Sunday, December 30, 2007

INTI College

I visited INTI and Taylors College earlier yesterday. I found the program I wanna do. Not A Levels, not SAM, but American Degree transfer Program (AUP) in INTI. Wheee! I'm going for the May intake. So yeah, I still need to go for my National Service. BUT; I can get an early release form/letter. Wheee! Thank God! INTI College is soooo much cheaper than Taylors College. Compared yesterday. Dad's face was like, literally glowing when he saw the price of the programs in INTI College. Haha! He was like, WOW. Didn't realised that it'll be that reasonable. So, high chance, AUP in INTI. It's a 2+2 years program; 2 years in Malaysia, 2 years in America. I found out that University of Hawaii is offering Marine Biology so yeah, most probably I'll go there. And that university offers scholarship if I do well in Malaysia. Wheeee!!! Haha! Mum is complaining that why must I wait so long till I can start school.... Why I must go for NS... Cannot defer? I'm like, the law says they can call me back from 18 years old till 35 years old, in that period of time. I don't wanna be called back after I'm graduated, dammit! Haha!

And oh yeah. The day before yesterday, I started editing the GY Camp 2007 Aftershock video around 10PM at night. I finished the video around 5AM yesterday (yes, I stayed up that late). To me, I'm quite happy about the video. Thank God for His strength. I hope that all of you will like it when they screen it (not sure when). Glory to God. I received a call from Hwai Tah and Sister Kim before my trip to Hong Kong, telling me to get a video done so that they can show yesterday. That's why I stayed up so late to get the video done. But guess what? I woke up at 9AM yesterday and text messaged Sister Kim to ask whether they're gonna screen the video or not during main service and she says no. Dam! I was like, what the crap?! Shucks, that really burns me. The reason is that Hwai Tah didn't tell the administrators about screening the video. Argh! I don't blame anyone but, can't anyone contact me that they're not gonna screen the video? Sheesh!

I'm uploading my Hong Kong trip pictures on an online album. Faster.

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