Monday, November 5, 2007


Briefing? More like a waste of time. Went to school yesterday thinking that this briefing this is oh-so-important. Turns out to be normal stuff that your friends can pass the information to you. Sheesh. It was a waste of time going to school yesterday. The best part was when the counselor said we can go home early and the Student Affairs teacher didn't allow us to go home early. She waited at the front gate wei! So many people left school edi then left my turn only she come kacau. SHEEESSSSSHHHH! Haha! In the end I called my dad and I asked him to spoke to her to let me out early (my uncle was waiting at the fish shop for me for 30 minutes!) Anyways, took a few pictures and I got one scene on the video camera. That's all.

Finished my History. Just need to revise now. Now I need to finish my BM, English and Moral. Then I'm done. Just need to revise everything.

Can't wait for SPM to finish. Wanna feel how's it like to be so bored sitting at home doing nothing. Nyek Nyek Nyek.

I'm not in the GY News Crew this year. Crap. No drums, no news crew. Shucks. How can they not pick me to be part of the crew?! Sheeesh. All down the drain boy. Well, lest I'm singing in camp xD. Need to work on that >.< Hahaha!

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