Saturday, November 3, 2007


Yesterday was one of the worst day of my life. Cramping 4 tuitions without good rest. Crap people! Mr. Jason's seminar started at 9:00AM yesterday. The plan was to go for Physics seminar, and then straight to Sunita's class. But Lubo just had to change the plan last minute. So I stayed for Mr. Jason's Chemistry seminar till up to 1:30PM. Then, 30 minutes later, I went for Sunita's class. In that 30 minutes break, Lubo and I decided to have our lunch in Modern. Not only didn't the food come in that time frame, I was needed to freaking endure them freaking teenagers smoking. Seriously, don't they have anything better to do then to smoke? I really feel like taking a baseball bat and just swinging at their heads, maybe whack them till they go under coma or something. Well, I think I was that angry because my lunch didn't come at all. Stupid slow service. HMPH. Haha! Then Sunita's class was freaking boring. I was half dead, you can ask Janusha how stoned I was. I was speaking random stuff to her.

After that, I had an hour break. Thank God for my dad who came to fetch me home from tuition. Then after that one hour break, I went to Prasad's class. A bit lively there but my head needed a rest. Reached home at about 8:15PM. Then had dinner. Studied for an hour only, then I decided to have a "nap". I set my alarm and crap, I woke up at one hour later than my set time. Crap. I checked my alarm time and I typed in the wrong time. Stupid me. Ish! So I decided to sleep again and woke up at 4:00AM just now. Finished one chapter of History. Then back to bed. And woke up at 8:30AM.

See what happens when tuition teachers can't get stuff done? They destroy your study time. I can't go through the answers and questions History book because of this crap.

Well, thank God though for the uber awesome seminar. The Physics seminar was awesome. The Chemistry was a bit boring though. Gonna go study History now. Byes! - The pool league I was talking about. Join =).

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