Monday, January 19, 2009


Nobody deserves to die! Nobody! Not even a drug addict, an alcoholic, a Satanist, NOBODY! Nobody deserves to die!

Funny how some movies that you think wouldn't be teaching you anything, but end up teaching you something? I was watching The Dark Knight in Trebor's house last Friday night (guy's night) and the part where the both ferries just stopped working and the Joker was telling the passengers on both the ferries about triggering the explosives on the other ferry. One ferry was carrying innocent people, and the other was carrying prisoners. I could have been like that guy who was wanting to trigger the explosive of the prisoner ferry, I could be selfish. But I stopped focusing on the movie for awhile and asked myself, who gave me the right to decide on whether who should live or die? It would make so much sense that the prisoners are expendable because of all the laws they've broken. But who am I to decide?

I said something very harsh before the movie when practicing in church. I regret saying those words now.

Nobody deserves to die. We were made equally by God. We are all sinners. No different from a prisoner, a drug addict, an alcoholic. The only difference is that I have God in me. But I don't show it.

Nobody ever deserves to die.

Forgive me, Lord.

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