Left for Shah Alam stadium around 7AM something on the 18th of March. Blah Blah Blah... Reached Kem Putra Sentosa, Sematan at Kuching, Sarawak around 4PM like that. Yadah Yadah Yadah... Shit... Dam lazy wanna post about camp lerr... Just give you guys my overall view lerr...
National Service is in general, a waste of time. You don't do much except marching, waking up early in the morning, marching, washing clothes, bathe, sleep, marching, sleep, marching, eat, march some more, get high blood pressure, marching, wash clothes and fret.... So yeah, it was pretty much very mundane everyday. Wake up, go for morning exercise, line up for discipline teacher, classes, physical training, resting time, then just bum in the hall at night. We only get to do the obstacle course, low rope, high rope, water confidence and kayaking (or however you spell that). First aid class was crap, a waste of time, only theory, the WORST CPR theory class ever, no practical. Didn't learn much....
But why do people come back from National Service crying and saying that they miss and enjoyed camp? One word: FAMILY; the friends that you made in camp. Shit, I miss them too! We bathe together, we ate together, we slept together (seperate beds), we washed our clothes together, we got punished together; WOW, how can a person NOT miss their friends? Even though I'm going to miss the M16 session, I'm not disappointed or sad at all. But thinking about my friends, makes me miss all the bittersweet memories in camp. Muaks, love all you people!
National Service is a success because, it created unity among the many races in Malaysia. I thank God for allowing me to go to Sarawak for National Service. Love them people there. Now I have loads of Malay, Bidayuh and Iban friends... I even have an Orang Ulu friend! Muahahaha! Thank God for blessing me with good health, good time with my friends, with loads of new friends and journey mercy whenever I'm travelling either in or out of camp.
Want to know more about my experience in camp? Talk to me face to face, will be happy to share all my bittersweet experience in camp with you verbally, lazy to type xD. Haha!
Picture time:
The PLKN logo fountain right in front of the hall in camp.
Scenery at my camp. This wasn't photoshop-ed. Martin caught this picture. Kudos!
Martin Tan Tee Ling and I. Martin's my first Sarawakian friend, one of my close friends in camp. God bless you Martin! The first time I met him he was that innocent-looking-kid who doesn't like to socialise. But in the end, he became the Ketua Pelatih and guess what, he's a body builder. HAHA!
Martin Tan carrying Jun. Jun's my FIRST NS friend. Miss him. Didn't spend much time with him before I came back but still, one of my close friends in camp.
Martin Tan with his "smile".... xD
Some cinapek and I. Forgot his name.
Jin How! Another close friend. Another body builder too. Haha!
Martin Camilius and I. I call him "kepala bhuto(sp?)"; it means dickhead xD.
My sleeping place.
Me =P.
Jin How and I.
Tat Yang and I. Tat Yang's my Ketua Kompeni and my closest friend in my company. For your information, I was in the Bravo company and I most of my friends are from Charlie and Delta company. Muahahah!
Martin Tan and I.
Jun and I.
Scenery and the crowd durin 4th of May. One of the saddest day for many girls and for me in camp. Because on the next day, Martin and Jin How left camp to enter college. So yeah, camp was pretty much empty without two of them since their close to me. But fortunately, few days later, I LEFT CAMP TOO!!! MUAHAHAHAHAH!
Martin Tan giving a mock pose in front of his "fans". Seriously, many girls are mad of him. Haha! And no, the pose he's doing for the girls doesn't reflects his attitude. He's a freaking humble person... VERY humble... That's why many people respects him.
Jin How and I.
From left: Shaun, Jonathan and Jin How. Shaun's like my best friend throughout this camp. Didn't mix much with him at the start of camp but crap, I can relate to him. Haha! Hoping to meet up with him soon, miss being paranoid with him xD. Haha!
Me with Camilius' shades.
Cikgu Shafie and I. Cikgu Shafie is also known as SM in camp. SM=Sarjan Misai. The strictest teacher in camp, likes making his own rules and likes to punish people. Loves marching. Best of all, his one of my company's teacher >.< Haha!
Jun and I. Crap, he likes being gay.. Sheesh!
Cikgu Sapre, Goh See Kai and I. Cikgu Sapre is short and cute... I carried him and pinched his cheeks before I left. HAAH! He's my company's teacher. See Kai's my ex-primary schoolmate. He's also known as Sin Chan in camp because he loves watching that cartoon in camp. Haha!
Mickey and I. Cute girl.
Kai Sing and I. I call her Happy Girl =). She looks prettier in real life.
Abbas and I! I call him Teddy and Big Bust Man. HAHAHAH! Very friendly guy.
Another Mickey and I. This is the blur looking Mickey. She always looks sleepy but she's not; she's just sepet xD HAHAHA!

Mi Ling and I.
And now my dorm mates! I missed a few but, here they are, most of them =):
L3: My Dorm.
Quairul and I. Quairul is also my Ketua Platoon and Ketua Bilik.
Campbell and I.
Den and I.

Awangku and I. Love this guy. Very funny. He calls me all types of names. Dam fool... HAHA!
Izume aka. EE and I.
EE, Max and I.
Max and I.
Ivan and I.

Murali Dass and I.
Mohd. Indra aka. Bob aka. Jelly and I.
Some guy called Ah Beh (forgot his name) and I.
Izhar and I.
Alif and I.
Saiful and I.
Shukri and I.

Iezad and I.
My locker place and my dorm.
Now some pictures in Kuching International Airport:
Shaun and I =).
Martin and Shaun.
Evonne and I.

Suk Kee and I.
It has been a wonderful journey with all my friends from NS. Hope to meet you people again. We Are One Tonight. God bless my friends and the teachers from camp. Thank God, thank you Lord! Amen.
Will be getting more pictures from other people. There are more pictures from other people taken on the 4th of May.
And oh yeah, I'm going back to school xD. Hahaha!
1 comment:
After 8 years, I am here to comment. You are amazing Jon, hope to see you soon.
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