I just can't focus on Bible Knowledge. I just don't know why! Sheeesssshhhhh!!! I'm feeling so sleepy despite having a long nap. Dam I suck.
I won a 2vs2 partner tournament (Yahoo! Pool) this afternoon. I partnered up with Char (an Admin of the league) and we won. Muahahahah! I won 120 Ladder Buxx and I got 1500 Ladder Buxx donation from the Tournament Director (who happens to be the Head Admin of the league)! Woohoo! Glory to God (Yeap, I give glory to God in everything, sue me)!
I don't know why I can't job. Every time I finish jogging one round, my leg starts to hurt. Sheesh! Fatty Jon.
Need to start editing videos again. I'm worried that I'll lose my touch when I'm in camp. Hyon-Le's not coming to camp this year and Kenneth doesn't wanna come to sign up for camp so, I'm all alone. Sigh. God help me.
Friday, November 30, 2007
Thursday, November 29, 2007
Wednesday, November 28, 2007
Video Blogging - On Hold
I've decided to delay my "premier" because of the Bible Knowledge paper. I'm afraid that I'll spend more time on videos than on my books. Haha!
Went out last night with my parents to celebrate their Wedding Anniversary. I paid for the dinner. Muahahahhaa! God bless my parents.
Woke up this morning and went for a walk. Supposed to job but my left leg still hurts. Came back feeling uber sleepy. Shiat. Haha! So I took a nap and woke up and studied. Gonna go and study now though.
I lost in the Battle of the Sexes tournament just now in a league I recently join. The Countryfide league is dying. Sheesh.
Went out last night with my parents to celebrate their Wedding Anniversary. I paid for the dinner. Muahahahhaa! God bless my parents.
Woke up this morning and went for a walk. Supposed to job but my left leg still hurts. Came back feeling uber sleepy. Shiat. Haha! So I took a nap and woke up and studied. Gonna go and study now though.
I lost in the Battle of the Sexes tournament just now in a league I recently join. The Countryfide league is dying. Sheesh.
Tuesday, November 27, 2007
Finally, JUSTICE!
Female students, watch out!
I disagree with the part that NGOs and the PIBGs should be involve handling disciplinary matters. That'll make the school teachers even more difficult to do their jobs. Some parents sissy-fy their children. Sheesh. Instead, the NGOs and PIBGs should be involve handling disciplinary matters relating to TEACHERS. Woohoo! That'll be fun. I would like to see some lazy bums getting what they deserve. Not only that. I hear a lot of stories on irresponsible teachers whacking the students non-stop. Why don't the government do something about that? Some schools even let PROVEN drug addicts to work. Sheesh.
Speaking about teachers, I would like to thank God for all my teachers from Form 1-3; Pn. Suraya (the best English teacher in my schooling life), Cik Marina (dedicated), Cik Sakinah (for making History a little bit fun), Pn. Chong (for being a good teacher), Pn. Sithira (for being a nice teacher) and other teachers for being not that outstanding but helping me a LITTLE bit in my studies. God bless them all.
Female students, watch out!
I disagree with the part that NGOs and the PIBGs should be involve handling disciplinary matters. That'll make the school teachers even more difficult to do their jobs. Some parents sissy-fy their children. Sheesh. Instead, the NGOs and PIBGs should be involve handling disciplinary matters relating to TEACHERS. Woohoo! That'll be fun. I would like to see some lazy bums getting what they deserve. Not only that. I hear a lot of stories on irresponsible teachers whacking the students non-stop. Why don't the government do something about that? Some schools even let PROVEN drug addicts to work. Sheesh.
Speaking about teachers, I would like to thank God for all my teachers from Form 1-3; Pn. Suraya (the best English teacher in my schooling life), Cik Marina (dedicated), Cik Sakinah (for making History a little bit fun), Pn. Chong (for being a good teacher), Pn. Sithira (for being a nice teacher) and other teachers for being not that outstanding but helping me a LITTLE bit in my studies. God bless them all.
The Boy's Dumb? Hahaha!
Story of the Year
HAHAHAHAHAHHA!!!!!! Dam...... What the heckkkkkkk......... Too much Porno in the teacher's life? Or the boy is just being a dick? Haha!
HAHAHAHAHAHHA!!!!!! Dam...... What the heckkkkkkk......... Too much Porno in the teacher's life? Or the boy is just being a dick? Haha!
Do You Know What Really Grinds My Gears?
All them Malaysians who are so PASSIVE about our country. Come on, leave the first Angkasawan out from your paranoia about Malaysia. Stop calling him an Astro-nut. I bet their just jealous because they didn't get the chance to go up to space. And so what he's just a "passenger" on the craft? HE STILL WENT UP TO SPACE YOU DORKINZOIDS! If you wanna be paranoid about the government, then be paranoid about the government. Don't drag other people in. You have a problem with the raise in prices of goods, you be paranoid about the government, not bringing in someone else. Sheesh. How low can this "writers" get? Just because people read your "article" it doesn't give you a freaking right to be rude to others. Idiots.
Read THIS first.
And then THIS.
First article: All I can do is, LAUGH! Haha! How can they make mistakes like that in SPM?! It's a PUBLIC examination. Okay, mistakes are bound to happen I know. But at least have them corrections. Sheeesh. And what? Marks will be "adjusted". Hahaha!
HAHAHAHAH! Possible Errors!!! HAHAHAHAHA! There REAL and PROVEN errors on the paper. Sheesh.
Second Article: I just don't get it what's happening to the Indian Community in Malaysia. Seriously, if you wanna demonstrate, do it peacefully. Not getting your REMPIT crew to cruise along the freaking highway. Come on. And please think rationally for once. How the heck are you gonna sue the British for something that happened 100+ years ago? Dam. And please, for once, follow the rules and STOP BREAKING THE FREAKING LAW. Even Mahatma Gandhi didn't stage a violent demonstration. Imagine, if they really won the case, I bet most of the Indians will be lazy. Seriously, I'm an Indian and I'm really sad seeing all of them loafers, most of them, are Indians. You guys have brains, so USE IT.
Sorry, I'm just paranoid and am in Love.
And then THIS.
First article: All I can do is, LAUGH! Haha! How can they make mistakes like that in SPM?! It's a PUBLIC examination. Okay, mistakes are bound to happen I know. But at least have them corrections. Sheeesh. And what? Marks will be "adjusted". Hahaha!
He had also said last week that the MES would adjust students' marks in the Chemistry 1 paper due to the possible errors.
HAHAHAHAH! Possible Errors!!! HAHAHAHAHA! There REAL and PROVEN errors on the paper. Sheesh.
Second Article: I just don't get it what's happening to the Indian Community in Malaysia. Seriously, if you wanna demonstrate, do it peacefully. Not getting your REMPIT crew to cruise along the freaking highway. Come on. And please think rationally for once. How the heck are you gonna sue the British for something that happened 100+ years ago? Dam. And please, for once, follow the rules and STOP BREAKING THE FREAKING LAW. Even Mahatma Gandhi didn't stage a violent demonstration. Imagine, if they really won the case, I bet most of the Indians will be lazy. Seriously, I'm an Indian and I'm really sad seeing all of them loafers, most of them, are Indians. You guys have brains, so USE IT.
Sorry, I'm just paranoid and am in Love.
I think I'm enjoying all this free time too much. I still have Bible Knowledge next Monday but I'm enjoying like I've not more paper to sit for. Haha! Dam, I hate myself.
I finally went jogging just now. Muahah! Was planning to go in the morning but it rained. So need to jog in the evening. Going to go jogging later again. Muahaha! Oh yeah, I reduced my intake of food edi =P. Haha!
Found that from some nuffnang thingy. What the heck? Positive gay role models? You're not even suppose to be gay in the first place. Sheesh.
I finally went jogging just now. Muahah! Was planning to go in the morning but it rained. So need to jog in the evening. Going to go jogging later again. Muahaha! Oh yeah, I reduced my intake of food edi =P. Haha!
sadly saying you have a girlfriend or even being married does not mean you are not gay. i know of men who have married despite being gay and others who swing both ways. (this does though strike me as being horribly dishonest). there is that social pressure, particularly in a traditional society as here in malaysia. actually we could do with a few more positive gay role models!
Found that from some nuffnang thingy. What the heck? Positive gay role models? You're not even suppose to be gay in the first place. Sheesh.
Sunday, November 25, 2007
Done? Not Yet.
I was soooooooo excitedddddddd just nowwwwww when I was sittingggggg for my Biology Paper 3. Haha! The "last" paper was kinda alright. I don't find it difficult or easy. Just nice. 10 minutes before times up I was already hitting the desk... Haha! The invigilator turned and looked at me for like, 5 times! Haha! Some of my friends are done with SPM already. Some still have Accounts and Chinese Language paper. Well, I still have Bible Knowledge paper, NEXT WEEK. Thank GOD =).
Thank GOD for His help in all my papers. I know that He has guided me and all glory goes to Him. I've done my best and now it's all up to God. Wheeeeee!!!!!
PS: Episode #1 Video Blogging tonight!
Thank GOD for His help in all my papers. I know that He has guided me and all glory goes to Him. I've done my best and now it's all up to God. Wheeeeee!!!!!
PS: Episode #1 Video Blogging tonight!
Saturday, November 24, 2007
I Lost.
Friday, November 23, 2007
I've two more subjects left (cumulative 4 more papers); Biology (1,2,3) and Bible Knowledge. Argh. I'm so lazy now. Reluctant to study. Sheesh!
Friday, November 16, 2007
Is anybody experiencing bad internet connection or is it me? Or is it just them freaking advertisement banners on Yahoo! ? Sheesh! Why can't Yahoo! keep being simple? They have this new antispam system in the Yahoo! Games rooms but still, there are bots spamming around. Sheesh. Not only that, the advertisements lag EVERYBODY's computer. Sheesh! And because of that, I only hosted two tournaments in TWO HOURS! ISH! Haha!
Sorry, Yahoo! Pool fever. Haha! Visit http://www.myleague.com/countryfide . It's the new league I'm in and we are in need of new members. If I can get at least four of you readers (if any) to join, we can host tournaments at night our time instead of getting up early in the morning just to play tournaments follow the USA time. So JOIN! Please!
Kids Next Door is an awesome cartoon. Very creative and innovative ideas. Which kid would ever think up of using 4 by 4 plank wood to create inventions. Haha! KND rocks! \m/
I wish to be a Kids Next Door operative - Number 99; Sector Z.
Sorry, Yahoo! Pool fever. Haha! Visit http://www.myleague.com/countryfide . It's the new league I'm in and we are in need of new members. If I can get at least four of you readers (if any) to join, we can host tournaments at night our time instead of getting up early in the morning just to play tournaments follow the USA time. So JOIN! Please!
Kids Next Door is an awesome cartoon. Very creative and innovative ideas. Which kid would ever think up of using 4 by 4 plank wood to create inventions. Haha! KND rocks! \m/
I wish to be a Kids Next Door operative - Number 99; Sector Z.
Wednesday, November 14, 2007
Sunday, November 11, 2007
Saturday, November 10, 2007
PMS! PMS! PMS! Haha! I still have the playing spirit. Sheesshhh. Where did the serious spirit go?! COME BACK!
Wednesday, November 7, 2007
Happy Deepavalli....
.... Smelly Indians! Opppsss.. Haha! Chill. Was only joking. It'll be dam stupid to be a racist since I'm a mix. Anyways, just came back from Guna's house. Told you, it was one of the best parties I've ever been too. I think it's because I'm not gonna be with this bunch of friends after SPM as often as now, that's why I enjoyed this party. We fooled around as usual. It was awesome.
Left my house at about 8:15PM. Reached around 8:30PM. Thanks to some mad Chinese friends of mine who were fooling around OUTSIDE Guna's house, because of them I found the house oh so easily =). Hahah! The food was awesome, the crowd was awesome and Guna's band was awesome. Will post their videos up on YouTube when I have time.
In the middle of the band performance, Guna's sister's friends left. Come on, it's after PMR and they left before us SPM students. Hahah! Losers >.< We played some firecrackers I got from my grandpa's house. It was kinda dull till Andrew did something stupid. Will post the video up on YouTube. He's a bad "ejaculater" =P.
Really enjoyed tonight. To post a full account of tonight will take me a long time. Just wanna thank Guna for tonight's awesome party. And to Andrew Lee, Chu Boon Kiat, Bruce Lee Zhi Yuan, Tan Fang Yi, Hamdan, Lee Jian Jie, Nicholas Ng, Yong Keat Yong, Tan Boon Hau aka Ah Boon, Kaviraj aka Caveman, Bernie Tan Kian Tiong, Teh Lay Kuan, Jacklyn aka Captain Jack Sparrow, Shirlyn Yap, Tiong Chiong Jee, Teoh Cherylyn, Gunarajah aka Abang and so others who I've missed out (sorry), it was worth it spending time with you people. God bless! Thank God for friends. I take back my "I don't need friends" phrase and feelings. You guys are great. God bless in SPM and years to come.

Will rip from other people's blog tomorrow. Videos might not be up till SPM's done. Not sure. Haha. God bless.
Thank God for the awesome friends I have. God, bless them.
Left my house at about 8:15PM. Reached around 8:30PM. Thanks to some mad Chinese friends of mine who were fooling around OUTSIDE Guna's house, because of them I found the house oh so easily =). Hahah! The food was awesome, the crowd was awesome and Guna's band was awesome. Will post their videos up on YouTube when I have time.
In the middle of the band performance, Guna's sister's friends left. Come on, it's after PMR and they left before us SPM students. Hahah! Losers >.< We played some firecrackers I got from my grandpa's house. It was kinda dull till Andrew did something stupid. Will post the video up on YouTube. He's a bad "ejaculater" =P.
Really enjoyed tonight. To post a full account of tonight will take me a long time. Just wanna thank Guna for tonight's awesome party. And to Andrew Lee, Chu Boon Kiat, Bruce Lee Zhi Yuan, Tan Fang Yi, Hamdan, Lee Jian Jie, Nicholas Ng, Yong Keat Yong, Tan Boon Hau aka Ah Boon, Kaviraj aka Caveman, Bernie Tan Kian Tiong, Teh Lay Kuan, Jacklyn aka Captain Jack Sparrow, Shirlyn Yap, Tiong Chiong Jee, Teoh Cherylyn, Gunarajah aka Abang and so others who I've missed out (sorry), it was worth it spending time with you people. God bless! Thank God for friends. I take back my "I don't need friends" phrase and feelings. You guys are great. God bless in SPM and years to come.
Will rip from other people's blog tomorrow. Videos might not be up till SPM's done. Not sure. Haha. God bless.
Thank God for the awesome friends I have. God, bless them.
Tuesday, November 6, 2007
Party Of the Year!
I don't go out much for parties. I think this year I only went for Steffi's farewell party and maybe few others this year. Well, I'm gonna add Guna's Pre-Deepavali celebration party tonight to the list. And I bet it's gonna be a bomb! Sorry if I do not how to rate a party. There's gonna be LOADS of food (come on, Indians....), I'm bringing my firecrackers and my cymbals are in Guna's house for some performances. Haha! Be back with pictures and videos.
SPM's next week. =(
SPM's next week. =(
Jon Has No Balls.....
Sigh... Today is kinda like the last normal-not-so-tensed Add Maths tuition. I had this one in a life time chance to go up and speak to this girl but crap, no balls =(. The adrenalin was pumping so hard till I don't even dare to go up to her and say hi. Sigh. I'm bound to be single. Hahaa!
PS: Nope, I don't like her.
PS: Nope, I don't like her.
Monday, November 5, 2007
Briefing? More like a waste of time. Went to school yesterday thinking that this briefing this is oh-so-important. Turns out to be normal stuff that your friends can pass the information to you. Sheesh. It was a waste of time going to school yesterday. The best part was when the counselor said we can go home early and the Student Affairs teacher didn't allow us to go home early. She waited at the front gate wei! So many people left school edi then left my turn only she come kacau. SHEEESSSSSHHHH! Haha! In the end I called my dad and I asked him to spoke to her to let me out early (my uncle was waiting at the fish shop for me for 30 minutes!) Anyways, took a few pictures and I got one scene on the video camera. That's all.
Finished my History. Just need to revise now. Now I need to finish my BM, English and Moral. Then I'm done. Just need to revise everything.
Can't wait for SPM to finish. Wanna feel how's it like to be so bored sitting at home doing nothing. Nyek Nyek Nyek.
I'm not in the GY News Crew this year. Crap. No drums, no news crew. Shucks. How can they not pick me to be part of the crew?! Sheeesh. All down the drain boy. Well, lest I'm singing in camp xD. Need to work on that >.< Hahaha!
Finished my History. Just need to revise now. Now I need to finish my BM, English and Moral. Then I'm done. Just need to revise everything.
Can't wait for SPM to finish. Wanna feel how's it like to be so bored sitting at home doing nothing. Nyek Nyek Nyek.
I'm not in the GY News Crew this year. Crap. No drums, no news crew. Shucks. How can they not pick me to be part of the crew?! Sheeesh. All down the drain boy. Well, lest I'm singing in camp xD. Need to work on that >.< Hahaha!
KKCF Rally
Sunday, November 4, 2007
Bullet For My Valentine \m/
I blame you Emmanuel! He reminded me of this band I heard of like a year ago. Didn't check them out till just now when Emmanuel indirectly reminded me about them. I didn't try them because I thought it was just a normal punk rock band or maybe a band like My Chemical Romance (they're posers, not emo). But I was wrong. They're metal =P. Muahahha! So far the songs I heard by them is not bad at all. Ish! Emmanuel! Hahaha!
Finished four chapters of History today. Two more to go. Need to go burn oil again. Ish! Haha! No time for nap tomorrow. Gonna go for Mr. Jason's first class then going for Sunita's class. Crap. Haha! Hate them extra classes.
Finished four chapters of History today. Two more to go. Need to go burn oil again. Ish! Haha! No time for nap tomorrow. Gonna go for Mr. Jason's first class then going for Sunita's class. Crap. Haha! Hate them extra classes.
Saturday, November 3, 2007
Yesterday was one of the worst day of my life. Cramping 4 tuitions without good rest. Crap people! Mr. Jason's seminar started at 9:00AM yesterday. The plan was to go for Physics seminar, and then straight to Sunita's class. But Lubo just had to change the plan last minute. So I stayed for Mr. Jason's Chemistry seminar till up to 1:30PM. Then, 30 minutes later, I went for Sunita's class. In that 30 minutes break, Lubo and I decided to have our lunch in Modern. Not only didn't the food come in that time frame, I was needed to freaking endure them freaking teenagers smoking. Seriously, don't they have anything better to do then to smoke? I really feel like taking a baseball bat and just swinging at their heads, maybe whack them till they go under coma or something. Well, I think I was that angry because my lunch didn't come at all. Stupid slow service. HMPH. Haha! Then Sunita's class was freaking boring. I was half dead, you can ask Janusha how stoned I was. I was speaking random stuff to her.
After that, I had an hour break. Thank God for my dad who came to fetch me home from tuition. Then after that one hour break, I went to Prasad's class. A bit lively there but my head needed a rest. Reached home at about 8:15PM. Then had dinner. Studied for an hour only, then I decided to have a "nap". I set my alarm and crap, I woke up at one hour later than my set time. Crap. I checked my alarm time and I typed in the wrong time. Stupid me. Ish! So I decided to sleep again and woke up at 4:00AM just now. Finished one chapter of History. Then back to bed. And woke up at 8:30AM.
See what happens when tuition teachers can't get stuff done? They destroy your study time. I can't go through the answers and questions History book because of this crap.
Well, thank God though for the uber awesome seminar. The Physics seminar was awesome. The Chemistry was a bit boring though. Gonna go study History now. Byes!
http://www.myleague.com/countryfide - The pool league I was talking about. Join =).
After that, I had an hour break. Thank God for my dad who came to fetch me home from tuition. Then after that one hour break, I went to Prasad's class. A bit lively there but my head needed a rest. Reached home at about 8:15PM. Then had dinner. Studied for an hour only, then I decided to have a "nap". I set my alarm and crap, I woke up at one hour later than my set time. Crap. I checked my alarm time and I typed in the wrong time. Stupid me. Ish! So I decided to sleep again and woke up at 4:00AM just now. Finished one chapter of History. Then back to bed. And woke up at 8:30AM.
See what happens when tuition teachers can't get stuff done? They destroy your study time. I can't go through the answers and questions History book because of this crap.
Well, thank God though for the uber awesome seminar. The Physics seminar was awesome. The Chemistry was a bit boring though. Gonna go study History now. Byes!
http://www.myleague.com/countryfide - The pool league I was talking about. Join =).
Friday, November 2, 2007
Click HERE.
Ninjai is kinda like a cartoon series, a violent and kinda funny cartoon series. Go watch it. Nice animation.
Went to tuition yesterday morning. It ended 15 minutes early. Then I went for my CF's last meeting. It was kinda like a committee meeting xD. Haha! Only 3 non-committee members attended CF today. Crap.
Gonna finish revising my Biology syllabus before I sleep later. And if I'm not tired yet, I'll finish Chemistry homework. 4 essays. Mad. Haha!
Close My Eyes, The Sun Still Sleeps.
Ninjai is kinda like a cartoon series, a violent and kinda funny cartoon series. Go watch it. Nice animation.
Went to tuition yesterday morning. It ended 15 minutes early. Then I went for my CF's last meeting. It was kinda like a committee meeting xD. Haha! Only 3 non-committee members attended CF today. Crap.
Gonna finish revising my Biology syllabus before I sleep later. And if I'm not tired yet, I'll finish Chemistry homework. 4 essays. Mad. Haha!
Close My Eyes, The Sun Still Sleeps.
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