Tuesday, November 27, 2007


I think I'm enjoying all this free time too much. I still have Bible Knowledge next Monday but I'm enjoying like I've not more paper to sit for. Haha! Dam, I hate myself.

I finally went jogging just now. Muahah! Was planning to go in the morning but it rained. So need to jog in the evening. Going to go jogging later again. Muahaha! Oh yeah, I reduced my intake of food edi =P. Haha!

sadly saying you have a girlfriend or even being married does not mean you are not gay. i know of men who have married despite being gay and others who swing both ways. (this does though strike me as being horribly dishonest). there is that social pressure, particularly in a traditional society as here in malaysia. actually we could do with a few more positive gay role models!

Found that from some nuffnang thingy. What the heck? Positive gay role models? You're not even suppose to be gay in the first place. Sheesh.

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