FlyFM has this campur charts or something like. It's something like the Rickdees Hits Top 40 kinda thing but it's for local music only. So yeah, help support Ask Me Again by just sending and email to vote@campurchart.com with the subject titled "Ask Me Again". Not sure if you need to write anything in it or not, but please just send an email everyday (remember, one mail per day, no spammage).
Okay okay, it's unfair asking you to vote for them without listening to them first. So, visit their YouTube Channel HERE, listen to some of their songs, and then decide whether you wanna vote or not. OR, you can just be generous and throw in a vote, they'll appreciate it.
EDIT: Oh yeah, you can check them LIVE this coming Thursday (tomorrow, 6th of March 2008) at Laundry Bar, The Curve from 10PM ownwards. They'll be playing alongside Estrella and Seven Collar T-Shirt (the lead vocals has bad teeth xD). So yeah, go catch them if you're free.
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