Friday, September 19, 2008


Hey people of Malaysia (and every other people who reads my blog >.<)! How have all of you all been? Hope you people are contented with the Nasi Lemak back home in Malaysia and also appreciating the Malaysian education system. YEAP! You read that right. APPRECIATE that flawed system because, IT'S HELPING ME, A LOT! xD. I'm not talking about the syllabus in the system (the syllabus sucks...) but the education system that makes you study your ass off all the time. I had like, 2 Marine Science papers (Diversity and Cellular Processes class), 1 Chemistry paper, 1 Chemistry Discussion quiz, 1 Chemistry Lab quiz, 1 Calculus paper and 1 Marine Science quiz (Diversity). So yeah, really appreciated the Malaysian education system for planting the "kiasu" mentality in me xD. HAHAH! Thank God for allowing me to practice studying hard and constantly (SPM). Woot!

The exams were alright. Both Marine Science exams were fairly easy, Chemistry lecture, lab and discussion exam/quiz, was crap easy! xD I think I screwed up in my Chemistry Lab quiz though =(. Calculus was pain in the butt. I studied and revised so many times before the exam (a week of revision!) and still I wasn't confident when I answered the questions. Dejavu! Felt the same way last year when I did Add Maths in Secondary School. Jiooorrr... I think I did badly in my Marine Science quiz as well. There goes my perfect score. Sheesh!

Played drums for BCM last night. Yippeeee! Stupid old drum set. Made the tom skills sound so bad. Thank God I'll be playing on a better drum set next week xD.

OKAY! My first wave of exams passed already, what should I do now? Movie =P. No... Not the normal movie night with Amber and the gang, but a movie in the theater... Wooot!!!!

Miss Malaysia :( (food xD)

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