Saturday, July 12, 2008


Mad concept, mad ideas, mad execution, but finishing was sloppy; ISCF Rally 2008 was ALRIGHT. Bad sound system, singers going SS mode and very obvious out-of-tuned bass guitar. I only liked the sharing and the skit.

Woke up quite early this morning. Slept at around 3AM last night and woke up around 5AM something because of a nightmare (I was really scared okay) and then two to three hours later to send my dad to the bus station so that I can use the car for the rally just now. Came back home and came online to chat with Siyan about a favour I promised her. Needed to design some newspaper thingy and thank God I did it in time before 1PM. Drove to the Sports Complex in Pandamaran reached there around 1:05PM... Stayed there till JUST NOW. Can't come home because I don't know when is the light arriving and how to use it. Haha! Thank God for Calvin Roy for assisting me. That crap light is heavy. My hands and legs are aching now. Stressing the weight on my hands and standing almost all day long. Oh my...

My opinion, rally was alright, but it was WAY TO PRICEY! Come on, you don't need to pay big bucks for a psychadelic rally... Thumbs down. Well, least I had experience managing the dam light. Haha! Got yelled at to switch off the light. Come on, give me the cue first... I like reminders, be nice and remind, don't yell >.< The laser and pyro show was crappy. A four-band show is just way too silly. Don't know, wasn't that good but at least some souls accepted Christ, now that's a good thing resulting from the rally xD. Haha!

Should have spend more time at the rally place meeting up with old pals... Needed to rush to mamak; Lay Kuan spent me and some other former classmates. Small portion, but kinda tasty. Don't know, might be too tired and hungry to judge the food. Haha!

All said and done, all Glory goes to Him and HOPEFULLY, next year, there'll be a NORMAL but PSYCHADELIC(sp?) ralleh... Not expensive ones with weird entertainments... Night night.

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