The chronicles of the bullshit laptop continues. I just don't get it why I can't access the full internet speed on my laptop. Grrr... It seems alright using my desktop computer. What's up this time? Hmmmm... Is it because of the internet connection reflux? Most probably. Don't know.
I pretty much use my desktop computer for Counter Strike(-ing) and Skype(-ing) with Mr. Poh Leong. Sounds so gay but hey, it's fun. Ask him, he enjoys it xD. Skype's the shit! Woot!
Gonna go watch the new Mummy movie tomorrow. Hope I can get tickets.
Wednesday, July 30, 2008
Tuesday, July 29, 2008
Dental Appointment
I need to get my teeth checked out before I leave for the US. I missed one dental appointment already. Blame it on ignorance and forgetfulness >.< My bad xD. So, for this Friday's dental appointment at 4PM, I already added to my phone's reminder and hopefully this blog post will also act as a reminder. Haha! Friday is also a very special day xD.
Packing is so troublesome. I'm not done with packing yet but my luggage seems full already. I still have like, three long pants, few more shorts, one more pair of boxers (Southpark design by Han and Cheryl, thanks), two shirts, two to three more collar t-shirts, toiletries and etc etc. Gone case lerr you Jon. Need to weigh your luggage also you know. Bloody hell... Poh Leong, can lend me your weighing scale arr?? Pretty please....
Dad's in the Chelsea game. Fatty.
Packing is so troublesome. I'm not done with packing yet but my luggage seems full already. I still have like, three long pants, few more shorts, one more pair of boxers (Southpark design by Han and Cheryl, thanks), two shirts, two to three more collar t-shirts, toiletries and etc etc. Gone case lerr you Jon. Need to weigh your luggage also you know. Bloody hell... Poh Leong, can lend me your weighing scale arr?? Pretty please....
Dad's in the Chelsea game. Fatty.
Monday, July 28, 2008
Glory to God
I should stop fretting. I cam across a Bible verse in the book of Psalms where the author wrote something about fretting and how that act can bring to anger and hatred and eventually sinning against God. He was right >.< I fretted a lot about my laptop, how bad the technicians are working on it, about not being able to install MSN Messenger. Long story short, fretting didn't help at all.
But thank God everything has been sorted out. Nothing's wrong with my laptop and Panda Internet Security. Updated everything and downloaded and installed the old version of Windows Live Messenger. Thank God it's working. Glory to Him.
Happy Belated Birthday to Helisa Jie Jie (26th of July), Mabel Chow (28th of July) and my very own fatty big brother koko, AARON RAJ CHANDRASAKARAN (28th of July)!!! COME BACK SOON, FATASSSS!!!!! I miss youuuu!!!
But thank God everything has been sorted out. Nothing's wrong with my laptop and Panda Internet Security. Updated everything and downloaded and installed the old version of Windows Live Messenger. Thank God it's working. Glory to Him.
Happy Belated Birthday to Helisa Jie Jie (26th of July), Mabel Chow (28th of July) and my very own fatty big brother koko, AARON RAJ CHANDRASAKARAN (28th of July)!!! COME BACK SOON, FATASSSS!!!!! I miss youuuu!!!
Sunday, July 27, 2008
HAR! I think you guys need to install Skype to Instant Message me in the near future. I can't seem to install Windows Live Messenger. Even old MSN Messenger is not working. How wei? So you guys need Skype xD.
I need a new Vista CD.
I need a new Vista CD.
Saturday, July 26, 2008
Ghost Blog
This blog is now a ghost blog >.< It's kinda like an abandoned blog. No updates and readers. Ouch!
Life has been alright. Just can't wait to leave for the US, can't wait to start studying. The journey might be intimidating (plane crash, dumb people putting drugs into my bag, etc. etc.) and lonely; there will only be memories and the presence of the Lord to keep me company.
Despite of life being good and anxious, Microsoft is killing me slowly. I can't install the MOFO Windows Live Messenger on my laptop. Gonna go get Skype. GRRRR!!! WHY?! And the best part is, after the installation was aborted, the help page doesn't load. DUMBASS MICROSOFT!! I wanna know whether the error is on my or Microsoft's side. GRRR! SHEESH! Can't even use MSN Messenger. GRRRR!!!
Playing tomorrow in Main Hall. Practice that night (Thursday) was crap.
I'm hungry, and horny >.<
Life has been alright. Just can't wait to leave for the US, can't wait to start studying. The journey might be intimidating (plane crash, dumb people putting drugs into my bag, etc. etc.) and lonely; there will only be memories and the presence of the Lord to keep me company.
Despite of life being good and anxious, Microsoft is killing me slowly. I can't install the MOFO Windows Live Messenger on my laptop. Gonna go get Skype. GRRRR!!! WHY?! And the best part is, after the installation was aborted, the help page doesn't load. DUMBASS MICROSOFT!! I wanna know whether the error is on my or Microsoft's side. GRRR! SHEESH! Can't even use MSN Messenger. GRRRR!!!
Playing tomorrow in Main Hall. Practice that night (Thursday) was crap.
I'm hungry, and horny >.<
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
Oh shiiiiaaattt.... This is dam annoying.... I can't seem to install Windows Live Messenger on my laptop, running on original Operating System, VISTA!!! Grrr. Screw you Windows. This is very frustrating. I'm going to US soon and I can't install that program. Sheesh!
Not only that, I installed MSN Messenger on the laptop and it doesn't work. WOW. >.< I'm f'ked up.
Not only that, I installed MSN Messenger on the laptop and it doesn't work. WOW. >.< I'm f'ked up.
Tuesday, July 22, 2008
Windows Live Messenger
Woooohoooo!!! Just turned 18 like two days ago. Never got the chance to thank EVERYBODY for coming to my house. Thanks for the presents and shhhiiiaaattt... The song Under My Umbrella is still in my head. Thanks a lot people. Love you all. I felt truly blessed that night. Thank God for all of you people. Almost cried for your information.
I hate you, Windows Live Messenger. Got back my laptop last night. Been trying to install the Messenger since 8PM but still no progress. Dumb stuff.
Would've done it last night itself but I needed to take care of my grandma who got admitted into Assunta Hospital yesterday because of low sodium count in her blood. Hope that's all. She's kinda fine now. Slept well, mumbled a bit, but had loads of rest. She kept me awake throughout the night because she snored, a lot xD. Watched TV till 3AM. Was afraid to sleep early, thought something bad will happen to her. Prayed for her while she was asleep though. During that lonely period, I reminisced about the party the night before and thank the Lord for each and everyone of my friends, and my parents too. Well, God will heal my grandma.
I hate you, Windows Live Messenger. Got back my laptop last night. Been trying to install the Messenger since 8PM but still no progress. Dumb stuff.
Would've done it last night itself but I needed to take care of my grandma who got admitted into Assunta Hospital yesterday because of low sodium count in her blood. Hope that's all. She's kinda fine now. Slept well, mumbled a bit, but had loads of rest. She kept me awake throughout the night because she snored, a lot xD. Watched TV till 3AM. Was afraid to sleep early, thought something bad will happen to her. Prayed for her while she was asleep though. During that lonely period, I reminisced about the party the night before and thank the Lord for each and everyone of my friends, and my parents too. Well, God will heal my grandma.
Saturday, July 19, 2008
Friday, July 18, 2008
Sent my dad to Southern Park this early morning so that I can finally take the car and go roaming around Klang finding for gigolosattend CF this afternoon. Woke up early and decided not to go back to sleep after sending my dad. Vacuumed the whole house instead. Then I came online and thought I could log into GunBound and start "practicing" while I wait for pL[ank] to come online to get his ARSE PWNED by me xD. But too bad. Instead of loading properly, the Game Launcher lagged my whole computer and kinda like prevented me from Shutting Down my computer. Hmmm. Uninstalled that shit edi. Gonna install later, hopefully.
CF was alright. We played the Truth Truth Lie game, where we need to say three statements, 2 must be true, and 1 must be a lie, then point to anybody in the circle and that person must guess which statement is a lie. The game was supposed to be fun but everybody was slow going >.< Haha... Praise and Worship was okay? I don't know >.< It was an improvement, to have music this time. I brought my guitar and Lyon played the piano. Everything was alright during the praise song (Never Stop) but I should have sang along with the Worship Leader to keep in tempo >.< Worship was a disaster though. Lyon was playing out of tempo and wow, the leader and I was struggling to keep his timing xD. Haha! Despite of all those crap, glory to God. Don't worry guys, it's our first time this year, we can improve more!
During praise and worship, guess who I saw entering the house (STAR CF meetings are held in one of the member's house because of some complications in school) through the back door? WTF, Mr. Jian Chong dei! Woooottt! Didn't know that Robin is his younger brother! GILER!! HAHAH! Went up to his room to catch up with him right after Praise and Worship, so yeah, kinda missed out on the sharing and stuff. W000tttt!! But it was awesome speaking to Jian Chong. God bless you, man. He'll help you.
CF was alright. We played the Truth Truth Lie game, where we need to say three statements, 2 must be true, and 1 must be a lie, then point to anybody in the circle and that person must guess which statement is a lie. The game was supposed to be fun but everybody was slow going >.< Haha... Praise and Worship was okay? I don't know >.< It was an improvement, to have music this time. I brought my guitar and Lyon played the piano. Everything was alright during the praise song (Never Stop) but I should have sang along with the Worship Leader to keep in tempo >.< Worship was a disaster though. Lyon was playing out of tempo and wow, the leader and I was struggling to keep his timing xD. Haha! Despite of all those crap, glory to God. Don't worry guys, it's our first time this year, we can improve more!
During praise and worship, guess who I saw entering the house (STAR CF meetings are held in one of the member's house because of some complications in school) through the back door? WTF, Mr. Jian Chong dei! Woooottt! Didn't know that Robin is his younger brother! GILER!! HAHAH! Went up to his room to catch up with him right after Praise and Worship, so yeah, kinda missed out on the sharing and stuff. W000tttt!! But it was awesome speaking to Jian Chong. God bless you, man. He'll help you.
Thursday, July 17, 2008
He has a chun nickname. pL[ank], Mister Koh Poh Leong. I'm gonna kill you, in GB. HAR! SUCK MY DICK!Lick my TOE!!!! >.<
Did nothing much today. Turned down the offer to have the car to go out rounding on my own because I was just too sleepy to drive my dad to wherever he wanted to go early this morning. Regretted though. Could have gone out with pL[ank] this morning. Grr. Didn't tell me he was off today.
Gonna start cleaning the house again tomorrow. Need to vacuum the whole house. Not just the floors wei, the walls and ceilings too. Dam dust and webs. >.<
Did nothing much today. Turned down the offer to have the car to go out rounding on my own because I was just too sleepy to drive my dad to wherever he wanted to go early this morning. Regretted though. Could have gone out with pL[ank] this morning. Grr. Didn't tell me he was off today.
Gonna start cleaning the house again tomorrow. Need to vacuum the whole house. Not just the floors wei, the walls and ceilings too. Dam dust and webs. >.<
Tuesday, July 15, 2008
Panicking no wei. Just found out I have an English Essay Writing Assessment Test when I reach University of Hawaii. Need to register some more. Gosh. I need my dad right now. Haha! And there's also the fee-waiving essay I need to finish by today for orientation week. Hopefully this essay will allow me to save like a few hundred bucks for my dad. Arrggghhh!!! Essays =(. I'm never good in them. Look at my posts!!! Gah! Gone case lerr you, Jon!!
But thank God for my TOEFL result. I get to skip another assessment test because I scored above 100 marks (108 to be exact) in my TOEFL. WHEEEEE!! THANK GOD!!!
Now, back to fee-waiving essay.
But thank God for my TOEFL result. I get to skip another assessment test because I scored above 100 marks (108 to be exact) in my TOEFL. WHEEEEE!! THANK GOD!!!
Now, back to fee-waiving essay.
Woooooootttt!!!!! xD. Haha! GunBound is so addictive, only when you're winning OR/AND having fun playing that game with a friend. Got my butt kicked so many times by pL[ank]. But I had my fair amount of victories also. Muahahah! Come pL[ank], we go play again after all your assignments and homework.
Thought I could win a few matches just now when I was playing GunBound. Unfortunately, I'm so the n00bie >.< Lost two games straight then decided to stoplosingplaying. xD. Grrr...
It seems I need to send my laptop to the HP service centre in somewhere in Damansara. Crap. The shop employees ruined it, why can't they send the laptop for me?? Hate these type of services.
Downloaded Mozilla Firefox 3 last night after deleting the 2.0++ version. That old version kinda sucks. Bugs? Or is it just me that I can't load any pages with that old version? Haha! The new interface (version 3) is so nice. Suits the Vista theme a lot. The history is also nice. Or whatever you call it. When you type a link into the URL place of the browser, that thing acts as a search label. It picks up the same characters and lists down possible websites that you've already visited. Kinda cool. Totally kicks Internet Explorer 7 out of my butt >.< Gonna miss you, IE7. You were awesome, until now xD.
Just something I would like to share with you all. After the ISCF rally last Saturday night, I went out for dinner/supper with Lay Kuan and "her" gang. After that I gave a lift to Brendan. When I reached the turning to Aeon, Jusco, my eyeballs started to itch and tears started to roll down my cheeks. I made a terrible right turn because my eyes were clouded/filled with tears. After the turn tears just started "flowing" down from my eyes, blurring my vision. Thank God for Brendan. Thank God for His protection. There was a stationary motorcycle in front of my and I nearly caught it by the side if it wasn't for Brendan. The tears stopped "pouring" after I reached Brendan's housing area guardhouse. Thank God nothing bad happened >.<
Thought I could win a few matches just now when I was playing GunBound. Unfortunately, I'm so the n00bie >.< Lost two games straight then decided to stop
It seems I need to send my laptop to the HP service centre in somewhere in Damansara. Crap. The shop employees ruined it, why can't they send the laptop for me?? Hate these type of services.
Downloaded Mozilla Firefox 3 last night after deleting the 2.0++ version. That old version kinda sucks. Bugs? Or is it just me that I can't load any pages with that old version? Haha! The new interface (version 3) is so nice. Suits the Vista theme a lot. The history is also nice. Or whatever you call it. When you type a link into the URL place of the browser, that thing acts as a search label. It picks up the same characters and lists down possible websites that you've already visited. Kinda cool. Totally kicks Internet Explorer 7 out of my butt >.< Gonna miss you, IE7. You were awesome, until now xD.
Just something I would like to share with you all. After the ISCF rally last Saturday night, I went out for dinner/supper with Lay Kuan and "her" gang. After that I gave a lift to Brendan. When I reached the turning to Aeon, Jusco, my eyeballs started to itch and tears started to roll down my cheeks. I made a terrible right turn because my eyes were clouded/filled with tears. After the turn tears just started "flowing" down from my eyes, blurring my vision. Thank God for Brendan. Thank God for His protection. There was a stationary motorcycle in front of my and I nearly caught it by the side if it wasn't for Brendan. The tears stopped "pouring" after I reached Brendan's housing area guardhouse. Thank God nothing bad happened >.<
Monday, July 14, 2008
I Love You.
Yeap. I love you.
Played drums for Sunday School yesterday. The Sunday School drums sounds so much better now. Thanks to Mr. Jaron. Had fun playing the drums despite of all the mistakes by me. Made major mistakes like giving a 4/4 count for Beautiful Savior which is a 3/4 time siggy song, changing tempo like nobody's business. BUT, I felt good. I think I did alright. Better than today's daily drum practice at home. It sucked. Don't know why. It's like, one day I'm doing fine, then the next day I suck. Sheesh. Don't know. Maybe I just am a bad drummer. Don't know.
Woke up kinda late today even though I woke up at 8:30AM (my alarm). I re-alarmed my cell phone to wake me up at 9AM, then 10AM then 11AM >.< Haha! Sleep is so nice when you can sleep properly. I only get to fall asleep around 3AM. Don't know why. Grr.
I wanna go watch HanCOCK and Wanted and 21... Dam you technician. If only you fixed my laptop properly I'll be watching them movies now. I miss you, uTorrent. You're the shit.
Counter-Strike is coming, to my desktop computer. Nyek Nyek Nyek. Oh no. Hannah just went offline :(. Never mind. Got GunBound xD. Haha! Don't worry. Will be uninstalling all these programs when I'm gone.
Played drums for Sunday School yesterday. The Sunday School drums sounds so much better now. Thanks to Mr. Jaron. Had fun playing the drums despite of all the mistakes by me. Made major mistakes like giving a 4/4 count for Beautiful Savior which is a 3/4 time siggy song, changing tempo like nobody's business. BUT, I felt good. I think I did alright. Better than today's daily drum practice at home. It sucked. Don't know why. It's like, one day I'm doing fine, then the next day I suck. Sheesh. Don't know. Maybe I just am a bad drummer. Don't know.
Woke up kinda late today even though I woke up at 8:30AM (my alarm). I re-alarmed my cell phone to wake me up at 9AM, then 10AM then 11AM >.< Haha! Sleep is so nice when you can sleep properly. I only get to fall asleep around 3AM. Don't know why. Grr.
I wanna go watch HanCOCK and Wanted and 21... Dam you technician. If only you fixed my laptop properly I'll be watching them movies now. I miss you, uTorrent. You're the shit.
Counter-Strike is coming, to my desktop computer. Nyek Nyek Nyek. Oh no. Hannah just went offline :(. Never mind. Got GunBound xD. Haha! Don't worry. Will be uninstalling all these programs when I'm gone.
Sunday, July 13, 2008
The Music Shuffle Meme; Interesting Tag
The Music Shuffle Meme
1. Put your iTunes/ music player on Shuffle
2. For each question, press the next button to get your answer.
3. You must put down the song name no matter what.
After you’ve answered all of the questions, tag 5 other people and then let them know they’ve been tagged to do the meme themselves.
What would best describe your personality?
Til Kingdom Come by Coldplay >.< Waiting, waiting for something to happen. I'm patient? 0.o
What do you like in a guy/girl?
Violet Hill by Coldplay >.< If you love me, why don't you let me know? Why did you let me go? Wow... >.< Honesty??? xD
How do you feel today?
Moby Dick by Led Zep. I feel funkeh today!
What is your life's purpose?
Knocking on Heavens Door cover by Guns N' Roses.
What is your motto?
Room 409 by Bullet For My Valentine. I loved you, (I hate you), you hurt me, (I love you)
I loved you, you hurt me bad, go....???? your words, bury me of what i used to be
I can't erase all those things I've seen
your heart smothers me and now it's hard to breathe
I can't erase all my memories. I'm a failure?? 0.o
What do your friends think of you?
Soldier by Hillsong United. Oooooo...
What do you think of your parents?
A.06 by Linkin Park. They rock, very interesting, somehow creative. Don't know. There aren't any singing in this track!!! >.< I love them, and I love this track xD.
What do you think about very often?
Greatest Gift by Hillsong London. His Love and Grace and how I always take that for granted.
What do you think of your best friend?
Qwerty by Linkin Park. Crap.. I don't think that Han Ern is living a lie >.< Nuh uh... Dam shuffle.
What do you think of your crush?
Jesus by Planetshakers. 0.o God fearing? xD.
What is your life story?
How Great is Our God by Hillsong London. Sing with me How Great, is Our GOD, and all will see How GREAT is OUR GOD.
What do you want to be when you grow up?
Curses by Bullet For My Valentine. Dam... I need new songs >.<
What do you think when you see your crush?
The Feel Good Drag by Anberlin. Was this over before
Before it ever began. =(.
What do your parents think of you?
Always by Hillsong United. They wanna be with me all the time. That's a good thing. Haha.
What do strangers think of you?
Where the Love Lasts Forever. Wow.
What will they play at your funeral?
Solution by Hillsong United. Wow... The only solution is that I should die? Cool >.<
What will you dance to at your wedding?
Let The Whole World by Hillsong London. WTH...
What is your hobby/interest?
Never Let Me Go by Planetshakers. >.<
What do you think of your friends?
Forevermore by Planetshakers...... ????.... >.<
What song do you listen to when you are sad?
Move To The City by Guns N' Roses. Nice song. Might cheer me up. But Slipknot does that most of the time.
What song do you air guitar to?
Jordan Rudess, on KEYBOARD Solo. WTF... How to air guitar to THAT?!?!?!?!!! HahahahA!
What should be your signature karaoke song?
It's a New Day by Hillsong London... Praise and Worship yes, karaoke? >.<
What is your greatest desire?
Chinese Sleep Chant by Coldplay. Fall asleep
Fall asleep
Sleep satisfied
Sleep satisfied. The whole song like that only. WTF... Okay, yes, sleep has been my greatest desire other than forgiveness for the pass few days.
What does next year have in store for you?
Track 5 from Guns N' Roses Live in Tokyo CD. Don't know the name. But I'm not naive, that's bad.
What's your outlook on life?
Till I See You by Hillsong London.
How will you die?
Talk by Coldplay. Ummm when someone doesn't pick up the phone?? >.<
Do people secretly lust after you?
White Shadows by Coldplay. Maybe?? >.<
The best advice you will ever get?
Part Of Me by Linkin Park. Cut myself free willingly Stop just what’s killing me. Suicide?? Oh my...
What will I be doing for the next 3 months?
Carousel by Linkin Park. I never know just why you run so far away, far away from me. You're not running, I am =(.
What do you think of the person who tagged you?
Perfect Strangers cover by Dream Teather. Yeap, nobody tagged me >.< Haha! Just did this for fun. It's interesting.
What will your future mother-in-law be like?
Fall In This Place by Planetshakers. Graceful??
What is the favourite song of the doctor who will help deliver your baby?
Everyone Looks So Good from Here by UnderOATH. now i can see things from the outside and i will sit here with no place in mind. If my wife is delivering my baby, I'll be inside with her. But I'm afraid to see how much pain she'll go through. >.< i cant escape from this is so unfamiliar to me >.<
If you wrote a book, what would it be about?
Love Enough by Hillsong United. My Saviour You’ll never let me go My life is now secure. Nice theme =).
What sort of world ruler would you be?
Lord Of All by Hillsong United. WOW!!!
Will you ever get a dog or cat?
Where the Love Lasts Forever by Hillsong United. WHAT??!??!?!!?!?!
What would you say at your Oscar/Nobel prize acceptance speech?
XandY by Coldplay. Never gave up.
What is your superpower?
The Great Escape by Boys Like Girls. Feeling so alive, and young.
Why are you attracted to enigmatic brooders?
Pick It Up by Planetshakers.
This ain't fun actually. >.<
1. Put your iTunes/ music player on Shuffle
2. For each question, press the next button to get your answer.
3. You must put down the song name no matter what.
After you’ve answered all of the questions, tag 5 other people and then let them know they’ve been tagged to do the meme themselves.
What would best describe your personality?
Til Kingdom Come by Coldplay >.< Waiting, waiting for something to happen. I'm patient? 0.o
What do you like in a guy/girl?
Violet Hill by Coldplay >.< If you love me, why don't you let me know? Why did you let me go? Wow... >.< Honesty??? xD
How do you feel today?
Moby Dick by Led Zep. I feel funkeh today!
What is your life's purpose?
Knocking on Heavens Door cover by Guns N' Roses.
What is your motto?
Room 409 by Bullet For My Valentine. I loved you, (I hate you), you hurt me, (I love you)
I loved you, you hurt me bad, go....???? your words, bury me of what i used to be
I can't erase all those things I've seen
your heart smothers me and now it's hard to breathe
I can't erase all my memories. I'm a failure?? 0.o
What do your friends think of you?
Soldier by Hillsong United. Oooooo...
What do you think of your parents?
A.06 by Linkin Park. They rock, very interesting, somehow creative. Don't know. There aren't any singing in this track!!! >.< I love them, and I love this track xD.
What do you think about very often?
Greatest Gift by Hillsong London. His Love and Grace and how I always take that for granted.
What do you think of your best friend?
Qwerty by Linkin Park. Crap.. I don't think that Han Ern is living a lie >.< Nuh uh... Dam shuffle.
What do you think of your crush?
Jesus by Planetshakers. 0.o God fearing? xD.
What is your life story?
How Great is Our God by Hillsong London. Sing with me How Great, is Our GOD, and all will see How GREAT is OUR GOD.
What do you want to be when you grow up?
Curses by Bullet For My Valentine. Dam... I need new songs >.<
What do you think when you see your crush?
The Feel Good Drag by Anberlin. Was this over before
Before it ever began. =(.
What do your parents think of you?
Always by Hillsong United. They wanna be with me all the time. That's a good thing. Haha.
What do strangers think of you?
Where the Love Lasts Forever. Wow.
What will they play at your funeral?
Solution by Hillsong United. Wow... The only solution is that I should die? Cool >.<
What will you dance to at your wedding?
Let The Whole World by Hillsong London. WTH...
What is your hobby/interest?
Never Let Me Go by Planetshakers. >.<
What do you think of your friends?
Forevermore by Planetshakers...... ????.... >.<
What song do you listen to when you are sad?
Move To The City by Guns N' Roses. Nice song. Might cheer me up. But Slipknot does that most of the time.
What song do you air guitar to?
Jordan Rudess, on KEYBOARD Solo. WTF... How to air guitar to THAT?!?!?!?!!! HahahahA!
What should be your signature karaoke song?
It's a New Day by Hillsong London... Praise and Worship yes, karaoke? >.<
What is your greatest desire?
Chinese Sleep Chant by Coldplay. Fall asleep
Fall asleep
Sleep satisfied
Sleep satisfied. The whole song like that only. WTF... Okay, yes, sleep has been my greatest desire other than forgiveness for the pass few days.
What does next year have in store for you?
Track 5 from Guns N' Roses Live in Tokyo CD. Don't know the name. But I'm not naive, that's bad.
What's your outlook on life?
Till I See You by Hillsong London.
How will you die?
Talk by Coldplay. Ummm when someone doesn't pick up the phone?? >.<
Do people secretly lust after you?
White Shadows by Coldplay. Maybe?? >.<
The best advice you will ever get?
Part Of Me by Linkin Park. Cut myself free willingly Stop just what’s killing me. Suicide?? Oh my...
What will I be doing for the next 3 months?
Carousel by Linkin Park. I never know just why you run so far away, far away from me. You're not running, I am =(.
What do you think of the person who tagged you?
Perfect Strangers cover by Dream Teather. Yeap, nobody tagged me >.< Haha! Just did this for fun. It's interesting.
What will your future mother-in-law be like?
Fall In This Place by Planetshakers. Graceful??
What is the favourite song of the doctor who will help deliver your baby?
Everyone Looks So Good from Here by UnderOATH. now i can see things from the outside and i will sit here with no place in mind. If my wife is delivering my baby, I'll be inside with her. But I'm afraid to see how much pain she'll go through. >.< i cant escape from this is so unfamiliar to me >.<
If you wrote a book, what would it be about?
Love Enough by Hillsong United. My Saviour You’ll never let me go My life is now secure. Nice theme =).
What sort of world ruler would you be?
Lord Of All by Hillsong United. WOW!!!
Will you ever get a dog or cat?
Where the Love Lasts Forever by Hillsong United. WHAT??!??!?!!?!?!
What would you say at your Oscar/Nobel prize acceptance speech?
XandY by Coldplay. Never gave up.
What is your superpower?
The Great Escape by Boys Like Girls. Feeling so alive, and young.
Why are you attracted to enigmatic brooders?
Pick It Up by Planetshakers.
This ain't fun actually. >.<
Tagged by pL.
I feel like a dog. He TAGGED me... >.<
Instructions : Remove one question from below and add in your own question, make it a total 20 questions. Then tag 8 people from your list. List them out at the end of the post. Notify them that they have been tagged. (Like wth, you scroll down and there's 24 questions already)
1. At what age you wish to marry ?
Twenty Seven Years Old....
2. Will you consider sexual relationships before marriage ?
No and I'll try my best to keep it that way >.<
3. Do you smoke ?
I smoke everyday. Like what pL said, second-hand smoker.
4. What is the the latest gadget that you own ?
A new CPU.
5. Who did you mostly texted lately ?
Fong Hei.
6. How old are you and are you a virgin ?
Turning 18 this coming Sunday and of course I'm a virgin. Who wants a fat and ugly guy??
7. What is the latest thing you bought with your own money ?
Three pair of three-quarter pants and two colar t-shirts. RM200+.
8. State 3 people of the opposite sex that first comes to your mind. Who will you most likely date?
Wow... No comment... *hides*
9. Where did you wish to get married ?
Wtf "did"??? >.< Where DO I wish to get married?? Hawaii, beach side.
10. How old do you think you will be permanently owned by love ?
Poh Leong, I don't understand this question...
11. How many kids do you want ?
4 kids, hopefully >.<
12. Are you in love ?
13. Where is the latest restaurant you have dinner ?
Restaurant ONE to EAT in Bukit Tinggi.
14. What is your full name ?
Jonathan a/l Chandrasakaran.
15. Name the latest book you bought ?
Holy CRAP!!!! Forgot... Text books?
16. Do you believe in God.
17. Do you like your relatives ?
Some of them are annoying and irritating at some them, but I still love them.
18. Name your favourite game or sport.
I like playing Queen of Sheba (game) and sports?? Don't know >.<
19. Name the first person that comes into your mind now.
My mum. She's supposed to be napping right now.
20. The most exciting place you want to go ?
20,000 Leagues under the SEA.
21. Hugs or Kisses ?
22. Single or attached ?
Attached to food and bolster.
23. Do you do your laundry ?
Two months ago yes... Not now xD I do dry the clothes though...
24. Point out 5 things about the person who tag you. (pL[ank])
He's tall, he growing fat edi, he's left hand is stronger than his right hand, his fingers dam freaking big andhe's the best guy to hump onhe's a darn good friend.
The 8 tags:
Ummmm, anybody lerr >.<
Instructions : Remove one question from below and add in your own question, make it a total 20 questions. Then tag 8 people from your list. List them out at the end of the post. Notify them that they have been tagged. (Like wth, you scroll down and there's 24 questions already)
1. At what age you wish to marry ?
Twenty Seven Years Old....
2. Will you consider sexual relationships before marriage ?
No and I'll try my best to keep it that way >.<
3. Do you smoke ?
I smoke everyday. Like what pL said, second-hand smoker.
4. What is the the latest gadget that you own ?
A new CPU.
5. Who did you mostly texted lately ?
Fong Hei.
6. How old are you and are you a virgin ?
Turning 18 this coming Sunday and of course I'm a virgin. Who wants a fat and ugly guy??
7. What is the latest thing you bought with your own money ?
Three pair of three-quarter pants and two colar t-shirts. RM200+.
8. State 3 people of the opposite sex that first comes to your mind. Who will you most likely date?
Wow... No comment... *hides*
9. Where did you wish to get married ?
Wtf "did"??? >.< Where DO I wish to get married?? Hawaii, beach side.
10. How old do you think you will be permanently owned by love ?
Poh Leong, I don't understand this question...
11. How many kids do you want ?
4 kids, hopefully >.<
12. Are you in love ?
13. Where is the latest restaurant you have dinner ?
Restaurant ONE to EAT in Bukit Tinggi.
14. What is your full name ?
Jonathan a/l Chandrasakaran.
15. Name the latest book you bought ?
Holy CRAP!!!! Forgot... Text books?
16. Do you believe in God.
17. Do you like your relatives ?
Some of them are annoying and irritating at some them, but I still love them.
18. Name your favourite game or sport.
I like playing Queen of Sheba (game) and sports?? Don't know >.<
19. Name the first person that comes into your mind now.
My mum. She's supposed to be napping right now.
20. The most exciting place you want to go ?
20,000 Leagues under the SEA.
21. Hugs or Kisses ?
22. Single or attached ?
Attached to food and bolster.
23. Do you do your laundry ?
Two months ago yes... Not now xD I do dry the clothes though...
24. Point out 5 things about the person who tag you. (pL[ank])
He's tall, he growing fat edi, he's left hand is stronger than his right hand, his fingers dam freaking big and
The 8 tags:
Ummmm, anybody lerr >.<
Saturday, July 12, 2008
Mad concept, mad ideas, mad execution, but finishing was sloppy; ISCF Rally 2008 was ALRIGHT. Bad sound system, singers going SS mode and very obvious out-of-tuned bass guitar. I only liked the sharing and the skit.
Woke up quite early this morning. Slept at around 3AM last night and woke up around 5AM something because of a nightmare (I was really scared okay) and then two to three hours later to send my dad to the bus station so that I can use the car for the rally just now. Came back home and came online to chat with Siyan about a favour I promised her. Needed to design some newspaper thingy and thank God I did it in time before 1PM. Drove to the Sports Complex in Pandamaran reached there around 1:05PM... Stayed there till JUST NOW. Can't come home because I don't know when is the light arriving and how to use it. Haha! Thank God for Calvin Roy for assisting me. That crap light is heavy. My hands and legs are aching now. Stressing the weight on my hands and standing almost all day long. Oh my...
My opinion, rally was alright, but it was WAY TO PRICEY! Come on, you don't need to pay big bucks for a psychadelic rally... Thumbs down. Well, least I had experience managing the dam light. Haha! Got yelled at to switch off the light. Come on, give me the cue first... I like reminders, be nice and remind, don't yell >.< The laser and pyro show was crappy. A four-band show is just way too silly. Don't know, wasn't that good but at least some souls accepted Christ, now that's a good thing resulting from the rally xD. Haha!
Should have spend more time at the rally place meeting up with old pals... Needed to rush to mamak; Lay Kuan spent me and some other former classmates. Small portion, but kinda tasty. Don't know, might be too tired and hungry to judge the food. Haha!
All said and done, all Glory goes to Him and HOPEFULLY, next year, there'll be a NORMAL but PSYCHADELIC(sp?) ralleh... Not expensive ones with weird entertainments... Night night.
Woke up quite early this morning. Slept at around 3AM last night and woke up around 5AM something because of a nightmare (I was really scared okay) and then two to three hours later to send my dad to the bus station so that I can use the car for the rally just now. Came back home and came online to chat with Siyan about a favour I promised her. Needed to design some newspaper thingy and thank God I did it in time before 1PM. Drove to the Sports Complex in Pandamaran reached there around 1:05PM... Stayed there till JUST NOW. Can't come home because I don't know when is the light arriving and how to use it. Haha! Thank God for Calvin Roy for assisting me. That crap light is heavy. My hands and legs are aching now. Stressing the weight on my hands and standing almost all day long. Oh my...
My opinion, rally was alright, but it was WAY TO PRICEY! Come on, you don't need to pay big bucks for a psychadelic rally... Thumbs down. Well, least I had experience managing the dam light. Haha! Got yelled at to switch off the light. Come on, give me the cue first... I like reminders, be nice and remind, don't yell >.< The laser and pyro show was crappy. A four-band show is just way too silly. Don't know, wasn't that good but at least some souls accepted Christ, now that's a good thing resulting from the rally xD. Haha!
Should have spend more time at the rally place meeting up with old pals... Needed to rush to mamak; Lay Kuan spent me and some other former classmates. Small portion, but kinda tasty. Don't know, might be too tired and hungry to judge the food. Haha!
All said and done, all Glory goes to Him and HOPEFULLY, next year, there'll be a NORMAL but PSYCHADELIC(sp?) ralleh... Not expensive ones with weird entertainments... Night night.
Friday, July 11, 2008
Just when you think that everything is all set up and ready to roll as you wish, everything starts to crash and you get all the bad news slapped to your face all at once. I just don't get it. It was supposed to be an easy troubleshoot process, then the reformatting process, continued by installation of the Windows Vista OS back on the laptop. Yes, everything is fine now, the boot up is much more faster than last time and everything seems to be working fine. But I lost everything, my Windows Vista OS backup file and system recovery thingy, my WHOLE HP drivers are gone (means my I can't use my built-in webcam on my laptop and so much more other features). This sucks man. I just can't trust any technicians anymore. One guy is telling you one thing, then another guy tells you another different thing on the same subject. Screw them all. Really nice guys but, they just get on my nerves all the time because of these simple screw ups.
I decided NOT to use my laptop till everything is done. Gonna send it back to the MOFO computer shop to get it done once and for all. Grr. Because of this screw up I'm gonna demand a free re-partitioning (or however you spell that) of my hard disk in my laptop. Technicians just have different point of views that most of them I can't agree with. I only have like 1GB space left on my C Drive on my laptop. The first technician said it was alright. Bullcrap. Gonna partition everything!!!!!! Grrr!!!
On the other hand, my dad decided to get a NEW CPU. Muahahah! Yeap. The processor is much more better than my laptop's. Technicians just cheat you all the time. Dam sales persons too. Anyways, finally an original Windows XP Home software. Everything is working fine on this computer, just that the Anti Virus ain't working properly. Gonna reinstall that software. Hmmmm.
The whole week was crap. Life without laptop/computer/internet is just watching movies/TV programs, did reading, loads of cleaning and MORE of sleeping. Received a call from Su Ann one day while I was napping (never do that again, naps are sacred). She asked me to be in charge of the mobile light for tonight's rally. ARGH!!!!! So much for being a spectator... Grr...
I decided NOT to use my laptop till everything is done. Gonna send it back to the MOFO computer shop to get it done once and for all. Grr. Because of this screw up I'm gonna demand a free re-partitioning (or however you spell that) of my hard disk in my laptop. Technicians just have different point of views that most of them I can't agree with. I only have like 1GB space left on my C Drive on my laptop. The first technician said it was alright. Bullcrap. Gonna partition everything!!!!!! Grrr!!!
On the other hand, my dad decided to get a NEW CPU. Muahahah! Yeap. The processor is much more better than my laptop's. Technicians just cheat you all the time. Dam sales persons too. Anyways, finally an original Windows XP Home software. Everything is working fine on this computer, just that the Anti Virus ain't working properly. Gonna reinstall that software. Hmmmm.
The whole week was crap. Life without laptop/computer/internet is just watching movies/TV programs, did reading, loads of cleaning and MORE of sleeping. Received a call from Su Ann one day while I was napping (never do that again, naps are sacred). She asked me to be in charge of the mobile light for tonight's rally. ARGH!!!!! So much for being a spectator... Grr...
Friday, July 4, 2008
Chicken Rice
Streamyx is giving me hell these days. Not stable at all. Grrr.... Dam difficult to update the blog when the connection keeps cutting every 5-10minutes. Well, not many people visits this blog anyways. For those who are still reading, thank you xD.
Removed my latest desktop background. My parents were kinda angry at me for using the Japanese mask as my desktop background. Grr... I really like it. Well, gotta obey them (for now? xD), they use my laptop too, for some FreeCell and Spider Solitaire. Haha!
Went to visit STAR's CF yesterday. Kinda enjoyed it. Was very unorganised. From the games time, to the end. The praise and worship was, ouch.... Haha! Come on guys, what the heck happened to all of you?! Praise and worship was actually alright, but one of the members just had to go overboard, went over-radical. that spoilt the whole thing >.< Shock sendiri also got limit wan lerr... Sheesh.. Hope to see a more organised group next time I visit, which is next week. :O HahA!
After the CF meeting, went for lunch nearby school with Su Ann, Jarod(sp?) and Benjamin. Wonder why I titled this post as chicken rice? Because I had chicken rice for lunch. And I wasn't pleased. I always reminded myself to NOT eat chicken rice at that particular restaurant right at the back of the 7 Eleven joint in Southern Park. So little rice, so little char siew and siew bak. Celaka dia! Sorry, food plays an important role in my life xD. Effects the mood, see...
But that was yesterday. HAha! Can't wait to down to PJ to get my desktop computer customised the way I want! Wooohooo!! Making me horny >.< Gonna get my laptop monitor screwed properly too. One side is loose. GAH! Don't want my laptop to be like my brother's previous laptop, the monitor was hanging by a few wires from the rest of the body. HAHA!
Dam you, chicken rice man.
Removed my latest desktop background. My parents were kinda angry at me for using the Japanese mask as my desktop background. Grr... I really like it. Well, gotta obey them (for now? xD), they use my laptop too, for some FreeCell and Spider Solitaire. Haha!
Went to visit STAR's CF yesterday. Kinda enjoyed it. Was very unorganised. From the games time, to the end. The praise and worship was, ouch.... Haha! Come on guys, what the heck happened to all of you?! Praise and worship was actually alright, but one of the members just had to go overboard, went over-radical. that spoilt the whole thing >.< Shock sendiri also got limit wan lerr... Sheesh.. Hope to see a more organised group next time I visit, which is next week. :O HahA!
After the CF meeting, went for lunch nearby school with Su Ann, Jarod(sp?) and Benjamin. Wonder why I titled this post as chicken rice? Because I had chicken rice for lunch. And I wasn't pleased. I always reminded myself to NOT eat chicken rice at that particular restaurant right at the back of the 7 Eleven joint in Southern Park. So little rice, so little char siew and siew bak. Celaka dia! Sorry, food plays an important role in my life xD. Effects the mood, see...
But that was yesterday. HAha! Can't wait to down to PJ to get my desktop computer customised the way I want! Wooohooo!! Making me horny >.< Gonna get my laptop monitor screwed properly too. One side is loose. GAH! Don't want my laptop to be like my brother's previous laptop, the monitor was hanging by a few wires from the rest of the body. HAHA!
Dam you, chicken rice man.
Thursday, July 3, 2008
Goal 2
Love the video shooting. It's so nice. But the ending was a bit, crappy... "To be continued", what the heck... Grrr...
I wanna go watch Wanted and Hancock... Anyone wanna tag along?
I'm re-downloading The Avatar season 2 (again). I regret allocating 30GB for my C Drive. Grrr....
Need to sleep. Gonna send my dad to work later at 7AM. Need the car to go visit STAR's CF. Woohooo!!! Then after that, maybe some Nasi Goreng USA!!!!!
I wanna go watch Wanted and Hancock... Anyone wanna tag along?
I'm re-downloading The Avatar season 2 (again). I regret allocating 30GB for my C Drive. Grrr....
Need to sleep. Gonna send my dad to work later at 7AM. Need the car to go visit STAR's CF. Woohooo!!! Then after that, maybe some Nasi Goreng USA!!!!!
Wednesday, July 2, 2008
Few more minutes to complete the movie Goal 2. Muahahahah!!! And 6 more hours for the Avatar =(. Haha!
How would you categorized someone as a blogger?
I'm currently reading Lindley's blog right now. The post in her blog now is so darn interesting. Haha. Came across a part where the person she quoted the post stated something about
Can't a person be a blogger if he/she only publishes pictures in a post? Isn't a person called a blogger even though he/she publishes normal daily posts about their post and not opinion-oriented? It's as if this person is seeing the term "blogger" as someone who voices out opinions, who speaks their mind on something. She's using the term "blogger" like an elite group of "online journal users", similar as Mat Rempit to motorcyclist. Haha. I don't know wei. So, are you a blogger? xD
PS: I've absolutely nothing to do or feel against/with the original author of these quotes. Just posting my opinion lerr. Don't even know who they are anyways. Just picked them up from Lindley' blog.
My conclusion: Those who uses a blog, no matter to post up pictures, to use it as a daily journal, to share their feelings, to voice up opinions, or just plain wasting time, ARE still BLOGGERS. That's my opinion xD.
This is actually a good topic to debate on. Haha.
I'm currently reading Lindley's blog right now. The post in her blog now is so darn interesting. Haha. Came across a part where the person she quoted the post stated something about
She should be in her right place - at the background where all the other girly cam-whoring bloggers are.,
I have some semblance of the courage to voice out my opinions - something which bloggers are respected for.,
C'mon. Perhaps you ought to stop posting so many frivolous party pictures of your lacy upskirts, and instead tell us your opinion on the effects of Bill Gate's resignation from Microsoft?,
Any old fart of a cheap whore who posts up their party photos are now all considered bloggers too! What's this? Why do these girls persist in infiltrating every occupation? They are "models", and now, they are "bloggers" too!
Can't a person be a blogger if he/she only publishes pictures in a post? Isn't a person called a blogger even though he/she publishes normal daily posts about their post and not opinion-oriented? It's as if this person is seeing the term "blogger" as someone who voices out opinions, who speaks their mind on something. She's using the term "blogger" like an elite group of "online journal users", similar as Mat Rempit to motorcyclist. Haha. I don't know wei. So, are you a blogger? xD
PS: I've absolutely nothing to do or feel against/with the original author of these quotes. Just posting my opinion lerr. Don't even know who they are anyways. Just picked them up from Lindley' blog.
My conclusion: Those who uses a blog, no matter to post up pictures, to use it as a daily journal, to share their feelings, to voice up opinions, or just plain wasting time, ARE still BLOGGERS. That's my opinion xD.
This is actually a good topic to debate on. Haha.

My original piece.
The internet connection was darn being a pussy that I couldn't get to re-connect to the internet after I posted the previous post last night. Got so irritated till I gave up trying. So I opened my Photoshop and whiped up an image based graphic. Decided to make it a wallpaper-sized piece. Named this piece Facade because this word kinda explodes in this piece through the mask. Facade:a showy misrepresentation intended to conceal something unpleasant; or also something pleasant, my point of view.
Everybody has a facade on these days. No more honest emotions on one's face. I admit, I do put on my daily facade, I'm not always happy all the time. People put on a facade to maybe please others, to be different, or maybe to lie to themselves; to trick their minds into thinking that whatever bittersweet events that happened in their lifes aren't affecting their emotions or just plain Lack of Attention. Well, I like attention, who doesn't? Even the meekest man would want attention from people around him/her. Facade.

My wallpaper now. The reason why the background is blue is because it suits my awesome new kickass Alienware theme. Looks better with red background though xD.
EDIT: That's Slipknot's Joey Jordison's mask. xD.
Avatar - The Last Airbender
I want to watch this cartoon series. Can't wait for the download to complete xD. My whole Season 1 file is corrupted. But no worries, I think Nickelodeon aired the whole season way too many times. So, kinda watched it already xD.
I'm back to reading. I'm currently reading a story book about the US Marines. Thank God it's in large prints xD.
Watching a movie on Star Movies titled Dead Or Alive. It's a computer game orginally if I'm not mistaken. Dumbass movie. Haha. But the asian girl looks cute xD.
Been eating too much. I think regained weight. Food is cruel. Exercise more, Jon!
Streamyx is being a pussy. Grrr.... Not stable and bad connection. GAH!
I'm back to reading. I'm currently reading a story book about the US Marines. Thank God it's in large prints xD.
Watching a movie on Star Movies titled Dead Or Alive. It's a computer game orginally if I'm not mistaken. Dumbass movie. Haha. But the asian girl looks cute xD.
Been eating too much. I think regained weight. Food is cruel. Exercise more, Jon!
Streamyx is being a pussy. Grrr.... Not stable and bad connection. GAH!
Tuesday, July 1, 2008
Kung Fu Panda
Not bad.... Haha! Since everybody already watched it, I decided to download it. The download rate is quite high actually. But due to some MOFO internet connection, it took quite a long time to complete the download. Eff you, TM NET. I think that Panda's master is cute. I hope to find that master soft toy xD. Haha!
Okay, enough of that. I'm getting bored sitting around at home. I wanna go out. Anybody?
Gonna save up some U$D to get myself an Alienware workstation when I'm US. Muahahaha!!!! Maybe get an iPhone first. But Mac's a bitch when you're using PC instead of Mac-whatever-computer. Maybe get a cheap cell phone. Muahahaha! Than save more for the Alienware computer! Muahahaha!
Okay, enough of that. I'm getting bored sitting around at home. I wanna go out. Anybody?
Gonna save up some U$D to get myself an Alienware workstation when I'm US. Muahahaha!!!! Maybe get an iPhone first. But Mac's a bitch when you're using PC instead of Mac-whatever-computer. Maybe get a cheap cell phone. Muahahaha! Than save more for the Alienware computer! Muahahaha!
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