallen,
let Him dwell,
in your life.
Pre Chorus
Soft Chorus
Your heart and soul,
your life He'll hold,
in His hands,
His Love to Us.
I Miss Designing
I can't believe it, for the first time in my life, I miss designing. Not designing had never bothered me before but this time, it seems that there are just so many things to do. It's like my mind is just so itchy and anxious to be creative (I doubt I am). Sigh. I have this error on my Photoshop CS2 saying that they couldn't find my registration name and serial number. Weird. Never came across that error before.
Anyways, I'm enjoying every single minute when I practice my drums.
Other than that, I revamped my WHOLE study timetable. I believe now I have ample time for each and every subject I'm taking for SPM. Darn, I feel the heat but part of me just don't care. Need to throw that part away. Muahahah!
Come on Jon, do it for God. No one else.
Anyways, I'm enjoying every single minute when I practice my drums.
Other than that, I revamped my WHOLE study timetable. I believe now I have ample time for each and every subject I'm taking for SPM. Darn, I feel the heat but part of me just don't care. Need to throw that part away. Muahahah!
Come on Jon, do it for God. No one else.
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Wanna be linked on this blog? Please post a comment here. Please include your blog website and your REAL name. Thank you.
Sunday, August 12, 2007
Glory to God
Arrr.... Playing drums for God is always so satisfying. I bet that everyone thought I suck badly after yesterday's practice (couldn't agree more). It's like, after one and half months of not playing "youth" songs. Hahah. To add more confusion to my already bad playing, they tried to fuse last year's GY Camp song - Follow You with Hillsong United's What The World Will Never Take, they included a new song into their playlist - Praise You by Planetshakers. As always, I've never been updated with any new songs at all since the first time I played for Sunday School. Haha! Couldn't play well during yesterday's practice but today - it was a miracle. Hahah! Surely I myself wasn't playing the drums - the Holy Spirit took over. I've never used so much double bass pedal in Christian songs like today. All I can say is that, glory to God, and none for me. I'm happy about that.
PS: Murderdolls ain't that bad =). Stone Sour too...
PS: Murderdolls ain't that bad =). Stone Sour too...
Friday, August 10, 2007
Mr. Jason
He's a good teacher. Seriously, his notes are awesome, his guidance is awesome, his explanations are always awesome. But one thing, other than the fees being too expensive, is that he likes to replace classes whenever he wants. Replacements on Saturdays for both classes together is already bad enough, now he's having a replacement tomorrow - Sunday. Sigh. Gonna miss a class (I know I miss a lot of them already) because of him. Sigh.
I'm having a practice later for tomorrow's special Sunday School thingy. I'm not looking forward for the practice. Thought of staying at home only the whole day. But anything for God.
PS:I hate the size of the text in this blog. Changed everything to 11 pixels but for the posts part, it ain't working. Ish!
I'm having a practice later for tomorrow's special Sunday School thingy. I'm not looking forward for the practice. Thought of staying at home only the whole day. But anything for God.
Why Subliminal Verses?
Why the word Subliminal?
Subliminal is part of a Slipknot's album name - Subliminal Volume. After finding out this new word, I searched for the meaning from an online dictionary and yeap, it has a very strong meaning and if the meaning is interpreted properly, I bet it'll do more good than bad.
Why the word Verses?
I love music. And I have this secret interests in writing songs and I've written three already (or maybe more). And I love playing music for God. I like listening to metal and just extracting some elements and styles from their music and finally, designing an awesome piece, hopefully, with full of energy, full of worship and praise to Him - all for His glory.
God's INFLUENCE in my VERSES - I Will, For God.
–adjective Psychology.
existing or operating below the threshold of consciousness; being or employing stimuli insufficiently intense to produce a discrete sensation but often being or designed to be intense enough to influence the mental processes or the behavior of the individual: a subliminal stimulus; subliminal advertising.
Subliminal is part of a Slipknot's album name - Subliminal Volume. After finding out this new word, I searched for the meaning from an online dictionary and yeap, it has a very strong meaning and if the meaning is interpreted properly, I bet it'll do more good than bad.
Why the word Verses?
verse 1 (vûrs) Pronunciation Key
1. A single metrical line in a poetic composition; one line of poetry.
2. A division of a metrical composition, such as a stanza of a poem or hymn.
3. A poem.
4. The art or work of a poet.
5. A group of poems: read a book of satirical verse.
2. Metrical or rhymed composition as distinct from prose; poetry.
1. The art or work of a poet.
2. A group of poems: read a book of satirical verse.
4. Metrical writing that lacks depth or artistic merit.
5. A particular type of metrical composition, such as blank verse or free verse.
6. One of the numbered subdivisions of a chapter in the Bible.
I love music. And I have this secret interests in writing songs and I've written three already (or maybe more). And I love playing music for God. I like listening to metal and just extracting some elements and styles from their music and finally, designing an awesome piece, hopefully, with full of energy, full of worship and praise to Him - all for His glory.
God's INFLUENCE in my VERSES - I Will, For God.
National Service 2008
I got chosen. Awesome. Not looking forward for National Service though. It's God's will. Let Him take control. More friends for me then =). HAha.
For God I Will.
PS: Relient K sucks...
For God I Will.
PS: Relient K sucks...
Why am I using a new blog? Don't know. Doubt that people will come to visit this blog anyway. So just created this blog to post all my clean rants.
The right top seems empty. Gonna work on it as soon as I get back my Photoshop. Ish!
The right top seems empty. Gonna work on it as soon as I get back my Photoshop. Ish!
Sunday, August 5, 2007
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